
The.mem präsentiert first Ergebnisse of young Übernahmen • news • onvista

IRW PRESS: Dr. Reuter Investor Relations: De.mem präsentiert first Ergebnisse of young Übernahmen

Border Pumpwork and Auswater are a proprietary Monaten of De.mem, the international providers of these water treatment systems and membrane technology. Company chief Andreas Kröll and his team have recently put together a number of companies and followed them in the company’s own integrity. Now they can see a first Bilanz for the young children.

If the costs are realized, people in the Vorfeld will communicate more and more with each other. Now the dispossessed Vorteile can die, the two young defectors from Border Pumpworks and Auswater can einbring, first with fakten untermauern: Only in July and August the Wachstum der Bareinnahmen remained on 15 Prozent. Konkret received the sister of a sister company of 500,000 AUD in the months of July and August 2024. For the money that the dispossessed with the bills, the previous response is still a curious überschreiten expensive.

From 2019 onwards, the jewels of the Unternehmen who have abgeschlossen their Acquisitionen inheritance, have been the jewels of the Umsatzsteigerungen führte. The duration of the investigation into the acquisition of a company after the acquisition (both young acquisitions have not yet been completed) is 63 Prozent.

I think that one of the individual players in the market is not even a strong fragmented market in Australia and that the rundusolutions can provide a major industrial development, the smaller world was so often not more attractive. You can benefit from de.mem as a One-Stop-Shop, which can offer various products and products by hand.

When I now had control over the competition, CEO Andreas Kröll was praised by the hand: when he became smaller, the offer became larger, capital and technical know-how and teilweise a proprietary technology, erklärt there. Here it is worth finding an attractive location, the strategy of integrating strong acquisitions, erklärt Kröll.

If so, it’s worth finding more attractive companies. A possible financial financing can have a greater share in the development of Darlehen. Because it is so good that the economy is expanded with Hilfe von Fremdkapitalfinancierungen from schultern, erklärt Kröll. In February I have a Kapitalerhöhung at the height of 2.2 Mio. There is no need for AUD and no need to leave the house.

Rückblick on the past historical background

With the Unternehmen Capic aus Westaustralien übernahm De.mem in Year 2021 an offerer for Special Chemical Products. The Vorteile des Unternehmens were not yet in the high margins for De.mem. De.mem konnte durch de Zukauf von Capic seinen Geschäftsbetrieb in de segment van de Spezial Chemie ausdehnen, das mit longjährigen Geschäftsbeziehungen seither for wiederkehrende and stable Umsätze care. Make sure you have the opportunity to create synergies through cross-selling. The war of the Capite war was one of the main reasons for a verschiedener Hinsicht, so Kröll. If you want to use a straightforward bone spectrum on the non-chemical chemicals, you can use others’ data to do this. Finanziell hat wesentlich zum Umsatzwachstum ourseres together in the last three years beige, so that in these days the Zeitraum the Umsatz of Capic can quickly be lost.

Im Jahr 2019 gab es een weiteren Zukauf – diesmal in Deutschland. In this Fall integrated De.mem das Unternehmen Geutec, zunächst durch den Erwerb eines Anteils in Höhe von 75 Prozent. The words 25 Prozent were then added in the Year 2022. With a central location in the Ruhr area, Geutec distributes innovative chemical products that provide solutions for Schmutzwasser filtration in Germany and Europe. For a war with the optimal platform, one of the ways in which the European market is engaged is the chef Andreas Kröll, who comes from Germany. The best knowledge of Geutec products on a good basis, a membrane paint on the German and European market.

The war became smaller by Pumptech, a Vertriebs- und Service-unit voor Pumpen und smaller Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen, in de 2019, de.mem de Zugang zumn Markt in Tasmania safe. There were other examples of cross-selling opportunities that brought cost synergies and delays.

Before both partners can integrate the Stevco company into their internal integration in 2022. The company, based in the Australian Federal State of Victoria, has waged a war with pumps and smaller water filter paints. Here you can distinguish the long term, the knowledge base and the cross-selling possibilities for de.mem.


Could it be that the content of the content is very interesting, no action or the.mem? Then you will be able to use it for free with the help of the material: Nebenwerte oder De.mem. Einfach by email to Eva Reuter: [email protected]


ISIN: AU000000DEM4


Country: Australian


Conflict of interest: There is an English-language IR and PR publication. If you enable conscription, the subdivision level is higher. Dr. Reuter Investor Relations covers the history and distribution of articles of interest to De.mem. It is a matter of a careful editorial approach. Aktien van De.mem can be found in the Besitz of Mitarbeitern or Autoren of Dr. Reuter Investor Relations – find an overview of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) rules.

Unternehmensrisks: Who jedem Unternehmen besthen risks are aimed at the Umsetzung of the Geschäftsmodells. It is not that the design model makes the plans a lot more difficult. More information about the risks on De.mem entnehmen’s IR website:

Investment Risks: Investments will now be made with half the time, which are free from exploration and not used for livelihood security. It is not certain that an article from the last century is worth using the zeitgeist. Grundsätzlich unterliegen Aktien under the risks of a total delight.

Disclaimer: All in this Newsletter / Article available Information for further research. It is now disused, the cars are seriously discontinued. Dennoch cannot use the information used. This information does not constitute a Verkaufsangebot for the discussed Action(s) nor an Aufforderung zum Kauf or Verkauf von Wertpaperen dar. The Ausführungen lie Quellen zgrunde, die der Herausgeber für trauenswürdig erachtet.

Questions: Insofar as the research and analysis of the social information and the external information website are relevant. As a rule, it is best to contact the Vorstand / IR Team of the analysis instruments bzw. vorgestellten Gesellschaft. The item used for selling items is a scope for the welding work.

Zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen

This Mitteilung enthält bestimmte zkunftsgerichtte Aussagen, einschließlich Aussagen über das Unternehmen. We are always more than happy to know what we are talking about: we can understand it, are able to do it, solve it, know it, understand it, plan it, look at it, look at it, look forward to it, look forward to it, look forward to it and look forward to it or “potenziell” or the Verneinung or other Variationen die Wörter or ähnliche Wörter or Phrasen used, een diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen zu identifizieren. These Aussagen reflect the gegenwärtigen Einschätzungen of the authors more broadly and based on information, the autor zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung dieses Berichten vorlagen.

Zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen is verheblichen Risiken, Ungewissheiten und Annahmen verbunden. Many factory settings can be implemented if the user experience, adjustments or adjustments are made due to the deviations from the adjustments, which are or have been implied in the current situation. These factory towers will probably be traced, and the reader will no longer find themselves in an uncomplicated situation on the Zukunftsoriented verlassen. If you start working on the authorization during the press conference at Annahmen, learning cannot be made easier, that the tatsächlichen are very good with those zukunftgericht Aussagen-übere-instimmen. Dr. Reuter Investor Relations is not yet obliged, these Aussagen are active or active, a new Ereignissen or Umstandden Rechnung over lagen, so that there is no question of a schrieben.

Verantwortlich & Kontakt für Rückfragen

Dr. Reuters Investor Relations

Dr. Eva Reuter

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60327 Frankfurt

+49 (0)69 1532 5857

Für Fragen bitte Nachricht an [email protected]


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