
English Libraries: Von Beowulf bis zu den Beatles – Reise

English Libraries: Von Beowulf bis zu den Beatles – Reise

Von Stefanie Bisping

Ttraditions of libraries in England – not so rich in the home of the Altest Universities of the World and their Time Shakespeares (1564-1616) and their original book production – with perfect souls for Bücherfreunde. The British Library as a great Sammlung der Welt, the Bodleian as a women’s beauty and the Chetham’s Library as one of the most extensive libraries of English linguistics are engaged in researching and publishing book libraries. In Oxford we braucht man für Letzteres ein winstschaftliches Vorhaben.

After informing John Lennon of the lyrics to “A Hard Day’s Night” hastily appearing in the background of one of his cards, Paul McCartney put on a musical performance at another short party. Heute since diese Stücke in der British Library in London ausgestellt. Tagebücher, the Robert Falcon Scott started working in the Antarctic time of 1912, during his best career he will expand the beds made as Zeugnis by the gratitude of time and time. Writing Schreibpult, Jane Austen in 1794, by her father’s gift, is one of the most romantic novels of the English language. The Spazier walk through the “Treasure Gallery”, the exhibition of the British Library in the London city of St. Pancras, was no longer performed during the demise of the kings.

Mit der Chetham’s Library in Manchester is one of the first books in the English language. Photo: Chetham’s Library

If you study the cupboard with your writings and objects at any time, you may not be able to use it. There is a manuscript written with many different texts “Beowulf”, two of the four verbs, example of the Magna Carta, with the Monarch and Nobility in 1215 on a Wiese on the Themse on rolled check and basic rendering, more First Folios – those Shakespeare’s first works, from Seinen Freunden 1623 veröffentlicht – anyway handwritten Gedicht Emily Brontës heard in the treasures of the Treasure Gallery. There are examples of the Gutenberg Bible in the library’s library, such as the book’s maps and the first photographs of the world. Manuscripts and frühneuzeitliche printing presses in the half-dunkel in display cases, if you look at them first after more minutes, a loss, but not a problem.

MThere are more than 170 million orders, only 25 million books, the British Library is the largest library in the world and the congresswomen in Washington DC show their experiences. There are 25 million books containing 125 million Zeitschrifts, Zeitungen and Karten, including Tonträger, Briefmarken, Drucke and Gemälde. From jedem Buch, it is a royal sovereignty, and one of your other statements here is an example of a hint. “Für Research, Inspiration und Genuss” was thought, so it ended up on the British Library website. It’s not like you’ve been forgotten.

In 1997, the construction of the Rotte Backstein of the Viertels St. Pancras was founded and built into the benachbarten complex of the hotel and the Bahnhof. A tower in the Mitte houses the King’s Library, the Büchersammlung Georges III. with 65,000 tires. The National Library emerged in 1973 from the Library of the British Museums, which has other collections with the British Patent Offices, which is also part of the British Museum in Bloomsbury. While it is in Karl Marx’s Kuppelsaal to create a “Kapital” version, Virginia Woolf regularly combs with her Lektüre. Since 25 years, St. Pancras is the home of the printed roots, the British Museum with art, artefacts and archaeological treasures of all times and the world can be enjoyed.

If the Magna Carta is adopted, students will move on to the larger Zahl nach Oxford. The “Bod”, as the university library Bodleian says here, will probably appear from age 17. Jahrhunderts, as the son of Herzog Humfrey von Gloucester was founded and the first library started in 1550, would become standard. Was in 1602 in 2000 when diplomat Sir Thomas Bodley started marking ties, he became bald in control, in 1610 an Ausgabe was put on the domestic books working here.

1914 War of the Truces on a Million Bücher angewachsen. Heute bestht de Bibliothek aus mehreren Bauten, dazu is a large part of the Zentrums with Regalfläche unterkellert, a trio Millionen Druckerzeugnisse umfassenden (and standard waiting) Besitz of the zweitgrößten Bibliothek des Landes zu fassen. From 2010, the university library in the Anerkennung van 25 hours started consulting libraries in the city plural and heißt somit The Bodleian Libraries.

Schätze wie een Bibel Queen Elizabeths I. from the year 1584, fiktive Landkarten der Fantasy-Ikonen CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien, who both read in Oxford, Arabic Manuscripts and European Stundenbücher from the Middle Alter were published by wechselnde Ausstellungen and Licht, have since fallen in der für Raritäten ziständigen Weston-Bibliothek zhen.

The Radcliffe Camera in Oxford covers a lesson of unreal Schönheit. Photo: Bisping​

The Divinity School, which dies during the war in the first Harry Potter films as the Krankenflügel of the Zauber boarders Hogwarts, is confronted with the complex with the Radcliffe Camera, a rundbau at 18 years old. There is a lesson from a disinterested Schönheit, a visit to the Etage as Galerie Blicke in Kuppel and in the Parterre-offnet. The Leibarzt Queen Annes put the Bau and the background in her surnames. Wer nicht in Oxford is a description, kann im Rahmen von Bibliotheksführungen a Blick hisinwerfen.

EAmong the most beautiful libraries is the Duke Humfreys Library with Gothic, illuminated windows and warm classrooms. From 1610 to 1612 there was a 400 year period in the Hogwarts Library Leinwandruhm. This library was originally created in 1488. This last University Library Oxford was founded in 1550 to clean up the entire Church of Christ Church, including the English Church of the Catholic Church, with all the clear Bücher and Bilder. In addition, you can read all the books from the library and use them. The Bodleian’s book is in 1860 and the Regals have only just begun, but the rest of the story is still there.

ZYour photo of the “Söhne ehrlicher, fleißiger Eltern”, aber auch for academic Nutzung stiftete der 1580 born and became a Stoffhändler and Banker reich Humphrey Chetham who after benannte Chetham’s Library in Manchester. After the magnificence was founded as a priest’s seminary in 1421, Bau’s hint in 1653 was on the money, one of the books that were there, which appeared in the Wissensstand der Zeit. Damit these sohne aus unvermögenden Verhältnissen sie konnten, sie sie gratis zugänglich sein; auch das alles is in seinem Testament fest.

So enstand die erste öffentliche Bücherei der englischsprachigen Welt. More than 1,000 manuscripts and more than 100,000 volumes have been published, which by 1851 lost half its time and had written more than 100,000 books in a Reichliche Hogwarts Flair style. At 19. For years, the German language benefited from Chetham’s Erbe: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are rulers in one of the most valuable cases and investigators for their Communist Manifesto. Facsimiles of Bücher, who both advise, lie about the schweren Holztisch and vermitteln den Eindruck, sie würden jeden Augenblick zurückkehren.


British library: A few minutes from Londoner Bahnhof Kings Cross/St. Pancras enters. Neben der Dauerausstellung in der Treasure Gallery is a regular Sonderausstellungen. The Treasure Gallery is available between 9:30 AM and 8 PM, Friday and Saturday from 5 PM to 11 AM and 5 PM. The end ride is free. Find prices up to 11, samstags 11 and 2 until 11.30 statt and costs Pfund pro Person:

Bodleian Libraries: In the Zentrum Oxfords the Radcliffe Camera, Old Bodleian Library, Divinity School, Convocation House and the Weston Library are available for more Sammlungen and Raritäten op een Raum. Führungen (30 und 60 Minuten Dauer, Preis zehn bzw. 15 Pfund) finden taglich statt. A one-way ticket with gloves, samstags and sonntags costs Pfund 20. Go to Wechselausstellungen are open between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Eintritt is free. For the Divinity School it costs a person a period, the Eintritt costs 2.50 Pfund here.

Chetham Library: Located close to the Cathedral in Herzen Manchester. Montags bis freitags find a tag at 1:30 PM and montags anyway service days bis freitags sisterätzlich at 11 Uhr Führungen statt. Online booking

If you visit Touren, you can no longer use a mediocre corridor and reinforced Treppenhäuser air. Those Führungen have incurred a stunde and costs for the Pfund, ermäßigt zehn Pfund. If you want to read more, you should check out the online catalog of the gewünschten-bucher-vorbeorder.