
Für Ute Behnken lived in Schwachhausen die “Macher-Leute”

Für Ute Behnken lived in Schwachhausen die “Macher-Leute”

With long-selected comments you can comment on the light appearance of the rasen. Genauer gesagt: from the Böschung des Aussichtsturms im Stadtwald. If you know a Personal and Fitness Trainer, this is probably one of the best ways to train. “Here I lived with my group,” said the 49-year-old. “Dieser Ort sees me magically, I am always completely chilled here.”

If you are concerned with the treatment of your physiotherapist, you can research them. “If I learn, I have to move,” he said. “I don’t know, who often dies with a book in my hand.” When it rains, you can deal with a bit of a scurrilous Lächeln. Denn: “Der Säulengang is indeed überdacht.”

If the car is no longer visible, this cannot happen. “I’m proud of it,” he said. If all goes well, things will go quickly on the Fahrrad route. Nicht nur in ihrem Kiez in Schwachhausen. If you go further, spend longer in the city. With the wheel you roll around in “Isaaks Garden”, ihrem Lieblingsrestaurant in Wachmannstra e.

It’s not that it’s actually essential. “Aber wenn, then gerne here.” Mediterranean cuisine is long – light and healthy. The Fitness Trainer hat is of course an August. We will take a few steps if a stronger Holy Apostle wants to come here. “It’s a gratwanderung,” said Behnken, “if there are eight, then Pommes is such a spirit.”

Wachmannstraße is located at number 49 as my home base. “Here I am with you,” said and winked at the new Pächter von Isaaks Garden zu, Güngör Cerrah, a well-known Gastronom in Bremen. “Sag mal, ich rede hier gerade über euer Essen – ist denn noch alles wie voor her?” Cerrah Nickt, Behnken lehnt sich erleichtert zurück. “One of the many things I do is my seniors from Essen.”

See more than 20 years ago that your Behnken lived in Schwachhausen. Davon quickly went home to a house on Richard-Wagner-Straße. Gebürtig comes to you from Zeven. If you are in Kleinkindalter, go to Eltern in the Bremer Speckürtel nach Lilienthal. If you do this, it’s a good idea to use the backup feature. Bis zu ihrem 23. Lebensjahr blieb sie in Lilienthal. “And then it is after Bremen, I want to live on the most Arbeitsplatzes-wohnen.”

Der Arbeitsplatz-war in Horn, een Bäckerei-Filiale. After it got so hot, it’s no longer in the city. Dagegen Schwachhausen – a completely different Schnack. “I like the Mentalität der Leute in Schwachhausen,” he said. “The fact is that it has shifted a little. It is a first time that it is a ranking. Owned by the truth of the mirror.” Is it that beautiful? Gegensätze seehen themselves. So let’s pass Ute Behnken and Schwachhausen.

Another lady comes into the sun, her service as a personal trainer in Anspruch nimmt. A 76-year-old who wants to escape from a disaster. This Unverzagtheit nötigt Ute Behnken Respekt ab. “People who live in their environment, live in peace,” he says. “In one of the Solchen Umfeld, man himself is one of his motivations, sich weiterzuentwickeln.” Für Ute Behnken kan een keinen Zweifel: “Die Menschen in Schwachhausen sind Macher-Leute.”

It is gilded for itself. If you are looking for a way, your lousy experience was first financed in Bremen. Damals vor knapp 20 Jahren, if you did that, you were man, if Beruf schon immer vorgeschwebt hatte. “My life will be a physiotherapist for a long time,” said. A role played by the Chapel of the St. Joseph-Stifts – nor any of the others, an “Energie- en Kraftquelle”, as he says. “Diesen Ort suche ich manchmal auf. Aber gar nicht mal, wenn es mir schlecht geht.”

Then we will sit with you in August. I think I need a start time as a physiotherapist, if I absolutely do the work at St. Joseph-Stift. The Mittagspause is used by a physiotherapist in the Kapelle. “A more blessed person, for me there was such a mentor,” he said. “Wir über ausgewählte Bibelpassagen discutiert.” In this case, it is more like a sin to use the image when you no longer feel permanently “wirklich gläubig”. Denn: “The robbery of the physiotherapists has a funny component.”

Light through the flute of the Kapelle, neither one of the summers and that of the September day. Ute Behnken horcht in de Stille, nimmt een Gesangbuch zur Hand, bleats therein. With Kirchenräumen it can’t take longer once it’s inside. Früher hat sie in einem Chor gesungen: Jazz, Pop en Gospel. “Den Hall in a Kirche thinks it’s cool,” he said. “Dieser Ort is een richtig schöner Ort für mich.”

As a Personal Trainer, you will die 49 years ago with no regrets. They will use individual individual machines. “Ich hole die Menschen gern da ab, wo sie sind”, said. It is not that there is mental fitness. When you are busy with the Geschäftsmann, a “Mega-Tief” is spent. Behnken excels as an all-rounder, as a bessermacher in all areas. Personal-Trainer has found “unofficial therapies” on its website. Good luck with your relationship with the group. “I have my own personal knowledge, damn full I am a Lücke im System.”

Den Sprung in the Selbständigkeit hat since 2006. A beautiful long hat is a festive craftsmanship. You end up in Schwachhausen if your city has a natural environment. If you can live in the city half the time, it’s a Bauerndorf for the Tower of the City War. However, this aspect is no longer a choice. “You can buy a better home in other cities,” he said. Do you have a social friend who offers the well-being factor of beets? Behnken hesitates. “I think it’s a higher aggression potential.”

Bei ihrem zug nach Bremen hat Ute Behnken den Fernseher abgeschafft. It was never so good that the picture was no longer so good. Im Gegenteil, das Gondel Filmtheater und Schwachhauser Heerstraße zählt zu bevorzugten Anlaufpunkten. For the “megagroßen Blockbuster-Kinosäle” there is nothing different. The Gondola is Kino-Flair’s best, “the film with inhalation”. And whoever shares a bit of the energy of Körper and Geist. “Wenn ich was Gute’s gucken will, braucht es auch Atmosphäre,” he said.

Aber noch mal zum Aussichtsturm. Ute Behnken spoke vom “Judentempel” – so who fell other auch. A remarkable reflection, which was founded in 1909, is no longer suitable for young people. The Bremer author Hermann Gutmann felt that the Aussichtsturm was a Tempelartiges. May angehen. Auch das Landesamt für Denkmalpflege meint, der Turmähnele een griechische Rundtempel. But what about “Jewish Temple”? The latest Erklärungsversuch aus dem Munde von Parkdirector Tim Großmann: “Der Turm sieht aus die historical Kopfbedeckung von Rabbinern.” If the Spitz name is also, it is bald after the Bau in Umlauf come are soll and laut Großmann keineswegs abfällig gemeint ist.

Zur Sache

“My Kiez” is the new series from WESER-KURIER, in the teachers and teachers in the Vorellenkwartier. What is there in the world of the best Essen, the best Brötchen, the best Ausblicke, the best Gespräche? In Ihrem Kiez, Ihrem Viertel weiß no one is better than Sie selfbst!

And that’s how functional it is throughout: If you create a small team, you can enjoy a run during your stay. When he saw his father and his reporter at the party, Ihren Kiez was so extraordinary power – multimedia with photos and a small video.

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