
North Rhine-Westphalia: Neben Job or Pflege: More Teilzeitstudierende in NRW

North Rhine-Westphalia: Neben Job or Pflege: More Teilzeitstudierende in NRW

North Rhine-Westphalia
Neben Job or Pflege: More Teilzeitstudierende in NRW

Job, Kinderziehung or the Pflege von Angehörigen: everything Gründe, um in Teilzeit zu studyren. The Zahl der Affected, die in Nordrhein-Westfalen, so eingeschrieben, is increasing.

Gütersloh (dpa/lnw) – Gegen de Bundestrend gab es im Wintersemester 2023/2024 mehr Studied in Nordrhein-Westfalen, die neben dem Job, der Pflege von Angehörigen or der Kinderbetreuung nor an einer Hochschule or der Universität eingeschrieben. I read the quote at the time in question about one of the centers for the college wicklung (CHE) of 13.0 out of 13.5 prozent. That was pretty much 96,700 female students and students. The Bundesweit was 7.6 Prozent. NRW is located in the Vergleich der Bundesländer behind Hamburg at Platz 2. The Fernuni Hagen alone provides almost half of all technical studies in NRW.

Appropriate for this quote is a matter of studying with the time of day 467. In the Winter Semester 2024/2025, the Quote of the Angebote was 10.2 percent, but it was still 8.6 percent. Allerdings invests NRW damit nur Platz 14 im Ländervergleich. The Bundessnitt for study boats, which in Germany could also be studied at a later time, is 19.9 percent.

The high costs of the Teilzeitangeboten are in NRW in the area of ​​economics and legal sciences (19.5 percent). A university of applied sciences for a long history of science and economics is a time commitment with 18.1 Prozent deutlich higher than the university (5.5).

Das CHE is a gem of the Bertelsmann Foundation and the University Rektorenkonferenz.