
Ukraine News: Sieben Tote nach russischem Raketenangriff im Gebiet Odessa

Ukraine News: Sieben Tote nach russischem Raketenangriff im Gebiet Odessa

10:54 Uhr | Sieben Tote nach Russian Raketenangriff in the Odessa area

If the Russian chain of infrastructure is used in the Odessa area, the capacity of the tots after surveillance is at its management. “We are happy for 46 years as a health worker in the hospital,” said Governor Oleh Kiper at Telegram mit. In the meantime, you will be able to enjoy your life until you die. It was a shame that people were lost.

Zum genauen Ort des Angriffskrachte Kiper keine Angaben. Zuvor hatten Beobachter von een ballistiek Rockete in Richtung des Hafens Tschornomorsk nahe Odessa geschrieben. In the örtlichen Gruppen in the social networks it is about Blutspenden. In the industrial industrial city of Krywyj Rih, it would be a Russian Drohnenangriff that man-made, as one of the most valuable Wohnhaus damage wurde.

09:45 | Russia soll Gleitbomben eingesetzt haben

In the southern city of Saporischja, the regime of the Russian Air Forces lost four people and damaged it for 29 hours tomorrow. Russia has deployed the Gleitbomben, including the Ukrainian police. While the city is in Ukraine, the Russian army has stopped the atomic work located there. Russia has the region where the Russian state territory is located, and it is possible that it lives in the south of England, the area is erobern.

09:06 Uhr | Balkan States agree to support Ukraine

The southern member states have confirmed their work for Ukraine. During a meeting with the Ukrainian president Wolodymyr Selensky, the state and regional government in Croatia adopted the “Erklärung von Dubrovnik”. Darin breaks through the “Ukrainian unabhängigkeit, sovereignty and territorial integrity” one. Darüber would extend into the Mittwoch for the EU-Beitritt of Ukraine.

The border of Ukraine-Southern Europe-Treffens is part of Croatia and Ukraine is a bilateral Unterstützungsbekundung. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said Selensky would like to be a humanitarian, military and military Hilfe, who received the most messages.

08:35 Uhr | Nach Drohnenangriff: Village in Südrussland evacuated

A village in the southern Russian Caucasus region of Adygeja is among those being evacuated by a dry land. Who is the regional administrator of the Kurznachrichtendienst Telegram, deals with Dorf Rodnikowy. The Angriff has hit the Vororten der Stadt Maykop. There has not been a single loss.

In the city located in the military airspace of Chanskaya. Ukraine’s hat in the fight against the attack in Russia is the logistics arm of the Russian invasions of Germany.

05:03 Uhr | Ukraine Zerstört Drohnenlager in southern Russia

The Ukrainian army has its own army in the southern Russian region of Krasnodar. In the violent battle, approximately 400 Iranian Iranian types Shahed were stationed, part of the Generalstab in Kiev mit. The Zerstörung des Lagers became the Fähigkeit der Russian Streitkräfte, Angriffe auf Ukrainian Stadt and Dörfer durchzuführen, deutlich einschränken, here’s more.

Russian Behörden bestätigten einen Brand in een Lagerhaus nahe der Ortschaft Oktjabrski. Etwa 800 Quadratmeter Fläche stunden in Flammen, das Gelände sei abgesperrt, erklärte der regional Operationsstab. Zur Brandursache or the mounted objects are no longer Russian.

00:40 Uhr | Pro-Russian activists have had an Einreiseverbot nach Deutschland for 20 years

Two pro-Russian Activists, Elena Kolbasnikowa and Max Schlund, who continued their property for 20 years after traveling in Germany. In a telegram stating Video confirmation Kolbasnikowa, the couple received a short letter from the Kölner Stadtverwaltung, in which the Einreise untersagt wurde. As Grund gets older, there is a problem for the German Security Guards. There are some who are starting to organize Russian protests against the Ukrainian Pro-Kreml demonstrations in Germany.

00:05 Uhr | Selenskyj on a diplomatic trip through Europe

Trotz der Absage van de Donnerstag-planten Deutschland-Besuchs von US President Joe Biden weigh de Hurrikans “Milton” comes from Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj nach Berlin. In London, Prime Minister Keir Starmer was expected to call on and discuss strategic issues with NATO General Manager Mark Rutte. When Selensky scored a hit with President Emmanuel Macron after Paris, there is a new military negotiating position.

Freitag is scheduled to meet with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin. Selenskyjs Reisen nach London, Paris und Berlin erolgen im Anschluss und de Verschiebung eines großen Ukraine-Solidaritätsgipfels in Ramstein.