
It is worth leaving the Stadt am Haff in the “gönnen” in the following years

It is worth leaving the Stadt am Haff in the “gönnen” in the following years

The City of Ueckermünde will invest vigorously in the coming years. Bauamtsleiter Sven Behnke proposed his first plans in the young Bauausschuss vor. “That is the Wunschliste des Bau- und Ordnungsamtes. Whichever projects were then tatsächlich umgesetzt, steht on another Blatt”, Behnke explains.

A large part of the “Wunschliste” can be started. “Dazu heard der Umbau der Regionale Schule auf Inklusionsstandard sowie die Sanierung beziehungsweise der teilweise Neubau von WC-Anlagen im Altstadt-Schulkomplex”, says the Bauamtsleiter. The workers in the Turnhalle am Haffring in Ueckermünde Ost since in full Gange. Diese Massnahmen sollen bis Ende 2025 has been signaled. The equity investments amount to 8.4 million euros. Davon won 3.8 million euros at the Conversion of the Regional School, 1.12 million at the WC-Anlagen rund and 3.4 million euros at the Turnhallen-Sanierung.

Fell Money by the Verkauf von Grundstücken

Nothing is uninterested in the Erwerb von Grundstücken, another person in the Straßenbaumasnahmen is ready to buy. Der Verkauf von Grundstücken fell Geld in de Kasse spülen. Here the city is understaffed at the cost of 5.33 million euros for the Grundstück am Strand, while the hotel is being sold. Dazu will receive 650,000 Euro for the purchase of Flächen am Waldweg Bellin, including small garages.

The area is intended for a living and dining room and an Erschließungsträger-verkauft were. About 265,000 euros are spent in the city through the sale of the ehemaligen Sportplatzes in Berndshof. All these areas are being replaced by housing and a landscaped area.

Bauleistungen für Kreisel were written

When the big Straßenbaumaßnahme the city starts in the following year with the Sanierung der Kastanienallee. Der Bauamtsleiter spoke of visual costs in the amount of approximately 1.57 million euros. An amount of 569,300 euros will be paid from the Ministry of Economic Affairs for the Ausbau Kommunaler Straßen übergeben.

“This is the case of the Kreisverkehr Haffstraße, zu dem die Stadtvertreter in Ihrer Sitzung Ende September beschlossen haben, dass geschrieben zijn kann.” Here you will find the installation in the following years.

Here you will find the Kreisverkehr am Ueckermünder Haffstrand entstehen.

Here you will find the Kreisverkehr am Ueckermünder Haffstrand entstehen. (Photo: Andy Bunning)

There will be various smaller purchases, such as a new construction site for the Bauhof for approximately Euro 9,000 or a new Holzhütten for approximately Euro 28,000. These other huts are subordinate to the Weihnachtsmarkt, nach and nach ersetzen. The city wants to make a big splash for the new Traktor, a damn winter snow or Salz-streuen to buy.

The investment plans in the Bauausschuss war are notorious, on October 28 new plans appeared in the financing plans. You must discuss and prioritize the corporate management internally at the factory. The city retretung of the house and the fact that separate investments have been made come to an end.