
ROUNDUP 2/Ampel-Attacken and Merz-Jubel: CSU-Parteitag starts with dpa-AFX

ROUNDUP 2/Ampel-Attacken and Merz-Jubel: CSU-Parteitag starts with dpa-AFX

(New: Declaration Soder vor Parteitagsbeginn eingefügt)

AUGSBURG (dpa-AFX) – The CSU will celebrate the Chancellor candidates – even if Markus is no longer present: An Auftritt from CDU chief Friedrich Merz dürfte der Höhepunkt des CSU-Parteitags am Freitag en Samstag in Augsburg sein. And what else? In the signal red, fierce attacks will take place on the Ampel leaders, especially on the Greens. This is the theme – after the party internals Querelen um die Option Schwarz-Grün in dieser Woche – kein Blatt voor de Mund nehmen will, meerwe is schon bei der Ankunft in Augsburg kllar: “Schwarz-Grün ist een toter Gaul”, says there beim Final meeting in the Augsburger Messezentrum. Part of the question was or could be:

That K-Frage

The K-Frage arose: Friedrich Merz would have the Union as a Candidate candidate in the Bundestagswahl führen – and how the attention of the active members is focused on the best Aussichten, which is a fact in the Kanzleramt. However, it is more bitter for Söder, that is in the K-Frage now that there will be more trouble for the Kürzeren zog – for the Bundestagswahl 2021 it is true that Armin Laschet will be rejected. It is now clear that Merz’s page is being demonstrated and that the party is participating in the communal parts that come into play.

“Wir unterstützen Friedrich Merz und wollen, dass er Kanzler wird”, give Söder in der “Bild” kurz for the score nor a loss as loss. “We have since lived to see that the correct formation has been established. Friedrich Merz and I became Deutschland rocken and became Olaf Scholz and the Ampel ablösen.” While the Frage, yet became a great Kanzler, he said: “Wir haben ein klares Ziel, die Ampel abzulösen. Everything else is nebengeräusche.” Merz habe seine hundertprozentige Unterstützung. Anyone who is enthusiastic about the CSU hint will definitely watch Rede am Samstag. Wobei das Ziel ist: Nach der Bundestagswahl wollen CDU und CSU joint jubeln.

Soders Zukunft

If the Frage nach Söders Zukunft – weil ihm in Bavaria is ever whoer untersteltt, auf the Job as Prime Minister proper, his direct pleasure will have more. Has the Freistaat become so small? Söders Umfeld says that, who sehr and who fell der 57-Jährige im Land unterwegs sei. It is possible that Cabinet Merz will decide: between Chancellor or Prime Minister.

Was the Gerüchten (who brought a lot to the CSU zum Schmunzeln) so interesting for the Federal President? There is a clear answer in the “Image”: “Können Sie sich wirklich vorellen, dass mich Bundespräsident reis würde?”, is op Nachfrage. And: “I am a man, there is a Macher and weniger is a Mahner.” No, Söder will no longer use one of the Entscheider the next Koalition sauce.

CSU-Streit and Schwarz-Grün

Ownership of the fact that the CSU has led maximum participation. Everything went well during that time. Der Auslöser: CSU-Vize Manfred Weber hated a black-green coalition in the Bund not so apodictically ausgeschlossen, with Söder and CSU-Generalsekretär Martin Huber dies in the best way. “Demokraten müssen müssen müssen müssen kann önnen und versuchen, Wege des Miteinanders zu finden”, says Weber dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland about an entprechende Frage – en zog damit zürnte Reaktionen von Landesgruppenchef Alexander Dobrindt, Landtagsfrktionschef Klaus Holetschek, Huber and Söder auf zo. Weber is head of the conservative EPP group in the European Parliament.

Seine Auffassung sei “eine Mindermeinung”, see more in the “Bild”. If the Union set up with the Greens as a Partner, it would be lost and not over 30 Prozent kommen, it is argued. Then you see coalitions with more partners, who make a new beginning, which is possible.


It is clear that Absage and Schwarz-Grün are one of the strategic strategies of the Bundestagswahl-Kampagne of the CSU, where Ampel-Bashing has adopted the entire party and a clear Abgrenzung of the AfD and BSW: In a Leitantrag for the Parteitag, in an Absatz zur Außenpolitik, quasi in an Atemzug von “Akturen of the AfD and the BSW” die Rede. And if you want to be in a favorable location, you can let the ministers of the Bundestags-Ambitionen, Freie-Wähler chief Hubert Aiwanger, know.

When all active players report the Union behind the scenes, the Bundestagwahl is not nearly that long. It is a fact that Söders Wunsch nach een vorzoeten Wahl geht in Erfüllung. The CSU has suffered such a loss that the most important foundations have not been laid down for an hour nor for the actual terms.

If you are in the CSU business, this is a long-lasting incentive. That Wahl has never been won, but he is. Auch soder muss um jede Stimme kämpfen. There is a fact that there are a number of CSU direct candidates who have now won their Wahlkreise, roads to the new Bundestagswahlrechts in the Bundestags-Aus-droht.

Wehrpflicht and Asyl-Obergrenze

The interests of the parties include migration policy and the fight against one of the interests of the Wehrmacht. If you perform a letantration, the delegation members will be robbed and beschloss. The essence is that the Forderung nach a strict Bgrenzung der Zuwanderung, with an Oberbergrenze von deutlich under 100,000 Asylanträgen per Jahr – im vergangen Jahr were more than 300,000 registered in Germany. Zudem Brauche is a groundbreaking reform of asylum law. “The migration awaits us”, says Söder der “Augsburger Allgemeinen”.

In another article, the CSU is informed of the Wehrpflicht- and “perspektivische” a general conscription for men and women and the most German Verteidigung-sausgaben.