
Energy drops Inflation at the lowest Wert seit 2021 From dpa-AFX

Energy drops Inflation at the lowest Wert seit 2021 From dpa-AFX

WIESBADEN (dpa-AFX) – The Federal Statistical Office has achieved the best results: I started in September with an annual rate of 1.6 percent, so it has fallen that it will only last three years. Before the strong awards ceremonies of energy supply take place, with the Bundesbehörde am Freitag in Wiesbaden, it is. Analysts have found the best results from the first Schnitt analysis. The era of sharp price increases in services and services may last a while. A smaller Teuerung will be available in February 2021 with 1.5 Prozent.

The emergence of inflation is one of the most important starting points for the German economy and trade, the paths of the energy crisis and the gestiegener long-term premiums and the Kaufkraft have been lost. The Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) won the Leitzins zum Zweiten Mal in a year in September with the argument of falling inflation. Kredite für Investitionen und Konsumausgaben are sollen ich dadurch verilligen. Others look at the Zinsen für Guthaben.

Forderung nach weiterer Zinssenkung

In the coming weeks (October 17) there will be an EZB-Rat bei auswärtigen Sitzung in Slowenien über die weitere Zinspolitik. The Ökonomin Silke Tober of the Institut für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung (IMK) of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung has discontinued further sensory studies for the not-true. The monetary policy restriction affected economic activity and prevented hereditary investments. If you are in the financial situation and a year later in the eurozone with the inflation figures you look at the Swedish market, this is a fact. If you keep an eye on the EZB of the pre-stabilization results.

Energy has certainly become more favourable

Energy products were more favorable in Schnitt 7.6 Prozent in September than in a year. You can use another Kraftstoffe or Holz. Auch Strom and had a great time for a year. During the subsequent calculation, the statistical value of a price quote of 1.6 per cent is determined. A product with olive oil (+29.6 Prozent) or butter (29.3 Prozent) also extends the product’s lifespan. The only core energy and energy inflation has risen to 2.7 percent of costs. Sehr was disappointed as they were Service Leistungen for a year with a Plus of 3.8 Prozent. Here the comparisons reflect high rates for many Berufsgruppen.

The economies believe that inflation in Germany will remain below the zwei project market, while still moving forward in the years to come. The private consumption is an important court for the German Wirtschaft, which will be discussed further in one of the following studies. I think that the Federal Government could negatively influence my economic forecast. You can now spend a year with a Wirtschaftsleistung value of 0.2 Prozent.