
Bomb in Cologne is controlled

Bomb in Cologne is controlled

In Cologne, the upcoming bomb attack of the Zweiten Weltkrieg erolgreich has been abgeschloss. An American Zehn-Zentner-Bombe was dropped by Abend von Experten in control of the city center.

The Entschärfer des Kampfmittelbeseitigungseitigungsdienstes hatten am Nachmittag zunächst nur one of two Aufschlagzündern entschärfen could be. Deshalb must be checked by the dud, while the Schwerlaster zunächst große Mengen Sand ankarren muststen.

The war started after the city war that took place in Cologne in 1945. Three hospitals with 650 patients could be evacuated quickly and 6,400 people lost in their homes. Kurz vor de erolgreichen Ende der Aktion hatte de Stadt vorsorglich warn: “The Einsatzleitung is not so long ago, that by the control Sprengung a dumpfer Knall on the 500-meter-Gefahrenbereich for the Bevölkerung vernehmbar signal.”

Intensive patients in “Safe House”

The bomb was located on a ground, on the health campus entstehen soll. After the Sprengung of the clinics involved in the field of treatment and research has been affected, the bomb splitter’s turn is associated with the city moving forward.

Intensive patients, who were admitted to other hospitals, were admitted to a “Safe House” and were admitted to a “Safe House”, especially if they were admitted to hospital.

The war of action could last a month. Etwa 1,300 Helfer were then secured. Darunter were Mitarbeiter des Ordnungsamts, Polizisten, Feuerwehrleute, Rettungskräfte and 800 Ehrenamtliche.

The “Tausend-Bomber-Angriff”

Bombenentschärfungen is a normal situation in Cologne – the city is hit by the strong bombardments of the Zweiten Weltkriegs. So on the night of May 30 to 31, 1942, the first “Tausend-Bomber-Angriff” of the British Royal Air Force was on a German Metropole station.

Der im californischen Exil lebende deutsche Schriftsteller Thomas Mann noted down: “Furchtbarer Air-Raid auf Köln, 1,000 Flugzeuge. Vernichtung und Panik.” Etwa 20,000 Kölner kamen bei Bombenangriffen ums Leben, am Ende stand im Zentrum fast nur noch der Dom. (dpa)