
Unfall at Klettern: Tech CEO Justin Bingham stürzt in the tod | News

Unfall at Klettern: Tech CEO Justin Bingham stürzt in the tod | News

At times when Justin Bingham (40) did that, it was a lie: there are letters with others in the Zion National Park in the American state of Utah. When the group is about to stop, lose Bingham at Halt, stand at 60 yards in the tiefe.

Sofort nach dem Unfall im Gebirge alarm seine Comrades Rettungskräfte; A Hubschrauber from the Park Guard brought the Tech CEO to a nearby Campingplatz, where we ended up in a Krankenhaus with another Hubschrauber.

Tod auf dem Weg in de Klinik

Neither on the road dorthin verstarb Bingham and seinen schweren Sturzverletzungen.

Das Entsetzen über den Tod des Chefs is in the opinion of the software company riesengroß. In a message on social media, Justin’s Kollegen nach dem wrote Accident: “The most flexible person, being a man with whom others can share, is the joy. Keine Worte is an angemessen, no Gefühl reicht aus. Der heutige Tag bildet da keine Ausnahme.”

The Tech-Boss war four-facher Vater

Der Chef des Software-Unternehmens Opinie war vierfacher Vater

Photo: justindbingham/Instagram

Who is Bingham badger Unternehmen said that the following Worte: “Bei opinion war Justin mehr als nur unser CEO. There is a war with a friend, a mentor, a story for the heart of the business, and all wars are a family. Justin can use a name and a long name, if Tag, when the office has started, starts a little. If a signalman no longer looks at the people, then it is worth it.”

Justin and Lindsay believe on YouTube

The company boss does not have the impression that Bingham and his wife Lindsay have created a name for themselves as a Family Blogger. Auf ihrem Kanaal bei YouTubethen see “Our life in the Netherlands“ There are documentaries about life with four children Turin, Ashton, Landon and Ava. Among other themes of the few videos that have appeared in the Sohnes Landon, there is a Zerebralparesis (Movement and Muskelstörung) guideline.

Our website states: “Wir lieben es, as Familie Spaß zu haben and Abenteuer zu erleben. While we are alive, we will find Freud and the little things, and we will find our own beautiful things in Holland. We are committed to achieving the best of things. Our idea was that it was so, that we could no longer learn and reconcile, but however we could do it.”

From now on a sparrow Lindsay and the four children’s children Off to meet Justin.