
Hurrikan “Milton”: Sturzflutwarnungen – Wirbelsturm wütet voor der Küste Floridas

Hurrikan “Milton”: Sturzflutwarnungen – Wirbelsturm wütet voor der Küste Floridas

Der mit Furcht has hit the hurricane “Milton” which has strongly affected the American Festland. Gefährliche Winde hinterlassen a Spur der Verwüstung, Feuerwehr und Polizei müssen Schutz suchen. In a Village it is the first Tote. Engage the Sturm for the Küste. All Entwicklungen in Liveticker.

Hurrikan “Milton” has reached the West Coast of Florida. The weather with wind speeds of up to 193 kilometers over the country. I am the Federal State working on continuing the Millionen Menschen ohne Strom. The US Secretary of Defense, Alejandro Mayor, has warned the low-level broadcaster CNN as a “Frage von Leben und Tod”.

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11:43 AM – Hurricane is over the lake

“Milton” is found when he is more nearby. Der Sturm is from Donnerstagmorgen (Ortszeit) and 15 kilometers north of Cape Canaveral, the US-Hurrikanzentrum mit. Dennoch brought his Ausläufer noch immer Windböen in Hurrikan-Stärke and powerful Rainfall in Osten Floridas.

10:45 a.m. – Add 450 liters of rain

“Milton” enters the fray with a maximum wind speed of 150 kilometers off the coast of Florida, and as the Atlantic Ocean continues, the US hurricane center comes with. Zudem würden in Norden und in Zentrum Floridas zwischen 200 und 350 Liter Niederschlag pro Quadratmeter, vereinzelt sogar bis zu 450 Liter Rain, erwartet.

10:28 Uhr – Feuerwehr und Polizei suchen Schutz

The Feuerwehr and the Police in the city of Orlando have more Stunden long in Gebäuden Schutz for Hurrikan “Milton” such sparrows. Orlando begins the separation with high wind speeds. If the wind is in our sails, the police and the Feuerwehr will respond in the Lage, on Anrufe. Consider the Einsatzkräfte wieder aus.

10:11 Uhr – More than 3 million people without power

After the Zerstörungen des Hurrikans in Zentralflorida are more than 3 Millionen Haushalte and Unternehmen ohne Strom.

10:09 AM – “Milton” continues at Disneyland

The Auge des Hurrikans are located in the city in Zentralflorida. Tourist attractions at Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Studios and Sea World are closed. For Orlando and the many areas where storm surge warnings are issued. Bereits voor meereren Tagen hatte de Stadt den Ausnahmezustand ausgeufen. This is one of the new developments in the NBA basketball game.

09:09 Uhr – Zerstörungskraft von Hurrikans hat zugenommen, sagt der Klimaforscher

The climber Mojib Latif weist auf the Zunahme more violent Hurrikans im vergangen Jahrzehnt hind. “Insgesamt hat die Zerstörungskraft von Hurrikans zgenommen,” said the Meteorology in the Deutschlandfunk. “The end of the world with the warm-up of the world.” When you see how long it takes, it gets hot. “When it comes to the land region that has become the schneller, you can see that the Auswirkungen are located all over the world, including in Europe.”

08:46 Uhr – “Milton” is fishing for oil in the Höhe

A start has been made on the American Treibstoffnachfrage investigation into the Hurrikans “Milton” and the Furcht for the freshwater breeding in Nahen Osten who won the oil prize. The US-Öl WTI and the Nordseeöl Brent jewelery are 0.8 Prozent auf 73.84 beziehungsweise 77.18 Dollar je Fass. Der Sturm who informed the damage after the petrol in the German Federal State, and four tank units have been postponed.

08:29 Uhr – Hurrikan on Category 1 abgeschwächt

The National Water Service has classified Hurrikan Milton as category 1. The wind speed tests are performed again during a run of 145 kilometers per stage. A Hurrikan of Category 1 was sold, which could be damaged by the construction of new construction materials and well-built work houses. You can find a detour in the form of a rapids.

08:07 Uhr – Mittlerweile 2.6 Mio. People ohne Strom

More than 2.6 million homes and businesses in Florida were disconnected, while the website “” was busy reporting the disruptions.

08:02 Uhr – Schwere Schäden and baseball stadium

The baseball stadium “Tropicana Field” in St. Petersburg is damaged. The construction of the construction of the Kuppelgebäudes will cause the violent wind in the stucco gerises. The war is not so clear, but it concerns the inner city of Schäden. If the Wetterdienst is pushed through the Sturm, more Kräne um.

07:30 Uhr – “Milton” zerstört Rentnerdorf

The “New York Times” reported in one of the views from Fort Pierce that this concerns more Todesopfer. The arid “Spanish Lakes Country Club Village” has experienced more tornadoes, including more than enough police forces. Die Bergungsarbeiten dauerten an. It’s still not clear, but most people haven’t done this.

07:10 Uhr – Meeresspiegel comes within four meters

Der Sturm has pulled out 19 tornadoes and run 125 Häuser, said Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. When the Sturm was hit in the country at the beginning of the Flut, the West Coast of Florida was the smartest of the previous Sturmfluts partly bleibe. Laut Vorhersagen was able to make the Meeresspiegel one of his four meters.

The powers of the powers are possible in such a way and retention acts, allowing to continue all night and night. “That means that all work carried out in the Dunkeln was carried out during the night, but that is not the case in Ordnung. They were bought,” said DeSantis.

06:50 Uhr – Ready to prepare half-term

Rund 9000 Mitglieder der Nationalgarde und 50,000 Mitarbeiter der Energieversorger stehen bereit, een de Aufräumarbeiten zu helfen en Stromausfälle zu beheben. In most cases, the Bundesstaates are herrschten Winde in Tropensturmstärke. With more information on the waters of the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Behörde up to 8.5 meters above sea level.

06:34 a.m. – Airports remain open for more information

With two drivers the NHC was followed by wind speeds of up to 165 kilometers. While the West Coast of Florida is heaving with the city wind, heavy winds are blowing, causing people to feel anxious. The Sarasota and Tampa airports remained closed until further notice.

05:57 a.m. – City sets Trinkwasserversorgung end

The city council of St. Petersburg, Florida, which organizes the Trinkwasserversorgung in the city area, after which a wasserleitung was damaged. Two clear layers were taken into account during the trade. Über Facebook-rief de Stadt de Bevölkerung dazu auf, Wasser vor dem Trinken, Kochen und Zähneputzen abzukochen. A quick repair of the Versorgung is not possible.

05:44 Uhr – Millionen Menschen ohne Strom

More than 1.9 million people in the US Federal State of Florida have received messages about Hurricane ‘Milton’ or Strom. The TV broadcaster ABC reported on more than 1,904,000 citizens and children affected by the war during the storm in the country. The Zahl der Affected rose innerhalb weniger Stunden grime an.

04:14 Uhr – Bäume is delicious

In Sarasota there are glass windows in the windows of the water in the houses. The Straßen were human, Bäume was quick to finish and was able to maintain the Wind. Geschäfte was verriegelt en gesichert with Sandsäcken. On a holz table on the Fenster there is another background where you can write: “Say kindly, Milton.”

03:17 Uhr – “Milton” re-assigned to category 2

Kurz before “Milton” on the coast, war is of the highest category 5 will be reabstufted on the 4th stufe and schließlich on 3. Mittlerweile finds the Hurrikan in the second stufe. The problem with the Sturms’ peninsula is that the warnings are incorrect.

01:54 Uhr – “Zu Tode erschrocken über Sturmflutpegel”

Ken Graham, director of the National Water Service, told CNN: “My great Sorge, Jake, is that we are going to continue to see this,” Graham told CNN’s Jake Tapper. “I am in need of a rocker over one dieser Sturmflutpegel. We are absolutely happy and happy,” said Graham.

00:34 Uhr – Vorbereitungen bis zur letzten Minute

Meteorologists have predicted that one of the consequences of the storm could occur in the German federal state. The Behorden ordneten de Evakuierung more Küstengebiete en. Millions of people would stand up, their home user could be relieved and security increased. View the message – this is a message about the status and English at Treibstoff and Notunterkünften. It is important to ensure that the people are safe, so that they are safe and secure during the war.

Die Vorbereitungen bis zur letzten Minute auf Hochtouren. The US registry initially started solving problems, an affected area was affected by us. The Pentagon mobilizes Tausende National Guards, who help the whole world with the Rettungsaktionen and the Verteilung of Hilfsgütern. If you are not aware of a targeted approach, a Hilfe is a good choice and the sturm is gewährleisten.

Prepare for another week with Sturm “Helene” for damage in Florida and more other Federal States. It’s a matter of 200 people from Tode. We have been struck in Florida by the Ankunft von “Milton” who no longer has time when the Zerstörungen are in the hole.

Mega issues from Megastar

Financial financing Natur also comes from pop superstar Taylor Swift (34), who spent one million dollars (circulation of 4.5 million euros) for the Hurrikan offer in the US. If the singer spends heavily on the care of the Hurrikans ‘Helene’ and ‘Milton’, it is worth mentioning the Hilfs organization ‘Feeding America’ in his social media. Das Geld würde in de Versorgung mit Lebensmitteln und meer Hilfsgütern en in de Wiederaufbau van Gemeinden-vliegen. Swift spends money on nature in American money. Last December I went to the US-Federal State of Tennessee a million dollars for the Wiederaufbau profit in Gemeinden.

Biden shifted Deutschlandbesuch

Taking a look at the unfortunate catastrophe, US President Joe Biden has postponed his trip to Germany and Angola. Kurz before the final meeting of the Hurrikans had been warned about the extreme Stärke of the Sturms. “It is one of the sturm des Jahrhunderts”, it is a meeting with more and more interests. If Kamala Harris has done a live broadcast, it will be described. If Biden is aware of the Population, he will get a warning.
