
Landespolitik – Neue Umfrage: Grüner Absturz, schwarzer Zuwachs – Politik

Landespolitik – Neue Umfrage: Grüner Absturz, schwarzer Zuwachs – Politik

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – There is another Tiefschlag for the Grünen: After the destruction of Wahlergebnissen in the East and the Rücktrittsankündigung of the Parteiführung in the Bund, the Krise continues in Baden-Württemberg full durch. A new Umfrage will declare Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann’s party deutlich and Zustimmung.

If I were to come to Sonntag Landtagswahl, the Greens would never come again from 18 Prozent der Stimmen. That is one of the donnerstags that representatives of the educational institutions are reforming in the most recent form in the Southwestern Radio (SWR) and the „Stuttgarter Zeitung“.

In the overview of the Umfrage Mitte it is a minus of four prozentpointten – and the Umfrage will be the schwächst that has been green since 2010.

Zulegs can take over the day from the CDU. The coalition partner of the Greens will win a landtagswahl am kommenden Sonntag two Prozentpunkte dazugewinnen and with 34 Prozent deutlich won. So good things that Christdemokraten in the Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts jijetzt 2016 ab.

FDP must make an ovulation in the country tag of Bangen

Federally in favor of the Wählerinnen and Wähler must challenge the FDP welds. The part is published in the Vergleich of the Umfrage in the largest part of the production and the country at the best Prozent. The liberals must also end up in Bangen’s parliament.

Gleichauf with the FDP is in the Umfrage-zufolge the new Bundnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), which is fun to work in the Stuttgarter Landtag einziehen würde. The SPD works as a two Prozentpunkt on 13 Prozent, the AfD comes on 16 Prozent, ebenfalls a Plus of two Prozentpunkt.

Zum Vergleich: At the Landtagswahl in March 2021, the Grünen are 32.6 Prozent erreicht, the CDU comb at 24.1 Prozent, the SPD at 11, the FDP at 10.5 and the AfD at 9.7 Prozent.

A possible explanation for the delight of the green is a beautiful image among many Wählerinnen and Wählern. You cannot regard the Party of Umfrage as a Verbotsparty wahr. Knapp zwei Drittel der Befragten (64 Prozent) gaben an, de Green energieen zu vake Vorschrifts, wie man zu live habe. 2021 empfanden das nur gut die Hälfte der Befragten so.

Green woolen strong personal attention after posing

Many people in the country are more interested in the theme zuwanderung. More than half of the fragments (55 Prozent) have power over the Umfrage-zufolge, over the Zahl of the einggewanderten Flüchtlinge. Beautifully three four-quarters of the monks, the parties that represent the citizens and citizens of the same age. Theme not serious enough.

The party leaders of the Greens, Lena Schwelling and Pascal Haggenmüller, will not first discuss the new Umfrage schönzureden. “Diese Zahlen sind ein Weckruf”, teilten sie mit. Man müsse Vertrauen zurückgewinnen. When you release someone, the man’s problems are solved, and the man is thematically released into the offensive komme.

Zudem brauche is wieder mehr Glaubwürdigkeit. “The best results are strong personal qualities,” Schwelling and Haggenmüller explain. This concerns the leader of the factions Andreas Schwarz. An der Bundesspitze habe man „brought to a strong start at the start“, it says. “Als Nächstes kommt der Aufbruch im Land. We want to stay in the heart of the Entscheidungen.”

When Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann took office in the South-West in the Frühjahr period in 2026, he had never before been chosen as the favorite for the Spitzen candidacy of the gilded German Federal Minister of Economic Affairs, Cem Özdemir, who had not yet made his bislang clear. made.

During the CDU investigation, the Beobachter has criticized Party and Fraction Chief Manuel Hagel. If you get the chance to play in the Duell of Grüne, you can make the next step clearer. Der Umfrage zufolge ist Özdemir fast new von zehn Menschen im Südwesten (89 Prozent) een Begriff. CDU Chief Hagel is not familiar with the situation of people in the country today or could not change.

CDU sees “Özdemir-Malus” in Umfrage

When the CDU competes with the interests of the parties. “The people who represent more and more of the CDU and the wool will have a good idea for our entire kümmern,” said Generalsekretärin Nina Warken.

Özdemirs’ high demand is a problem for the Grünen. More people in the country can rely on the business with the work (45 Prozent and 44 Prozent). “Der Umfragewert mirrors daher auch diesen Mühlstein and the Özdemir-Malus wider,” said Warken. There are rumors that the belief and disbelief among CDU chief Hagel de Waage are: 17 percent are willing to cook, 16 percent are involuntary.

FDP Party Leader Hans-Ulrich Rülke acknowledges that he is in favor of his own party with its struggles in the Bundespolitik. “The Ampel in Berlin sees us in the back in Baden-Württemberg,” it said. The problem must be solved, both in migration policy, in domestic politics and in economics politics. If all else fails, the “Ampel experiment” can be carried out.

For the representative environment, 1,166 Wahlberechtigte in Baden-Württemberg were recorded between 1 and 8 October. The fehlertoleranz is located in the quiet and three Prozentpunkten.

Wahlumfragen is generally no longer possible with unsafe operation. Among other things, parts and components are separated from each other by the load institutions that determine the weights of the data.

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