
Citizen money: Auch SPD Chief Klingbeil receives a job bonus for long-term employment

Citizen money: Auch SPD Chief Klingbeil receives a job bonus for long-term employment

The planted Prämie for long-term losses, which takes up and quits a job, goes to the SPD chairmen Lars Klingbeil on the labor market. “Hinter die 1,000-Euro-Prämie mache ich a riesiges Fragezeichen”, says Klingbeil dem RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland. “Diese Akzentsetzung is false.”

Klingbeil plädierte für een Änderung während des weiteren Verfahrens in de Bundestag. “Nonetheless, the government decisions that must be taken by Parliament were rejected,” he said. “It is attractive when people earn a lot of money,” says the SPD leader. “Deswegen are able to work for a higher level of mind, tariffs, stable rents, secure working conditions for the land in the country.”

The Prämie is part of the packages of the underspending for citizen money, which will become war in October of the Federal Cabinet. Die Vorlage stems from the Sozialministerium of Ressortchef Hubertus Heil (SPD). If you quit a job from the long term and you think that you will earn money for a long time, then a loan of 1,000 euros to “Anschubfinanzierung” is born.

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Inzwischen is a short criticism of the Prämie who is part of the Ampelcolony faction of SPD, Grünen and FDP as well as the trade union faction. You can advise the head chef of the Federal Agency for Employment, Andrea Nahles. Unterstützt wird der Plan unter diem von Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck (Grüne). Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) is skeptical.

The SPD Leader will be Sonntag and Montag at a Klausurtagung Klingbeils who will use a “Aufholjagd” of the Party; momentan bekommt si in Umfragen nur etwa halb so veld Zuspruch wie de Union. “I’m glad I didn’t have a miracle, but I’m happy to work,” said the 46-year-old. “The SPD braucht a Körperhaltung des Siegeswillens.” If you want to spend more time marching.

The party cooperates with Kevin Kühnert’s general affairs rule. This is not the case with a power camp within the SPD that you can use. There is a way in which the Rücktritt is noticed, that it is not good, like Klingbeil. Der 35 years ago the mountain started to recover and die with healthy problems. Kühnert will never appear before the Bundestag candidates again.