
«For the theater is a public theater!»

«For the theater is a public theater!»

Director Matthias Hartmann will enjoy and be amazed, says: «For the theater with dedication is the Publikum ein Störfaktor!»

In the Zürcher Schauspielhaus and in the Wiener Burg there is a great Nimbus. Dann warsman Matthias Hartmann Bilanzfälschung is one of the most exciting things. Now Red Bull and research have been called in.

In the Theaterwelt of Hero zu Zero: Director Matthias Hartmann in the Wiener Theater in the Josefstadt, where the rehabilitation of wieder is inszeniert.

In the Theaterwelt of Hero zu Zero: Director Matthias Hartmann in the Wiener Theater in the Josefstadt, where the rehabilitation of wieder is inszeniert.

Image: Janis Deinats

There are new blutige ehrliches-books that play a role in the manipulation of a bilanz, which is a passionate Burgtheater, and an enthusiasm of the feighheiden a ehemalige Zürcher Stadtpräsidenten. Schreiben Sie Racheprosa, Herr Hartmann?

No, I have written a series of Liebeserklärung and Theater. Ihre Frage überrascht mich. All the people have visited Zurich from the theater leaders who have visited Bochum or Wien, and who have enjoyed their work. It has never been one of the Tatsache, that is a war in Zurich and that in Zurich has brought with it a disproportionate number of friendships.

In Zurich, if you visit the theater, there is a planned event. A vernichtendes Urteil!

Unlike in Wien braucht man in Zürich das Theater nicht zum Leben wie Arbeiten, Essen, Schlafen und Sex. It’s nice to have. It is cheaper to see the Zürcher das Theater. You can no longer be patient. If we had theater powers, we were well aware; After all, it looks thinner, and it’s proud that the city has lasted so long. The Heritage of the Theaters has never been more important in the last 30 years than in the context of the Publications, even in the context of the Bedeutung. This bedeutung is een Kryptowährung, de von Kulturpolitikern, Kritikern und Theater-Masterminds be protected und an investigación des publiations published.

If you are in Switzerland, you can experience the Feigheit and the Höflichkeit dasselbezijn.

I write, see my Geschwister. An Apéros and other Schweizer rituals tend not to help people with my best confrontation. «Ich finde …», weil der Deutsche yes immer findet. It’s unethical. Man lässt der others Meinung Raum. If I no longer hijack, it will be in Switzerland or a compromise that is not good. If the war has never happened, there is a Verbrüderung that can happen by city president Elmar Ledergeber with the mirror of the serious fall. It is a challenge to miss the Freundschaften von Anfang.

Bittere klingt auch der Befund: Nirgendwo gäbe es zo veld verlogenen Tugendschmalz wie in the German Stadttheater. Would you like to continue carrying out the assignment in the near future?

It’s probably a curious thing to do, obviously the names are polarized, and it’s becoming more and more polarized. Try it with a good learner and the like.

Der Punkt becomes a Sie. Do you want Mr Hartmann to intensify the criticism, as far as he is concerned, what an angeberische nennt?

When things are hard, the war is no longer. I’d like to see something happen, and that thing will last a while. I would like a war with a big war in between.

What about the «Bulldozer», who if you scimpfen, heute bessert?

(long term) Meine Familie behauptet yes.

Sour person

Matthias Hartmann, Aufdecker

Matthias Hartmann, Aufdecker

Der deutsche Director Matthias Hartmann (1963) war as Intendant in Bochum, Zurich and Wien der Shootingstar am Theaterhimmel. After a number of irregularities in the cinema hall of the Burgtheaters, the first time started in 2014. 2018 follow-up with complete rehabilitation. Heute works as Creative Director of the Red Bull Media House Konzepte for TV series. Zudem inszeniert is an opera house with the Mailänder Scala and in Wien am Theater in der Josefstadt. In his crude art and self-critical publications is a publication of the Bilanz manipulation – as in Vienna – and the rosette are ehemalige Arbeitgebern and Bein. MD

It’s a place in the theaters. Darum woolen Sie es retten. And black with economic liberals Mitteln. Theater sollsabhängig subventioniert zijn. Is your art a commercial activity?

No, I won’t take anything away from anyone. I will reward the inheritance, and sanction the error. It is very unusual that the subsidies in the theater are a Schutzraum and Dilettantenversteck, because the public is a helping hand!

Is that ironic, that is Publikum überflüssig ist, Herr Hartmann?

If you also think that Nicolas Stemann has not been allowed, then the Publikum in the Theater in the Holen, what actually has not been possible? Is it a good thing?

Would you want something different if the audience has power over my Meinung nach Theater?

The Entwicklung that is performed, while the first step in the theaters is made final, is one of the last with a Kryptowährung-bezahlt, the Bedeutung-heisst. It is a smaller contribution from Leuten, which is separated, where a welchen Häusern de Leitung übernimmt is. And so there will never be a stronger impulse reform in the first place!

Was it safe if the Publikum of the Theater of Rituals löscht its civil life?

You can get a kipppunkt. While the great Tageszeitungen and wollen keine herumreisenden Theaterkritiek read more, the Charts and Hitlisten aufstellen, welches Theater in deutschsprachigen Raum am bedeutendsten ist. Het Publikum fährt ja auch nicht von Zurich nach Berlin und Munich, een beddeutung der Theater z’n vergleichen. The Publikum will be repainted, reformed and hinged.

The Entwicklung said that people in the theater were gehen en lieber voor de fernseher sitzen. Are you looking for a program for the legally burdened Servus-TV, one of the Red Bull Media Houses, a broader source?

Nein, wie kommen Sie darauf? I have seen the sender who has followed a long interim period. And if he is grateful, Mr. Mateschitz will reach out. People can no longer watch analogue TV. Aber sie kommen ins Theater, wenn’s horny ist.

They have appeared for Red Bull in the international series thriller «Das Netz» about the critical football powers. Der Stoff begins en de Wiener Wirtschaftsdelik, de man Ihnen vorwarf …

The Red Bull Media House is its own company that deals with series production. The “Netz” is offered on the RAI, next to the ARD and on Servus-TV, broadcast and streamed. As Nächstes inszeniere ich «Parzifal» in Riga, and one of the Josefstadt in Vienna, it became the «Theatermacher» of Thomas Bernhard machen. It is a reformation. It seems that the self-service, the Österreicher and Bernhard are so treasured that it no longer functions like this.

Stichwort Selbstgeisselung. Österreich looks like the Wahlsieg of the FPÖ with a straight part and the Spitze-holt. If you have been in that country for 15 years, you can choose the direction of direction?

If Americans and idiots think Trump is crazy, that’s a fact. Viele Glauben Dort, dass Europa Paris ist. Aber sind alles Idiots, die in Österreich Kickl wählten? A natural protest is a popular and popular political struggle unknown to man. The standard forward motion can lead to man’s reality indefinitely. You can no longer enjoy and you can still enjoy.

At the Burgtheater directs the Swiss Stefan Bachmann. Blüht auch ihm der Untergang? The Burg system, which is in the financial channels, can no longer be opened with the roof and the cart raised.

It is a subtle manipulation. Stefan Bachmann was never passionate, it was his passion. The visual standards have become. The greatest art of development is that, whoever carries out the manipulations, it can be a man who is not frosty, will not be in Switzerland.

If you have a question, what is it?

If my child from the house is like this, it is a bit in a small, very shauben Rahmen, in a holzkistchen, on the 100-200 Menschen Platz, the only way the theater opens. Die Essenz. My journey as a theater artist continues with its fundamental fragments. Who Peter Brook or Philipp Glass.

Matthias Hartmann: Warum eine Pistole auf der Bühne nicht schiesst, Ecowin Verlag, Salzburg, Erscheinungsdatum 15. 10.