
Beginning of the Winter Semesters – Jugendherbergen bieten Studierenden und Azubis Bleibe – Gesellschaft

Beginning of the Winter Semesters – Jugendherbergen bieten Studierenden und Azubis Bleibe – Gesellschaft

Kiel/Flensburg (dpa/lno) – The Jugendherbergen Heide, Flensburg, Kiel and Lübeck “Vor dem Burgtor” wollen noch wohnungslosen Studierendenden zum At the beginning of the Winter semester a favorable Bleibe beet. From 120 euros per week or from 480 euros per month you can call Akademikerinnen and Akademikers a mobile room in hostels, teilten the Jugendherbergen in Schleswig-Holstein with.

“If these junior people could have an uncomplicated and flexible overnight solution, they would be happy to start their studies,” says Stefan Werheim, Geschäftsführer des Landesverbands Nordmark des Deutschen Jugendherbergswerks (DJV), who heard these hostels. If you are an owner, you know what it is like, to see and get a little better.

Die Zimmer is de Angaben nach mit Bett, Stuhl, Tisch und Schrank ausgestattet. W-Lan and Bettwäsche are free of charge. If the tariff applies, you must make an immatrikulationbescheinigung or a nachweis of the Ausbildungsstätte that the Mitgliedschaft in the DJV-vorgewiesen will be.

Mietdauer je nach Verfügbarkeit

Study and study can no longer take place in the Zimmer room. So the youth hostels and Christmas nights were closed, said a spokesperson for the youth hostels in Schleswig-Holstein. Then it was nice that Zimmer was new in the new year.

Auch hange das Angebot with der Verfügbarkeit jijsammen. So from May 2025, the debt and the journey of the trip became more valuable, the mache is more schwier for study results. “The fact is that you have never done anything, that you have an unsatisfied woolly wooliness,” says the Sprecherin.

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