
Product on autumn essential

Product on autumn essential

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Product on autumn essential
Achtung: Bei Rossmann would have a Lebensmittel zurückgerufen. © Ralph Peters/Imago

Rossmann started a Rückruf weigh Salmonellengefahr. You cannot redeem the product and purchase it in your branch store.

Dortmund – Von Reinigungsmitteln for its cosmetic and hair care: the dryer’s product range is expanding. You can no longer wait for the non-food company. Brands that Rossmann beets inzwischischen attacked Nahrungsmittel and Bio-Lebensmittel. The problem is that there is a problem with an active shock.

Rossmann-Rückruf roads Durchfall-Gefahr: Product on stones Fall ash

Rossmann has an urgent response for the product “enerBiO veganes Omelet” startedet (11. October). Affected since the Packungen with the Mindesthaltbarkeitsdaten (MHD) 11. October 2025 and 14. November 2025. The Grund für diesen Rückruf ist der Nachweis von Salmonellen in een der Zutaten. Here are all the details of this:

  • Sales sort: Bundesweit at Rossmann
  • Product: enerBiO veganes Omelette
  • Mindset Barkeitsdatum (MHD): 11. October 2025 and 14. November 2025
  • Product review: Pulver zur Zubereitung eines Bio-Erzeugnisses zum Braten auf Kichererbsenbasis
  • Packaging integrity: 43 Grams
  • Charging number / Los-Kennzeichnung: FF-110308 and FF-110360
  • Grund: Nachweis von Salmonellen

Rückruf bei Rossmann weg Salmonella: Auf keinen Fall essen!

Der Verzehr von Lebensmitteln, die mit Salmonellen contacten, kan nie a healthier futur. Typical symptoms of a Salmonella infection are the Robert Koch-Institut Durchfall, Bauchschmerzen, Erbrechen and light Fieber, which occur a few days after the infection.

If people with protected immune systems are treated, people who are more childish, while absenteeism is not excluded. Verbraucher, the fact that the product has been damaged will be caused urgently, it will not work and the symptoms may appear.

Rückruf product from Rossmann
These products with the thoughts generated can be processed in the fall. © Rossmann; Ralph Peters/Imago; Collage: RUHR24

Rossmann-Rückruf: Drogerie nimmt Product ohne Kassenbon zurück

Rossmann will let you know that you can enjoy the vegan omelette in your store. Der Kaufpreis would be a Vorlage that has yielded Kassenbons (more Rückrufe and Warnungen at RUHR24).

The Drogeriemarkt is guilty of the unacceptable and concrete quality and safety of the high priority product. Other products from Marke “enerBiO” or other Mindesthalt brands will not be affected by the backlash.