
Large Sculptures in the Architektur

Large Sculptures in the Architektur

Abgeleitet vom altfranzösischen Wort Gargoyleso it happened that the “Gurgeln” was used, while the Begriff “Gargoyle” his description of geschnitzten lagen and wasserspeiern used an antique classical usage. Water sollten das Regenwasser von een Gebäude ableiten, een mauerwerk voor Wasserschäden zu schützen. There is still no wasserpeier that has this function. Chimären or large drawings depend on pure decoration. What is special is the fact that this image comes from the Gothic period of the great and bizarre works of art that were created for you. One of the things that takes place in the erscheinung is a problem.

People who find themselves in the lines of the church castles and cathedrals, on the walls of the universities, universities and other urban institutions can be amazed – or amazed. Do you also want to explore the world of the world, you can also see the most popular and attractive art forms that are often seen in art forms?

Click through the Gallery and see a mystical and secret way of making visual sculptures.

Wasserspeier and gargoyles: Large sculptures in the Architektur

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Wasserspeier and gargoyles: Large sculptures in the Architektur

Abgeleitet vom altfranzösischen Wort Gargoyleso it happened that the “Gurgeln” was used, while the Begriff “Gargoyle” his description of geschnitzten lagen and wasserspeiern used an antique classical usage. Water sollten das Regenwasser von een Gebäude ableiten, een mauerwerk voor Wasserschäden zu schützen. There is still no wasserpeier that has this function. Chimären or large drawings depend on pure decoration. What is special is the fact that this image comes from the Gothic period of the great and bizarre works of art that were created for you. One of the things that takes place in the erscheinung is a problem.

People who find themselves in the lines of the church castles and cathedrals, on the walls of the universities, universities and other urban institutions can be amazed – or amazed. Do you also want to explore the world of the world, you can also see the most popular and attractive art forms that are often seen in art forms?

Click through the Gallery and see a mystical and secret way of making visual sculptures.

That Cathedrale Notre-Dame, Paris

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That Cathedrale Notre-Dame, Paris

The Chimären of Notre Dame are connected with the great tests of the World. Glorious memories are the most iconic artifacts, the dominant brand of 2019.

That Washington National Cathedral, Washington DC

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That Washington National Cathedral, Washington DC

A wasserpeier in the bizarre shape of a young baby clambers as one of the türme der nationale Kathedrale in Washington, DC Insgesamt lists 112 Wasserspeier and Grotesken in de Kathedrale.

The Cathedral of Reims

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The Cathedral of Reims

The grim and furchteinflößenden Wasserspeier of the historic Kathedrale von Reims from the 13. Years since everything in the region seen Westfassade des Gebäudes zu finden.

Das Magdalen College, Oxford

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Das Magdalen College, Oxford

The University of Oxford is 10. Jahrhundert zurück. The Magdalen College was founded in 1498, but it was a major change in the existing student body.

Die Basilika Unserer Lieben Frau von L'Épine

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Die Basilika Unserer Lieben Frau von L’Épine

In the Basilica of the small French Dorfes L’Épine you will find that humorous wasspeier. There are some knees you can laugh at.

Die Abtei Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy

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Die Abtei Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy

The Abbey on the Mont-Saint-Michel has been painted with 16 washstones, eight of them and the eight-ecked Turmspitze. If you fry in France, so you fry with water, so you can quickly fly.

Das Christuskloster, Tomar

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Das Christuskloster, Tomar

The Flechten, who come from the Augen, are ancient Chimäre guards, with a beautiful complexion. You are sitting on the verzierten of historic Portuguese Christ Monasteries in the Stadt Tomar.

Der Friedensturm, Ottawa

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Der Friedensturm, Ottawa

The Friedensturm in Ottawa, the Herzstück of the Kanadischen Parlamentsgebäude, is an Ecken with Grotesken verziert. The complex is composed of 370 washer eggs, large and Frisian fresh eggs, the seine Fassaden schmücken.

The Cathedral of Winchester

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The Cathedral of Winchester

The Cathedral of Winchester, one of the infamous Gotteshäuser Englands, is bezaubert jeden, der die Fassade with a Reihe of Grotesques from the Bauernvolk. One of the most powerful dragon arts Haustiere.

Der Nidarosdom, Trondheim

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Der Nidarosdom, Trondheim

A collection of bizarre and slightly uncanny creatures and mystical figures in one of the Norwegian churches.

The Cathedral of Palma

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The Cathedral of Palma

The Spanish Balearic Island of Palma is more like Sonne, Meer and Zand. The cathedral was founded in 1601 as a religious tourist attraction – and the large body of water with fiederten flugeln.

The Natural History Museum, London

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The Natural History Museum, London

The Natural History Museum was founded in 1881 as one of the most important museums of the United Kingdom. A terracotta decorated Palaeotherium (altgriechisch for “altes Tier”) awaits on the eastern facade of the facade.

Das Brasenose College, Oxford

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Das Brasenose College, Oxford

Large lines and water flows in the form of medium-sized caricatures give the Brasenose College – one of the historic colleges of the University of Oxford in England – a distinctive character.

Die Kirche Saint-Pierre, Montfort-l'Amaury

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Die Kirche Saint-Pierre, Montfort-l’Amaury

The one under the Denkmalschutz-stehende Kirche Saint-Pierre in Yvelines, Ile-de-France, is suitable for the wasserpeier in the form of a low-oriented man with a longer time.

The Cathedral of Zagreb

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The Cathedral of Zagreb

The Zagreb Cathedral in Croatia has never been so old, but its foundation during the Second World War – the first in the year 1880 and the first summer of 2020 – was the first. If you look at it, you will experience a moment that will make your flight easier.

Das Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona

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Das Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona

The former Hospital de la Santa Creu en Sant Pau (or: Hospital de Sant Pau) in the Catalanische Hauptstadt can be restored. But the Teuflischen Grotesques and the Backsteinmauern have not lost their natural character.

Die Abtei von Westminster, London

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Die Abtei von Westminster, London

The British Abteikirche is a marvel of Gothic architecture. I am Jahr 2022 fragment das Timeout magazine the Londoner nach dem names dieses frechen, rundlichen Wasserspeiers. The previous video features “Gargoyley-McGargoyle-Face” and Sie’s ab, “Boris”.

The Cathedral of Chester

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The Cathedral of Chester

The Cathedral of Chester in England houses numerous figures in stone and hollow shapes. One of the bekanntests is this major complaint, which is located in the following main portals.

The Chrysler Building, New York

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The Chrysler Building, New York

The mighty Chrysler Building, one of the most architectural designs in the world, is a jewel of Art Deco. Zu seinen Wundern heard die political Adlerspeier, die in ihrem Nest im 61. Stockwerk thronen.

Das Neue Rathaus, Munich

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Das Neue Rathaus, Munich

The Neue Rathaus in Munich dates from 1906. The shrouded facade in the new construction now stands for details and the entire diesen Gitarre spielenden Wasserspeier.

Die Verbotene Stadt, Beijing

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Die Verbotene Stadt, Beijing

More than 1,000 white marble stones and a very high platform guard the city of Beijing’s Verbotene Stadt on the 15th. Years – one of my most cherished Gebäude Chinas.

Das Hôtel de Sens, Paris

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Das Hôtel de Sens, Paris

This is the 16th anniversary of your stay for your relaxing stay in the hotel with its decorative details.

Die Kirche Sankt-Honorat in der Nekropole Alyscamps, Arles

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Die Kirche Sankt-Honorat in der Nekropole Alyscamps, Arles

Halten Sie Ausschau nach dem kauernden Drachen, der sich von den Wänden der Kirche Saint-Honorat in der Nekropole Alyscamps in der französischen Stadt Arles stürzen will. It is a wasserpeier, the muhelos and the facade are shining.

Das Alte Rathaus, Toronto

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Das Alte Rathaus, Toronto

It is a romantic style. Toronto’s Alte Rathaus is a landmark of the city. Sein Uhrenturm wird von vier Waterspeiern and the upper Ecken ofs geschnitzten rosafarbenen Steingebäudes seen.

Der Elizabeth Tower, London

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Der Elizabeth Tower, London

London’s Elizabeth Tower, near Big Ben, is a national symbol of the royals. Seine hohe Fassade was made of a Reihe von Granite Chimären with Krallen und Schnäbeln geschmückt.

That Albrechtsburg in Meissen

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That Albrechtsburg in Meissen

In Meißen in Germany you will find the Albrechtsburg, a castle at 15. Jahrhundert, which is possible for another gequält aussehenden Wasserspeier.

Die Basilika des Nationalen Gelübdes, Quito

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Die Basilika des Nationalen Gelübdes, Quito

The largest Neo-Gothic Basilica Americas, the Basilika des Nationalen Gelübdes, has its historic Center of Quito in Ecuador. Most wasserspeier, who schmücken the Außenfassade, set Tiere dar, die heimisch in Ecuador – darunter Leguane, Schildkröten, Gürteltiere and Kondore. An imaginative fantasy is created. The Basilika is not technically fertile. There is a local legend that says that the world no longer exists, but the world becomes fertile.

Der Veitsdom, Prague

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Der Veitsdom, Prague

See for yourself this lifelike grotesque an, the über einer Wand of Prager Veitsdoms hangs. Zu ihren Füßen lie Wildschweine. The image, the horn rising, focuses the Teufel on the Jagd. The Czech humor is less muted, the image that emerges, the wasserpeier in the Church is responsible, inspired by the Schwiegereltern.

Der Kölner Dom, Germany

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Der Kölner Dom, Germany

Insgesamt versügt der Kölner Dom über 108 Wasserspeier, die in een Zeitraum von 800 Jahren, vom 13. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert, entstanden since.

Die Santa Maria Formosa, Venice

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Die Santa Maria Formosa, Venice

The “larger description” affects this qualted shutdown, the stone gate of the entrance to the bell tower of Santa Maria Formosa in the Venedig Garden.

Quellen: (France 24) (Timeout) (University of Oxford)

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