
Gladbach: Reitz and Netz played Endspiel-Hammer with the DFB-Team

Gladbach: Reitz and Netz played Endspiel-Hammer with the DFB-Team

Borussia Mönchengladbach's Rocco Reitz will lead the ball in training, team college Luca Netz will follow suit.

Rocco Reitz (l) and Luca Netz, here on July 13, 2024 in training for Borussia Mönchengladbach, wollen with the German U21-Nationalmannschaft zur EM 2025.

A Fohlen-Duo träumt von der EM! The Rede does not belong to Angreifer Tim Kleindienst (29), the first party of the DFB teams in the first Nations League for the nominated A-Nationalmannschaft. Son of Rocco Reitz (22) and Luca Netz (22)!

Both Gladbach-Youngster Stehen im Kader der Deutschen U21. The team of national coach Antonio Di Salvo (45) is busy with the action of the Länderspielpause in the EM qualification – and can buy Großes on Friday (11 October, 6 pm)!

Borussia Mönchengladbach: Reitz and Netz träumen von der EM 2025

Then the next match of the EM-Quali against the Bulgarian U21-Auswahl will take place in the Regensburger Jahnstadion. Und: Holt Deutschland den Sieg, ist das Ticket für die Endrunde schon een Spieltag voor Schluss der Gruppenphase sicher!

Das EM-Turnier will be in Slovakia from 11 to 28 June. In new Quali-Gruppen with sechs and fun Mannschaften kämpfen 52 Nationen um 15 Plätze. The Gruppensieger and the three best Gruppenzweiten are at the end of the round, the übrigen sechs Gruppenzweiten play in Playoffs with the joyful three Plätze. The Auslosung of the four EM groups took the stage in Bratislava on December 3.

The Ausgangslage für Deutschland is at the top: Di Salvos Team führt de Gruppe D actuell with 22 Punkten for Poland (18) an. Gelingt am Freitag der Sieg is the drittplatzierten Bulgarians (22), since Deutschland der Gruppensieg and the EM-Teilnahme sicher.

A woolen Rocco Reitz, Luca Netz and Co. all did their best: an “Endspiel” in Poland. Today at the Service Day (October 15, 5 p.m.) the Group Final will take place in Lodz an. Poland tritt am Freitag (19 Uhr) against Kosovo and, it is a fall of a siege 21 Zähler on the Konto. Germany (22) provides information on Bulgaria for the EM-Ticket.

“We don’t think, it was true, wenn. We have won the game and abolished the EM qualification,” said Reitz on Donnerstag (October 10). The Gladbacher Mittelfeldmann war has come through the press conference together with his coach, the coiner of the fragments of journalists and journalists.

You start with things that are neither a fragmentary hint, but an einsatz of the Gladbachers’ attitudes. Denn Reitz war in the Teamquartier nach Munich. “Man hears little light nor a little. Aber es geht mir gut“, versicherte der Jung-Profi von Borussia Mönchengladbach.

Gemeinsam mit seinen Kollegen will now be zur EM. One of the final rounds in the coming years will be a major challenge. Both Gladbachers were born on January 1, 2002 since – Reitz on May 29, 2002, Netz on May 15, 2003 – during the fall of a qualifying in the Slovakia on the Platz Stehen. The important part of the story will be done first in your free time.