
Fußballjugendtrainer soll in Hesse Jungen sexuell missbraucht haben

Fußballjugendtrainer soll in Hesse Jungen sexuell missbraucht haben

A youth coach at a football club is involved in a sexual lapse and a dry spell. There has been taken in Haft.

The Staatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt am Main has enjoyed the free time, since May 2024 there has been a 28-year-old football coach from the junior team of the gymnastics and sports friends Hornau in Raum Frankfurt. I could say that in more cases child sex abuse is also prevalent in the health care center. Die Taten sollen sich 2022 und 2024 ereignet haben. Der Trainer sits in Untersuchungshaft on August.

After information about the guilt of the guilt of minor men, the time point of the juniorenmannschaft has disappeared. The Staatsanwaltschaft has now developed his career as a trainer, a young man who manipulates and manipulates with his machine. There is a good chance that the pressure will become so great that it will no longer be possible to use the mountain reefs. Make sure the trainer has reached the young age of consum van Drogen, another way to do the exercise.

On August 14, 2024, the 28th edition of the Staatsanwaltschaft festivities had started, after the Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main had received a haftbefehl in its charge. Good luck with your living environment and working conditions, both of which are safe and secure. If you want to receive more data, it will be deleted. The ermittler can no longer be identified, but it cannot be identified.

The Ermittlungen have never stopped, but are not intensively engaged in equipping the Hausdurchsuchung beschlagnahmten Move the equipment. The police may be more affected by reporting this.