
A3-Ausbau Regensburg: Endspurt nach Zeitplan

A3-Ausbau Regensburg: Endspurt nach Zeitplan

Zwischen dem Autobahnkreuz Regensburg und der Anschlussstelle Rosenhof at the moment the Lärmschutzbelag comes into effect – the letzten Schritte beim sechsstreifigen Ausbau der A3 near Regensburg. Das hat Sperrungen von Fahrspuren und Anschlussstellen zur Folge. If we continue here, I’ll have to schedule more time. Two of the four residents, who have been for the Einbau-angsetzt since, since vorüber. I will be from Freitagabend on Wednesday from October 11 to 14 until Monday morning with the next three Bauabschnitt.

Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkung und weniger Fahrstreifen

The first opening ceremony for the Lärmschutzbelag starts on Friday, October 11 at 7:30 PM. Bis Montag, 5 Uhr (or perhaps nur bis zum späten Sonntagabend wie bislang) ist zwischen dem Autobahnkreuz Regensburg and the Anschlussstelle Regensburg-Universität now a Fahrstreifen in Passau direction befahrbar, two Fahrstreifen bleiben in Richtung Nürnberg offen. It is gilded with a high wind speed of 60 km/h. In Fahrtrichtung Passau is one of the Anschlussstelle Regensburg-Universität de Einfahrt und de Ausfahrt gesperrt, am Autobahnkreuz Regensburg is the overfahrten of the A93 on the A3 in Richtung Passau zu.

Traffic protection on roads U21-Länderspiel

Hinzukommt am Freitagabend das U21-Länderspiel at Jahnstadion in Regensburg. The German U21 triffs in the qualification of the European Masters at 18 hours against the team from Bulgaria. With the construction on the adjacent A3 you can get traffic improvements. The police are still in the city with strong background information.

Viertes Einbauwochenende: From 18. October

The fourth Einbauwochenende for the Lärmschutzbelag ist von Freitag, 18. Oktober bis Montag, 21. Oktober angesetzt, with the same time. Both the Autobahnreuz Regensburg and the Regensburg University are now available in the direction of Nürnberg, and they are also in the direction of Passau. In Fahrtrichtung Nürnberg one of the Anschlussstelle Regensburg-Universität de Einfahrt und Ausfahrt gesperrt. On the Autobahnkreuz in Regensburg, the highway from the A3 from Passau to the A93 in Richtung Hof is not possible. Am Autobahnreuz is next to the highway of the A3 from Passau coming from the A93 in the direction of Munich. There is a gilded high wind speed of 60 km/h, so who is an overholverbot for Laster, Busse and Fahrzeuge with Anhängern.

Witterungsbedingte Verschiebungen möglich

The construction of the Lärmschutzbelags on the A3 is no longer safe. The separation, by the statistics of the diamond discovery, will be displayed with the button on the Wettervorst.

The termination plan and a detailed overview of the map can be found on the project website (external link) for download.

Things have moved faster

First and second, construction work will be completed after several years of construction work. After the Aushärtung has been carried out, the white Straßenmarkierungen are applied. The employees were able to work together and both women worked faster when they were relieved. Use the floss from the jewelry that is on the new Lärmschutzbelag.

The construction of the Lärmschutzbelags on the A3 is no longer safe. The separation, by the statistics of the diamond discovery, can be found with a click on the Wettervorst. The termination plan and a detailed overview of the map can be found on the project website (external link) for download.

The dimension of the projects

The sechsstreifige Ausbau der A3 between the Autobahnreuz Regensburg and the Anschlussstelle Rosenhof is 15 kilometers long and started in February 2018. Die Arbeiten sollen im October 2024 abgeschlossen sein. The Bund invested 290 million euros, i.e. the Autobahn GmbH des Bundes. Approximately 70,000 vehicles since driving on the highway on the road – tending to increase. The device must be used again at 16 Brücken.