
Hurricane “Milton”: Three Mio. Hausstop in Florida ohne Strom

Hurricane “Milton”: Three Mio. Hausstop in Florida ohne Strom

If you see the previous storms again and want to know more, alert the strong rain and high wind guidelines for all in eastern and central Floridas. In Teilen des Staates, neither 50 and 100 Liter Niederschlag pro Quadratmeter erwartet were ever zwischen. The US National Hurrican Center (NHC) warns about Sturmfluten and the West Coast.

During a tornado in the connection with “Milton” in St. Lucie County and the East Coast of Florida, the ghosts of four people, another in a living room for seniors, were captured by the American channel CBS.

In the city of Palm Beach and the West Coast, more energy expenditure or cars are needed to keep the wind blowing. More people are brought to the hospital with care, the same with the fire department.

Stromausvalle and Wasserrohrbruch

More than 3.2 million Florida households were at the time of the Strom, who was reclaiming the website At least 70,000 people like Schutz in Notunterkünften, says the chief of the US-Catastrofenbeschermingbehörde Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Deanne Criswell, the British sender BBC Radio 4. For the Ankunft des Sturms, 31 Bezirke Evakuierungen angeordnet gehabt. Noch sei die Gefahr nicht gebannt: “Obwohl der Wind abnimmt, lässt die Bedrohung nicht nach.”

In addition to the affected wars, there are reports about the region south of the city of Tampa and the West Coast, but the consequences for the end impact of the hurricanes if the high-risk area becomes war. In the City of St. Petersburg, the City set a Wasserrohrbruch das Trinkwasser ab. Repairs will begin as soon as they are completed. There are approximately 260,000 people living in St. Petersburg.

Photo gallery with 7 photos

Once the Tropicana Field baseball stadiums are damaged. The Arena War for “Miltons” can be enjoyed as Sammelort for ersthelferinnen and -helfer. While both of them did not call the American Medien Verletzten. The Sarasota and Tampa airports have been closed elsewhere.

Grafik said the Zugrichtung of Hurrikan

Graphics: APA/; Quelle: NOAA/CNN

The Hurrikan hatte am Mittwochabend (Ortszeit) de Küste erreicht, that is the Category that comes from pleasure. You can start with wind speeds of up to 193 kilometers by driving distances. Considering that the Sturm op de Hurrikan-Stufe eins ab, was Windgeschwindigkeiten von 119 tot 153 Stundenkilometern inspricht. Zeitweise konnten Einsatzkräfte der Feuerwehr und der Polizei roads der Gefahren door de Sturm nicht ausrücken.

Wolschek (ORF) to the Schäden by Hurrikan “Milton”

Hurricane “Milton” hits Donnerstag and the West Coast of Florida overnight. ORF Correspondents Barbara Wolschek with an analysis.

Prepare for a visit to Sturm “Helene” for damage in Florida and more other American states. It’s a matter of 200 people from Tode. We have been struck in Florida by the Ankunft von “Milton” who no longer has time when the Zerstörungen are in the hole.

DeSantis: Schlimmstes Szenario ausgeblieben

Governor Ron DeSantis said in the Donnerstag that the Sturm would work in the rear areas and that the Schlimmen would emerge. “Dieser Sturm warbeträchtlich. Aber zum Glück war das nicht das smartest Szenario.“

There is a good chance that the hurricane will experience the storm and damage, but the tornadoes and the state’s East Coast will be glorified. DeSantis warnte, dass more Flusse Hochwasser level erreicht hätten and the Wasserstände voraussichtlich weiter steigen würden. I look at “Helene” and the Sturmflut has fallen strongly.

US President Joe Biden is said to have taken the Notfall decision on the first attack of the hurricanes. These are the roads of the Sturms journey in Germany and Angola. Biden hates the people in Florida to bring them to security.

Biden criticizes Trump for disinformation

The American president said he had heard the Verbreitung von Falschinformationen. In the lost weeks, “respectful, unconcerned and compassionate” Lügen are brought into Umlauf, which those people are exposed to. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has supported Spitze’s disinformation campaign against Biden.

Trump hates Wahlkamp failures, among other things, the diversion policy, that the Mittel der Catastrofenbeschermingbehörde FEMA and migrants with legal status fly, a zur “illegalen” Stimmabgabe for the democratic Präsidentschaftskandidatin Harris in motion. Biden knows that this is the case.

Government leaders Marjorie Taylor Greene have persuaded the Wetteren federal government to do “more than a favor” to the American president. It is not often that Biden in his Reason Trump or other political names engages – it is a battle that makes the hurricane zum political theme play and role-play in the Wahlkampf.

Extremely wetter

The German climber Mojib Latif is one of the more violent hurricanes over the years. “Insgesamt hat die Zerstörungskraft von Hurrikans zgenommen”, said Latif in Deutschlandfunk, “das hat indeutig with the Erwärmung der Weltmeere zu tun.”

Although it is an extreme government that is not directly aimed at a best Ursache flight, it is clear that the UNO-Weltklimarat is praised: during the climacrise, extreme conditions with overshoot, flooding and heat became higher and more intense. The height: Niederschläge and Stürme became stärker, Hitzewellen heißer and Dürren trockener.