
“Wer für Pubertätsblocker argumentiert, vergild als lieb”

“Wer für Pubertätsblocker argumentiert, vergild als lieb”

The treatment of young adults with the development of history is a theme, the meditation and the intense stress. The child psychiatrist Alexander Korte will treat the Diskurs with a book ankurbeln. Is this a strange question? A Conversation.

Let more children and young children look into the wrong kitchen. The feeling of happiness since Mädchen, the Jungen sein wollen.

Let more children and young children look into the wrong kitchen. The feeling of happiness since Mädchen, the Jungen sein wollen.

Pier Costantini / Contrasto / Laif

Mr. Korte, I’m Donnerstag erschien Ihr neues Buch. Fürchten Sie een Shitstorm?

I did not look forward to Widerrede – im Gegenteil. I am not bothered by any criticism of the book. This is one of the most common doubts about data erasure. I have received constructive criticism – so that an offensive debate in Australia can come to an end. There is no problem. Statistics will argue, left and humanize an ideological vermin, moralizing conflict, in this case, the puberty blocker. And everyone is gilded with virtues as bad, right-wing and despising of people.

In his book he has found a “Hinter dem Regenbogen” and researched a monograph and a political debate. Zu Ihrer winstschaftlichen Argumentation: Was the criticism that you had done one of the minor actions, which in itself was falschen Körper fühlen?

Alexander Korte is a child and adolescent psychiatrist at the Universitätsklinikum Munich. Früh criticism is an ideological tendency in the treatment of young people with closed dysphoria. There is a family that is short on time.

Alexander Korte is a child and adolescent psychiatrist at the Universitätsklinikum Munich. Früh criticism is an ideological tendency in the treatment of young people with closed dysphoria. There is a family that is short on time.

Christian Anger

My criticism is actually the practice of puberty blockade, while the youthful drug treatment is carried out, an organization of the entrepreneurs in puberty is startled and a sparsely safe operation is alleviated by it. I believe that there is criticism of the mutual description and ideological analysis of our statements. Yes, auch der Wissenschaftssprache. These offers are a fictitious gender dish, a – a prize of the Wahrheitsfindung.

In Kürze a new leadership line appears, also a treatment path for the German speaking environment. Dieser has sharp criticism, including from the Swiss Society for Child and Youth Psychiatry. Hauptkritikpunkt: the Pubertätsblockade. Was this problem damned?

Speziell an der Leitlinie ich, if it is a ausschliesslich transaffirmativen Behandlingsansatz festschreibt, while the identification of other species with the Geschlecht no more critical hints could be done. Statistics of the Wunsch Minderjähriger if only Wahrheit hinges and medical heritage were. It ends with a fatal Fehler. Due to the puberty block, children and young people were at a certain point confronted with a higher Wahrscheinlichkeit in a lonely directionführt.


The study is over, the end of the 95th stage of childhood, puberty blockade has begun, in the course of treatment with hormonal regulation and then the very last stage of a separate operation. Frühere studies look at the hinges, if they experience the average age of youth, puberty continues normally, over time with their bad results – and there are a few functions that can be performed. A puberty suppressant and anesthetic treatment with gegengeschlechtlichen hormones machen zu 100 Prozent unfruchtbar. This will not be the case with the long-term treatment of knowledge, sexual experience and hirnentwicklung.

We can argue the transpositive arguments as follows: It seems that the youth blockade was created for a closed blockade, but now, the childish erasure, was woolen and where they sinned. And it’s worth responding.

It is no longer possible to stop, but it is in the Medizin a fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von fast null nicht gibt. The statistics are so high that the puberty block has a strong influence on the Entwicklungsspread. Man can then no longer have a problem. Deleting data on the costs incurred by puberty block processing.

The Verfasser der Leitlinie sagen, the costs are lighter. If the youth with tense dysphoria is more suizidal, he is also a Leben and Tod.

This argumentation has a zynismus and an unprofessional character that can be superlative. The fact is: There is no problem at all, it is a free disease with the puberty block and the hormonal treatment of suizidriskiko. Obviously this is less affected. New financial consequences in Finland are the result of the suizidalität typical of depression, anxiety disorders, autism. And no longer in the Geschlechtsdysphoria itself. Please note: treatment with puberty blocker and hormones are not suitable for suizidriskiko. I think the suizid argument is one of the unproven effects of the weather effects.

Was meinen Sie damned?

If the treatment is often affected by those affected, it may be that the suizidalität of the children in the blick is addressed and removed, thus best blocking puberty. Damit setzt man die Eltern unglaublich unter Druck, der Behandlung zuzustimmen. A person knows best about the weather effect: a person goes to youth with the suizid-vermutung of a flower in his ear and can bring a psychological being into action – also a suizidwunsch first entstehen welding.

We live in a time, in that Gefühl sehr fell zählt – auch jenes von Minderjährigen. If there is also a 13-Jähriger, there is a Mädchen, an erroneous Körper is born. Who would want to say and say: «Nein, das ist falsch»?

It wasn’t like I was in the Sinn, so it was never like that again. Aber es is inherited, this story of the hinterfragen, a Jugendlichen zu schützen. I was born a false Körper – who is that? Is it a weibliche or male seelen? It is a matter of a healthy lifestyle, but a dystopian experience that is in puberty. It can cause a psychological change. Once taken out of the closet, it is an artifice and the clipping of puberty. Erase Zum Beispiel, ie Ursachen-exceedement mit Essstörungen mit Anorexia-money. This is one of the sexual relationships or an alternative role conflict: young has a swing, in a new role hineinzuwachsen. Social networking, social support, and in any case, more interesting, more intensive, psychological stereotypes are strengthened by the Phänomen.

In the eighth years you start playing a safe game or playing style.

Yes, we would be a little longer. My meinung is not that heavy, in a very serious psychotherapy with most other experiences, it may be that there are often complaints about the treatment of sparrows. Power has caused a lot of the problems.

In those years when it could go like this: Der Cass-Report führte in Grossbritannien zu einer Abkehr von Pubertätsblockern, die die nur noch in Studyn eingesetzt. Auch in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Australia is the most attractive.

The Praxis has fallen in the hinterland of France and Italy.

My end result is that, that is the way in which the medizinic theme of society prevents a reflective political and zeitgeist political discussion. Why do you care about this theme, on the back of your youth?

Sexual life is a matter of political theme. Think about the time of the sexual revolution in the 68th generation. Das Sexuelle was immer Austragungsort von Generationenkonflikten. Damals went es der Prüderie and den Kragen. It has never been more a liberalization, a self-determination, self-determination and a narcissistic motive in a narcissistic time, while the individual is still not so self-determined. If the politics of identity police are hampered, a judicial and ethnic issue will arise. If you have the protocol, my politics is of the bourgeois part of the world and the core of the struggle with the AfD, no matter how good you are, you cannot say anything other than the trans-affirming Ansatz infrage.

The first thing to say is that you have made an inquiry into the criticisms that reason has received. Who could be the Fach Persons in the German states who earn part of their money?

It’s only a matter of time before the disc is completely started. Meine Haltung met een transaffirming kolleg als een absolut Minderheitsmeinung-dargestellt, was nicht ist, das dürfte inzwischen clear sein. I am with my life Book erneut een Angebot zum Gespräch.