
Nachhaltigkeitsberichte von Schweizer Konzernen in der Kritik – TOP ONLINE

Nachhaltigkeitsberichte von Schweizer Konzernen in der Kritik – TOP ONLINE

For an analysis of the foundation’s ethos, the message from 140 foreign Schweizer entrepreneurs is taken, the best immune firsts are a resolved message to be set. Gemäss dem am Donnerstag veröffentlicht Message that is now half of this message, after an international anerkannten Standard (GRI, SASB or ESRS) erstellt.

46 of the Unternehmen orient themselves on one of these standards, setzten ihn aber nur teilweise um. And 19 Unternehmen erwähnten in ihren Posten no Regelwerk at all.

Laut Ethos is the Einhaltung one of the anerkannten Standards for the Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung a wesentliches Qualitätsmerkmal, that is the Vergleichbarkeit Swiss the Unternehmen ermöglicht. Criticism of the selection of messages during a revision company.

Lückenhafte CO2-Angaben

See how the Stiftung works on CO2 emissions. So publish nur 44 Prozent der untersuchten Unternehmen Angaben zu de Treibhausgasemissionen in der Lieferkette. Nur 15 Prozent der Unternehmen reports on the CO2 emissions that occur during the use of products or services.

Schliesslich is the personal data that is not available. So it becomes clear that they are both dependent on the fluctuation rate, and now that four people are able to act freely. The high quotes from GAM Holding (18%) and Dätwyler (19%) add up. The new rates have reached Roche (4.6%) and Skan (4.8%).

Nur consultative Abstimmung

The affected persons are obliged to take action regarding their follow-up information. 40 attempts have been made to draw an overall conclusion from a consultative study. This is the ethos that has become clear and is no longer a matter of good corporate governance.

The Bundesrat will highlight the message statistics about all private and private companies with a large amount of knowledge and a validity of the messages during an external revision institution. The Foundation understands this change.

If you want to do this, a message can be noticed on the post. Once the view is displayed, a dialog with the most active action can be performed.