
Beekeeper now reports a large amount of honey • news • onvista

Beekeeper now reports a large amount of honey • news • onvista


Mayen (dpa) – Deutschlands Beekeepers and Beekeepers collected the most rain in those years when they were honest. Im Durchschnitt brought his Bienenvolk to 31.6 Kilogramm and damit 5.1 Kilo weniger as in Vorjahr, who both Umfragen des Fachzentrums Bienen and Imkerei under 14,816 Imkern ergaben. Over the years the mixture was too high and too low if no mistake had been made. In 2021, there were now 18 kilos – damals had the bad wetter nor heavier folgen had.

If all goes well, look at the Bienenstock and the same Nektar. “Witterungsbedingt field die 2024 nur durchschnittlich aus: weder neither bad nor bad, they lie in etwa im longjährigen Mittel,” said the Fachzentrumsleiter Christoph Otten. For everyone in West and South Germany, Imker must have the following Niederschläge zu kämpfen. There are many things in Ostdeutschland. “Your other man in Germany after Osten comb, desto besser war de Wetterlage for Honigproduction.”

Blattläuse take care of «Zementhonig»

In the provinces of Bayern or in the Rhineland-Palatinate, this is the result of the sogenannte Melezitosehonig auf, and also Zementhonig genannt: Here is the honey in the Waben schlagartig so heart, that is now very herauszubekommen.

The Imker products are no longer one of the best in the Bienenstock fields, but the inks in the normal form do not apply to and verdauen-können. The Melezitosehonig is one of the best Blattlaus-Art zurückzuführen, which last these years in the manchen regional higher forks as in the years.

In Germany, the wealth is 1.1 million Bienenvölker and 170,000 Beekeepers and Beekeepers. The very best of my machines die as a hobby or in life. The Bienentrum and the Imkerei are for the industry fragments that do not go together with a Befragung zur Frühtracht, also der Ernte in Frühjahr, and a Befragung zur Sommertracht.

Price is increasing now

Deutsche Imker buys their honey for all their farms and at the work place, their farms and warehouses, etc. in the office. Auch in Supermärkten und Wochenmärkten met der Honig angeboten. The price is not as great as the sorte and the region, but a large part of the 500 gram glass is for eight euros with Ausschlägen nach and nach unten. A glass of German honey is distorted by the filling used in those years in a minimum of 2 Prozent. Damit is aware of the inflation in this national sector of the German economy: 2022 with a price of 6.5 percent and 2023 of 5 percent.

Bienenexperte Otten said that they would be surprised by the moderate presentation of those years. «The costs are higher in German, and are for the Zuckerfutter. And for the glasses, the German impression must be more as they go further.” During the herbal and winter season, the organic dairy products are treated, while some of the best products are offered.

“The fair price that entails the costs must therefore be higher,” Otten said. If prices are now moderate, Bienenhaltung may now be a hobby for the very best beekeeper. “The Freizeitimker is not a business professional, and there is a lot of success when there are also Honiggläser purchases.”