
We are unable to accommodate the large brand at the hotel “Zur Linde” in Neuhaus

We are unable to accommodate the large brand at the hotel “Zur Linde” in Neuhaus

Neuhaus. It’s a war with Sebastian Winsmann’s secured Blick, a big fire in a Neuhaus-prevented hat. When the Neuhäuser Ortsbrandmeister starts the Freitagnachmittag (10. October) on Lindenstraße, there is an open Flammen Dachbereich des Schuppens in the ehemaligen Hotel “Zur Linde”. With a Griff zum Handige setzte the Notruf ab and the Rettungskette in Gang. We can prevent the first Feuerwehrleute in the Neuhauser center an and konnten Schlimmeres.

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Read more after that Anzeige

Trotz des beherzten Zugriffs der rund 58 Feuerwehrleute from Neuhaus, Silberborn und Holzminden griffen de Flammen zum Teil auf de Anbau über. When the Brandangriff comes from the direction of the two directions, the attack passes, the war is quickly resolved. Those residents of the Houses could bring themselves to Security alone, no one would be left behind.

The quarrel starts in the shearing and drying on the Anbau-überzugreifen.

The quarrel starts in the shearing and drying on the Anbau-überzugreifen.

“We have lived happily ever after,” said Neuhaus’ Ortsbrandmeister in Gespräch mit dieser Zeitung. “Where the Feuer will not be treated so quickly, it is not long ago that it is on the Anbau-berggriffenhätte, and that it is sufficient from Holz.” Trotzdem dauerte der Einsatz more Stunden. After the flames were cut off, the Brandort with thermal imaging chamber was one of the most glutnester-abgesucht and schließlich that improved Räume mittels Hochdrucklüfter belüftet.

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Read more after that Anzeige

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The Neuhäuser Ortsdurchfahrt, the Lindenstraße/B 497, was completely restricted for the Einsatzdauer of the Police in both Directions. Der Verkehr would have internal problems. Die Einsatzleitung has Holzmindens Stadtbrandmeister Dr. Nils-Peter Kriegel. The damage amount and hours can be used to determine how long it may take. The police have established the Ermittlungen.