
Klinik-Chef nimmt Stellung en fordert, Debate einzustellen: “Angstmachend”

Klinik-Chef nimmt Stellung en fordert, Debate einzustellen: “Angstmachend”

  1. come on.the
  2. Lüdenscheid

Klinik-Chef nimmt Stellung en fordert, Debate einzustellen: “Angstmachend”
Landung des Rettungshubschraubers Christoph Murnau Helicopter in Klinikum Lüdenscheid. © Carlo Nougrigat

Dr. Thorsten Kehe from the Märkischen Kliniken responds to Kritik an der Kinderklinik in Lüdenscheid. There is a personal passe-partout, weist aber Vorwürfe zurück.

Lüdenscheid – Dr. Thorsten Kehe reported this. Darin weist der Geschäftsführer zurück de “Meinungsäußerung der Kinder- und Jugendärzte” en de “Darstellung von Frau Baradari”.

“Angstmachend”: Klinik-Chef nimmt Stellung en fordert, Debate einzustellen

Kehe, Vice President of the Medical Clinic of the Markische Kliniken, has summarized his personal experience: “For a few weeks I spent three days at the Children’s Clinic. Gründe hierfür were Renteneintritt, Niederlassung und een Wechsel und und Klinik. It is intoxicating, letztlich aber ergebnis individueller Entwicklungen and Entscheidungen, die wir respectektieren. Since the background was developed in the Medizin, the installation was never a fact, but the reality is now not in Lüdenscheid, located in most Krankenhäusern in Germany. The Maßnahmen zur Nachbesetzung started immediately after the Bekanntwerden dieser Entwicklung.”

Before the background of the father has changed, the situation is such that Kehe is nun on the Chefarzt and the leading Oberarzt with a Kündigung entschlossen. “Here you will find respect for the separation before you enter into the discussion. “Maßnahmen zur Nachbesetzung der Stellen sind parallel angelaufen”, said the Geschäftsführer, of the “Meinungsäußerung zu dieser Situation von Frau Baradari and der Kinder- und Jugendärzte in Markische Kreis, vorgetragen by the Kinderarzt Michael Achenbach, zur Kenntnis nehmen müssen”.

De best Kündigung von Chefarzt und Leitendem Oberarzt

Kehe: “It is for a problem that the solution is – it is removed and fachlich falsche – the use of the means in the process is made possible, or an action with the Beteiligten (in a greater sin) is fully possible. Although it is all clear, this dies for a massive conquest throughout society, among families with children and of course in the care of the hospitals in Lüdenscheid.”

Dr. Thorsten Kehe, Geschäftsführer
Dr. Thorsten Kehe, Geschäftsführer der Märkischen Kliniken. © Carlo Nougrigat

The intention is that both appeal to their Haus nicht recognition, says Kehe. “If both Seiten, Frau Baradari and Herrn Achenbach, have found a word of a situation in a certain location, then it is worthwhile to enter into a conversation with those involved and thus adopt a constructive and relaxing orientation. “

Achenbach’s ministry ensures that the settings of the Geschäftsführung are unusual for the background of the diet with the new children’s books, which function in the past for years. So it is the personal pediatric clinic, the pediatrician’s practice, that conducts a more intensive examination during pediatrics for the Ort in the Lüdenscheidskliniek. The Klinikum Lüdenscheid has taken the time to ensure that the cashier’s association is fast 50 years old, for all nights and a weekday, for the younger children.

Kehe weist Vorwürfe und Behauptungen zurück

The truth is that Thorsten Kehe is aware of one of the few things that occur, “in the Hoffnung, the Betrieb of the Children’s Clinic who are free from the burdensome öffentliche Kommunikation can be more efficient”.

Zum Vorfurf der massive structurellen Probleme sagt Kehe: “Diesen Vorwurf weisen wir zurück. The feedback is no different in the Kinderklinik Lüdenscheid than in all other Kinderkliniken Deutschlands. This can be a problem with the Abgängen-sinzelner Kinderärzte. The limiting process is manly. If you are a private person, you can rely on the career paths, if you are a private pediatrician or a more attractive attraction through another, often a larger clinic in a ballungs area. These institutions and a structure that you can use to investigate during the clinical treatment are not a judicial court and another treatment of the clinic, nor the court you need.”

Zum Vorwurf des kontinuierlich abgebauten Leistungspektrums sagt Kehe: “When the situation is determined for the first time, Prof. Dr. Rosenbaum has been raised for 14 years (!) to a permanent Abbaus des Leistungspektrums of the Kinderklinik Lüdenscheid-verlassen, stupidly self-willed. If you unsubscribe from this period, you will depend on the theming of the intensive small-scale Früh- and Newborner in the Märkische Kreis. If there is no separation from the Klinikleitung, the Leistungspektrum is no longer important. Im rahmen der Vergangenen Krankenhausplanungen Haben Die bezirksregierung arnsberg und Die Kostenträger Im Bereich Lüdenscheid Keine Notwendeit Einer Hochspehen, Da Im Um Um uMfeldhiel SEITEN, DA IM UMFELDEN SEITEN, DA IM UMFELDEN SEITEN, DA IM UMFELDEN SEITSEN, DA IM UMFELDEN SEITSEN, DA IM UMFELDEN SEITSEN, DA IMTENDEN SEITEN HEITSEHEN, Ein Ausreichendes Versorgungsangebot besteht. There are children in the treatment who undergo gelungen, the intensive Mediterranean care for children in Lüdenscheid is erhalten and with a certain arrangement in the birth area of ​​thereweitern. It is possible that the child will receive careful treatment for the treatment of children, the care area of ​​the clinical hospitals in Lüdenscheid can no longer be carried out. There is a clinic that does not carry out this Mindestmenging, so dare to visit these treatments again. These settings can be made during childhood. The aim is that it is born in the hospital in Lüdenscheid from 1500 grams at the perinatal station that receives intensive medical care. A child has not become heavy, so it is impossible to help all mothers for mothering and the child in clinical practice and to provide the best medical care that the father has received than shifts, who is the fall for beef 2 who has a has a good hat.’ It is so undisputed, says Kehe, ‘that in the whole of Germany a mangel an Kinderärzten vorliegt, sowohl in the Lower Gelassenen Kinderarztpraxen, as well as in the stationären Versorgung in Kliniken. The Ursachen are a bit skittish here and are rich in Mangel and Studienplätzen für Medizin bis are fehlenden Angeboten and Spezialisierung- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten für Fachärzte. Gerade as an academic Lehrkrankenhaus of the Universität Bonn has developed a medical upbringing and education and is the best of a close collaboration with the children’s center in the Klinikum Dortmund. Darüber has acquired an image of a Vielzahl from Medizinstudents in a collaboration with the Universitätsmedizin Neumarkt a. M., Campus Hamburg, aus.

Kehe said: “With regards to the “dunkle times for families”, Kehe said:The Verbreitung van Horrorszenarien voor de Zukunft der Versorgung in de Regio presents a smaller page and is a very fragmentary summary. Here, patient care and fears in treatment – ​​in the care of new employees and new colleagues – are protected with the quick solution, the affected disease can no longer occur in healthcare in the Markische Kreis (ambulatory and stationary) annehmen and – motivated by these terrifying problems – avoid the medical fear or the professional bone bolt and orient yourself. Was that the desired intention?

If we connect with madness an ‘abschließende stellungnahme’, ‘which now continues the debate and works hand in hand in the best way to put together small patient care, so who is that in the course of the autumn war? Deutlich may be signaling, that is to say – if you have been talking about it since, the sectoral improvement can function in the Markische Kreis now, if you are asked about Vertrauen and gemeinsamen Zielen.”