
Your business is in control of your own finances • news • overview

Your business is in control of your own finances • news • overview


Berlin (dpa) – In Germany, a Umfrage zufolge weniger Menschen Sorgen über ihre eigenen Finanzen if nor for a year. In the Yougov-Umfrage für Weltsparen, on the Geldanlageplatform of the Berliner Fintechs Raisin, you would have had a share of the Befragte (35 Prozent), which is so high that it is a financial situation.

In a vergleichbaren Umfrage des Marktforschungsunternehmens Opinion Matters ebenfalls für Weltsparen aus dem Vorjahr (August 2023) hatte sich noch jeder zweite Befragte (50 Prozent) über seine Geldangelegenheiten geäußert.

If inflation in Germany has subsided, interest rates will likely increase. Dennoch since Verbraucher roads des schlechten wirtschaftlichen Umfelds verunsichert. For the critical eye, look at the legend of money on the high side, with a slight debt claim on the postal bank. Gründe seeen höhere Zinsen anyway the Vorsicht der Verbraucher roads der Konjunktur.

For the representative Environment for World Savings, 2,156 people were surveyed online at the end of September. The Ergebnisse is representative for the Wohnbevölkerung in Germany from the age of 18. Bei der ebenfalls representative Vorjahresstudie aus dem August 2023 wurden 5,018 Erwachsene in Deutschland online interviews.

More than 43 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds and 47 percent of 25- to 34-year-olds have been included. If it has been 55 years, it is now 30 Prozent.

Trübe Aussichten bei den Älteren

If the fragment after the Aussichten for the year you view the image, it is very pessimistic. Besonders skeptical are the 55th years, from the 36th until now not a single Verbesserung-glauben. For the 35 to 44 year olds since 21 Prozent and for the 25 to 34 year olds completely 15 Prozent. Across all alternative groups, it is no more than four months ago: 25 percent of funding is low for the following years as unstable or unstable.

In the study report about four messages about the financial results of the financing, I was not yet 37 percent. Others have been affected since 25 to 34 years, from 41 years ago.

Young people can eat more

Life falls off from art and well-being, with verbraucher and verbraucherinnen in their own financial situation: with zunehmendem Alternative spread of the relationships with friends, family and relations about the financing. 51 Prozent der Personen über 55 Jahren discutieren das Thema kaum oder gar nicht. 25- to 34-year hinges such as 49 Prozent aktiv das Gespräch with nahen Menschen.