
Wertpaper Profil Open End Turbo Long Options Schein from RENK Group (DZ BANK AG) WKN DJ9HH6 ISIN DE000DJ9HH62 Grafiek Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Wertpaper Profil Open End Turbo Long Options Schein from RENK Group (DZ BANK AG) WKN DJ9HH6 ISIN DE000DJ9HH62 Grafiek Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Frankfurt ( – Author: Marcus LandauProduct Manager at DZ BANK

The Krieg in the Ukraine, the Konflikt in Israel, which see the insecurity in the Roten Meer as one of the Krisenherdes, will probably be expanded with the Waffengewalt.

A better protection for our own Bevölkerung und Bundnispartner sicherzustellen, the international security measures increase massively. Nutznießer dieser Entwicklungen can use the RENK Group AG (ISIN DE000RENK730 / WKN RENK73).

Increasing Security Sausage

Internationale steigen die Verteidigungsausgaben. The US is provided with a defense budget of approximately Dh 916.9. USD for the year 2023 of the weltweit major Verteidigungsausgeber. A main character is a strategic readjustment, which is not undertaken in relations with Israel, China and Russia, but also the notorious technology, the new technology that integrates intelligent intelligence and cyber technology into military capabilities. The US Department of State has a concrete involvement in the modernization of the Streitkrafte and in the Weiterentwicklung of nuclear energy abolition. But even in Germany, these security measures were maintained. So when Deutschland saw NATO’s first criticism of investment in NATO countries in 2024, 2% of GDP in investment expenditure was a Defense Budget of 72 Billion. Euro entspricht. This erosion will be settled by the Russian fear in the Ukraine and the Bundeswehr is modernizing and besser on international beds. NATO’s internal space has become a stronghold for defense efforts. Für 2024 Wird Erwartet, Dass von Den 32 Nato-Staaten Insgesamt 23 Das Ziel Von 2% Erreichen Werden, Im Vergleich Zu Nur Three Staaten IM JAHR 2014. Dies ist ein Klares Klares BRütungtungtungtungtungunge Annungen . There are many good things being invested in the Asian countries of China and in modern waffen systems. The global uncertainties and the serious risks of conflict, especially in the Indo-Pazifik region and Eastern Europe, will shape this Entwicklung.

Specialist for Antriebstechnik in Profil

The RENK Group AG is a German German repairer of Getriebe, Fahrzeugantriebe, Powerpacks, hybrid Antriebe, Federungssysteme, Gleitlager, Kupplungen and Prüfsystemen. This would concern these solutions in the branches of military equipment, naval, maritime, manufacturing and plastic production that use oil and gas with the help of the Bereichen Wasserstoff, CCUS that produces industrial hot water pumps. Der Konzern is one of the most special brands active. Here the company has good leadership and a strong position, especially in the Region of Special Forces for Marine Operations (zB Schiffsmotors), Antriebsstränge für Panzer and Schiffsantriebe as well as industrial Antriebe. These non-noticeable beets RENK a stable nightlife. It is possible that the outside world is part of the martial system for military weapons with armored vehicles. The economics of government bonds, which are engaged in the Verteidigungsindustry, can make the RENK of geopolitical Entwicklungen profitable, but an erasure of the risks is that there is a schwankende Verteidigungsbudget. RENK continuously invests in Forschung and Entwicklung, a technology that is stopping the Spitze. The new energy and war technology for military and industrial applications begins in legal development. RENK has made an offer for the wind energy industry and other industrial activities, shifting the development of the market and reducing costs. Obendrein addressessiert der Konzern damitt de Trend der Energiewende.

Capital market tag could not fully recover

On September 10th, RENK has a capital market update, where management has developed new product solutions and end-to-end operations. Obendrein wurden de Zukunft sichten betrachtet, wonach der Konzern mittelfristig jährlich organic um 15% wait and damit auf über 2 Mrd. Euro an Umsatz kommen wolle. Make sure that your ambitions are highlighted in August with the presentation of Halbjahreszahlen during the award ceremony of the annual forecast for 2024. Demnach solle der Umsatz statt zwischen 1.0 Billion. bis 1.1 Mr. Euro for beef 1.1 billion. Euro lies and has an EBIT statistic of 160 million euros. to 190 million. Euro in the span of 175 million. to 190 million. Euro lie. After the Kapitalmarkt has taken negative action, Christian Schulz will collect an Aktien prize on September 12 for a price of 22.25 euros for a purchase amount of 251,380 euros. On September 13, Susanne Wiegand left with the purchase price of 22.99 euros for purchases of 253,508 euros. An insider price of 504,888 Euro is paid.

Major investors pass on the profits to Aktienverkäufe ab

Bereits im Mai hatte sich Großinvestor Triton op Kursen van 25.00 Euro is Aktie van Anteilen in Gesamtumfang van 250 Mio. Receive euros. On October 2, the price increased, the amount of Triton is now worth 18.3 million. RENK-Anteilsscheine zu Kursen from 21.00 Euro absgestoßen. The involvement of major investors is reduced from 61.852% to 33.52%. If the volume of sales increases a little at the new level of the company, the sale can now no longer be made, while the action goes on the positive fundamentals and the goal of the solid economy is achieved.

Trade idea: Endlos-Turbo Long Optionsschein on RENK Group AG

Please note that the positive company of the Unternehmens RENK Group AG has developed into an alternative to a direct investment with an Endlos-Turbo Long Options scheme from the DZ BANK on the Beiersdorf AG (basic) on a stock set (ISIN DE000DJ9HH62 / WKN DJ9HH6). With Endlos-Turbo Long Optionsscheinen you can work uber-proportionally and all on a so-called lying basis. Starting up the Hebelwirkung, an Endlos-Turbo Long Optionsschein responds to the smallest Kursbewegungen of the zugrunde lying Basiswerts. If the truth about lies is based on the growth of time, or if it is no longer possible to limit the risks, the only capital that has reached the highest height is. If you run on the base of a lying lie, one of the time points of the time will show an endlos-Turbo Long Options option in some way. Note knockout barriers (knockout honors), paint of the Endlos-Turbo long Optionsschein wertlos. The Knock-Out Barrier is over. Ansprüche aus dem zugrunde ligende Basiswert (zB Dividenden, Stimmrechte) stehen dem Anleger nicht zu. An Endlos-Turbo long Optionsschein hat is not festive. An application can be submitted for the most common terms (orderly lending) while the DZ BANK is being processed. There can be a long Endlos-Turbo option in a festgelegten Terminen (Einlösungstermine) einlösen.

A ganzlichen Verlust des single Capitals Erleidt de Anleger at an Endlos-Turbo long Optionsschein met Basiswert RENK Group AG-Aktie, when the Kurs of the Unternehmens RENK Group AG is a promising Zeitpunkt that notes the Haltedauer at or below the Knock-Out-Barrière. (Total verlustriskiko). Ein Totally delighted the single capital is auch possible, when the DZ BANK goes on sale aus dem Produkt aufgrund behördlicher Anordnungen or der einer Insolvenz (Zahlungsunfähigkeit / Überschuldung) not more inheritance possible.

A detailed description of the generated product description can be found in our glossar.

Status: 08.10.2024, DZ BANK AG / Online Editorial

Comments on Rechtliches, Prospekt and Basisinformationsblatt

Information about the basic information sheet
The DZ BANK basic information sheet is active on the DZ BANK website (under “Dokument”). Since the gold plated, the product for the private army is available for purchase.

Hinweis auf den Prospect
The best settings of the DZ BANK are the first basic prospects who spend a night and view the most suitable beds on the DZ BANK internet page and at DJ9HH6 ( dort unter ” Dokumente”) were abrogated. If you read the prospects before you make an investment, you can increase the risks and opportunities of the investment, in the commercial paper you invest, what you can do. The bill of the prospects of the sister Behörde is not as the financing of angebotenen or zum Handel and one of the market regulating commercial papers of verstehen. If you are a novice, a product can never be a problem and there is no other way.

Legal Hints: This information is a Werbemitteilung and serves as additional information. This information comes from the Editor in the Auftrag of the DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank (“DZ BANK”) and is the representative in the Federal Republic of Germany. This Werbemitteilung is not suitable for persons with residential and/or social housing and/or Niederlassungen in Australia, for anything in the United States of America, Canada, Great Britain or Japan. These cases are now proceeding abroad with the legally valid legal texts that are displayed and persons, who contain information and materials in the Besitz, of which it is the correct legal texts that inform and which they follow. This maintenance work does not represent a reseller, nor a purchase for Abgabe’s, but a purchase of paper or financial instruments. The DZ BANK is no longer interested in a loan or a financial contribution. This analysis is not a financial analysis. This operation constitutes an unacceptable operation of the entprechenden Emittentin bzw. Paper paper by the red actor. All the Bewertungen, Stellungnahmen or Erklarungen mentioned here are the Editors of the Werbemitteilung and are not related to the broadcasting or Dritter Parteien überein. It is possible to use the correct indicator for the reliable operation of the indicator. If the editor has the information, that way the information can be verified while all the information is checked. Dementia prechend gibt de DZ BANK keine Gewährleistungen or der Zusicherungen hinsichtlich der Genauigkeit, Vollstandkeit or der Richtigkeit of these enthaltenen Informationen or der Meinungen ab. The DZ BANK has no liability whatsoever for indefinite or moderate damages, while the Verteilung and/or Verwendung dieser Werbemitteilung is sold, are/or with the Verteilung and/or Verwendung dieser Werbemitteilung in Zusammenhang stehen. An investment separation is carried out by issuing commercial papers or financial instruments sold on the Grundlage, thereby following prospects or information memorandums and based on a small fall of the Grundlage. The assessments can be made after the special Anlagezielen, the Anlagehorizont or the individual Vermögenslage for a single Anleger nicht or nur stipulated signal. The information and management of the state of affairs in the workings of the world. If you can take the next step, it is possible to change the weather conditions. (10.10.2024/oc/a/nw)

Possible options for interested parties: Possible options for interested parties can be found on the site of the authors/of the quotes Analyzeat sometime.