
A young person is affected by alcohol-induced arrhythmia

A young person is affected by alcohol-induced arrhythmia

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Alcohol can enter the brain, causing people to become out of control. There is a new study of the LMU clinics in Munich herausgefunden.

Munich – In Europe, the World Health Organization (WHO) weltweit am meisten Alcohol is being disrupted. Deutschland is part of the federal states, which are my most consumers. Once you are in the world, the beer will be a million liters over the years. It is a mixture of alcohol. And if it is good health, it is all possible.

Do you have an idea of ​​​​the sale of the gifts at the Herz, impressed by young people, or? Since the Medical Clinic of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich “with my mobile EKG recording at the parties of young people, who have a soul: they are organized in a way that binds them” heißt es in a press conference of the LMU clinics.

Alcohol has a questionable effect on Herz

In 2015, the team from the Medizinische Klinik and Poliklinik at the LMU clinics provided cardiologists Stefan Brunner and Moritz Sinner with a study at the Munich Oktoberfest – the “MunichBREW-I Study”. Both have had time to expand alcohol consumption and herzrhythmusstörungen in the agreement. This war is now a snapshot. You can now test this research – and start the study “MunichBREW-II-Study”.

Friends Drinking Alcohol
Alcohol can disrupt the amount of weight gain in young people. ©

During the negotiation, the Ergebnisse im European Heart Journal It becomes clear that the team is happy, that they enjoy binge drinking, also (“Komasaufen”), and that people are healthy in their own environment.

Gemütliche Trinken and dennoch extrem hoher Puls

Analyze the data of more than 200 percent – ​​a heat up to 2.5 per mille intus haten. Davon sees no one in the Club or other Drogen are messages, messages Sinner and Brunner gegenüber der Süddeutschen Zeitung. Get the best out of yourself or a bar. Everything is also very gemütlich.

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An electrocardiogram (ECG), the jewels and the chest of the bands are clamped, überwachte für insgesamt 48 Stunden or Herzrhythmus. These phases are separated from each other in Trink- und Erholungsphase. The Forscher had ended up in the Ausgangswert, even before the Trinken lost. Danach analyzes the ECGs of the Herzfrequenz, Vorhofflimmern and other Arten von Herzrhythmusstörungen. Also pushed back a bit, by the herz on the quick or along the line or on the stroke.

There are several ways you can use Herzrhythmusstörungen

The study of the ergebnis, which brings about the development of the teilnehmer herzrhythmusstörungen. Everything is good, the duration is 30 years long. If alcohol passes through the pulse, do so at 100 Schlägen per minute. Zum Vergleich: Normal bei Erwachsenen ist a Ruhepuls von 60 tot 80. “Clinically relevant arrhythmia is treated with über fünf Prozent der ansonsten gesunden Teilnehmer auf”, explanation of the Cardiologist Moritz Sinner, “and heavy überwiegend in the Erholungsphase.”

Gegenüber der Süddeutschen Zeitung erklärte Sinner has abandoned the alcohol of the alcohol weight of the corpers, weil by the körper nicht zur Ruhe komme. The study also said that alcohol can be processed and stored in the brain’s own processes. Brunner explains this: “A study of cardiological studies shows a slightly negative effect of excessive alcohol consumption on health.”

If alcohol consumption and following the hertzrhythmus disturbances take a long time on the health of the brain, it cannot last longer.