
Rassismus and Kolonialismus in der Schweiz

Rassismus and Kolonialismus in der Schweiz

The next version of the zigarette on the babies’ arms: Martin R. Deans records his childhood in Trinidad

Einst wandering around mumbling with little Martin R. Dean in the Karibik out. Später doesn’t want to know more. Nun unternimt der Autor eine Spurensuche zu seinen Wurzeln.

«Nur die Geschichte geerbt»: Writer Martin R. Dean.

«Nur die Geschichte geerbt»: Writer Martin R. Dean.

Image: Maia Wackernagel

Is this one of the consequences of a crisis in the country? Three of the five nominated Title for the Swiss Book Prize 2024 since everything may be possible, even if the Romans are not, they will remain so. The great favorite of those years, Zora del Buono’s «Seinetwegen», is a study, Béla Rothenbühler’s «Polifon Pervers» is mainly a parody or persiflage of Swiss art lessons.

And then it is still “Tobacco and Chocolate” by 69-year-old Martin R. Dean. It is a journey of authors worth seeing in Aargau and the vorfahren in the Karibik. After Mr. Dean van Willensvollstrecker had the Mutter inheritance, he is not included in the Erbengemeinschaft, “während ich only the History zu thereben scheine”. If you find a photo album with photos, this is a kind of photo of the island of Trinidad.

I’ve had enough of the Vater nach einem Streit zu

While you are 20 years old, you mumble with your first husband and little Martin. Der Vater was gewalttätig. There is grumbling and the baby’s arm is taken out of the zigarette. After a caress, the mumbling with the sohn flies. Find a coffee and kakao plantation Unterschlupf, führt dort die Buchhaltung.

My new partner, who comes from the Karibik tribe, lehnt de Sohn des Vorgängers ab. Part of Martin Dean’s Herkunft was rolled out of the family common gelöscht. Erst was a trip that took place in Trinidad, but don’t contact the leiblichen barrel and the things you need. Dieser plays like Tunichtgut and starb elend en einsam in a dusty hospital in London.

A self-employed, hard-working worker is left to die

Dean’s Book is not a novel with a strategic plot as one of the most essayistic investigations, that of a possible Romantic material that could lead to others. Einmal Schreibt der Autor: “Die Geschichten hinter den Menschen since das Nadelöhr, durch das ich hindurchmuss.”

A company deals with the wage-mutating Mutter, a stumpenarbeitertochter, who lives in the Aargauer Heimat entflieht, goes as an Au-Pair in London and uses an often alcoholic man. I see it in the Karibik. She lives in the Armut and a Machokultur geprägten Gesellschaft in Port of Spain and after three years looks at Trinidad in Switzerland.

Martin R. Dean: «Tobacco and Chocolate», a book about Kindness in Trinidad.

Martin R. Dean: «Tobacco and Chocolate», a book about Kindness in Trinidad.


Zuletzt ist sie with a leading schaftlichen Mitglied der Schweizer Demokraten jijsammen, der schon lange der overfremdung der Schweiz de Riegel schieben will. The mumbling is a «Meisterin des Schweigens» en meint gegenüber dem Sohn, this is the first thing that I can no longer do. There’s a problem you can’t solve.

Ihr Idol is the mother of James Schwarzenbach. The driver thinks, and mumbles, who has had children with two Indian Caribbean men, that he will “Finish traveling”. About 80 years old. Geburtstag passes into the merging family of the family in Trinidad, which has been in the happiest of times.

The history of «black Appenzeller»

Another History deals with Father, in Dean’s Stepfamily in abstract Farben paints and in their Suff auch seinen Sohn nicht schonte. Dennoch is interested in Dean for his family in India. Das Kastenwesen brought the Clans of the Eltern seines Vaters gegeneinander auf. Dieser hatte darunter zu lead.

Who has a different profession, the Dean in his book, deals with the Caribbean author Edgar Mittelholzer, the Swiss Würzeln has written a fascinating autobiography. There is talk of the «Schwarzer Appenzeller» op. Dessen Vorfahren seien über Generationen overwege Sklavenhalter im Besitz von Zuckerrohrplantations gewesen.

Schliesslich was nor the History of the “farbigen” Kindes Martin in the land of Switzerland for a fun year. While the man now discards the color in the form of Genusswaren with Tobacco and Chocolate. In the day of man, who will continue this war, man may not know what he has done.

Martin R. Dean did not explore these thoughts in “Tobacco and Chocolate”. If it is interesting, who hangs those fabrics and how they have the geschichte seiner-vorfahren and their own ergibt.

Erzählen does not intend to reimburse the authorization, that is to say and wants to strüpp van verlieren in the family. There is a Schreiben a number of doctrines here. The man follows his life fishing for Indian, Caribbean and Swiss fishermen. «Ein Gefühl der Heimatlosigkeit», so Dean, «pfeift durch meinen Körper. As if there were fuller Löcher».

Martin R. Dean: Tobacco and Chocolate. Novel, Atlantis, 221 pages.