
Knappe Mehrheit has made the Cannabisgesetz report false

Knappe Mehrheit has made the Cannabisgesetz report false

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Quickly move on from the German market until the legalization of the cannabis consummation in the future. There is a representative of the Umfrage of the Meinungsforschungsinstituts YouGov in the Auftrag der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Gaben gaben 31 Prozent der befragten Wahlberechtigten an, in ihrem Alltagsumfeld more Konsum von Cannabis zu beobachten. A good performance of 55 percent stops the legalization of the error. 37 Prozent der erwachsenen Bundesbürger findet sirichtig. Eight Prozent der more as 2100 Befragten were in this Frage unschlüssig of keine Angaben.

Knappe Mehrheit has made the Cannabisgesetz report false

It’s time to wait until April 1st with legal descriptions. The fact is that construction of one of the three options has begun in private homes, but it is wise to use 50 grams of cannabis. Seit 1. Juli can no longer use “Anbauvereinigungen” with his 500 Mitgliedern and the Start gehen. Cause you to have an allergic reaction. Cannabis is used in the Clubs and equity is no longer used. An Anbau of Cannabis is a hint of medicinal cannabis – nicht erlaubt.

GDP is still not positive

One of the reforms of the reform of the Ampel regime is that the legalization of the properties of the Schwarzmarkt zurückzudrängen takes place. Daran, the fact that Ziel takes into account that the Gewerkschaft der Polizei (BBP) is erhebliche Zweifel. “There is a falsch, a decision to be made, that is the responsibility for a safe environment in private hands,” says the stellar GdP Federal Research Broadcaster, Alexander Poitz. There is a concept here with more state management of funds, where the states and municipalities impose the complicated rules, so that a consumer in debt does not end up.

Poitz believes that the Gesetz has a German signal, that more consumers and are “manufactured forces”. Eine Folge davon sei, dass “Structures of the organizers Kriminalität here yet you could see a larger market”. If you want this, then your dealer is now taking a risk on larger quantities of cannabis loss chickens. After the new Gesetz you will have an experience with 25 grams of cannabis with your own führen./abc/DP/zb