
After the MT Melsungen at TVB Stuttgart, a Sonderlob goes into the Kabine

After the MT Melsungen at TVB Stuttgart, a Sonderlob goes into the Kabine

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After the MT Melsungen at TVB Stuttgart, a Sonderlob goes into the Kabine
Schwungvoller Melsunger: Amine Darmoul (right) meets the Stuttgart Lukas Laube and Lenny Rubin (Number 44) with Abschluss. Left in the image: Arnar Freyr Arnarsson. © Tom Weller

Michael Allendorf, der Sportvorstand of the Handball-Bundesligisten MT Melsungen, focuses on the Sieg at TVB Stuttgart to MT-Mannschaft.

Stuttgart/Kassel – All games in the closet have been affected by the trainer of the wort – in most cases. After 36:27-Sieg der MT Melsungen in the Handball-Bundesliga at TVB Stuttgart, Sportvorstand Michael Allendorf first had to lose once. There is sollte dem Team “its greatest respect” and sends “a big thank you” and the combined Mannschaft. “It is a war that is one of the heart tests in the MT History, and the Jungs are overloaded,” says Allendorf.

Innerhalb von sechs Tagen is dependent on Team drei Siege. Dem snap 26:24-Sieg against the SG BBM Bietigheim is on two clear erfolge in Europapokal at FC Porto (29:24) and was followed in Stuttgart. Gestern bekam de Mannschaft free. First the Einstimmung started at the Heimspiele against Vardar Skopje (Dienstag, 6.45 pm) and against Füchse Berlin (Samstag, October 19, 7 pm).

Michael Allendorf MT-Sportvorstand
Michael Allendorf, MT-Sportvorstand © Robin Lipke/MT

Der Auftritt in Stuttgart wies gewisse Parallellen zum Spiel in Portugal auf. Erneut hatten die Melsunger practically vom Anwurf away everything in Griff. Nebojsa Simic has elected the Pfosten die Akzente, in the Rückraum übernahmen Amine Darmoul and Nikolaj Enderleit reichliche Verantwortung, and the Abwehr is on wieder sicher.

“Es might fall Spaß, dieser Deckung zuzuschauen. We are always happy to welcome you as a co-trainer of the Melsunger Bundesligisten as a co-trainer of the Melsunger Bundesligisten. Chief coach Roberto Garcia Parrondo has made a positive assessment of the team: “The team is doing a good job. And that’s why we will continue to do so.” As for the MT with its Verteidigung im internationalen Vergleich oben einenzuordnen is, ist nichts, womit sich der Spanier beschäftigt: „Son loses man quickly den Fokus.”

If the TVB is shining, if it is a party in Porto nur 48, then this has not happened yet. “The Mannschaft has a high profession with the assignments um. If you have made a plan for the high costs,” notes Lemke. In the Porsche-Arena war, 0:0 is a rare occurrence in the Verlauf des Abends.

Hatte gegen Bietigheim Dainis Kristopans geglänzt, war non der dänische Neuzugang Enderleit im Rechts Rückraum die treibende Kraft. Obviously, if you put both links in Ivan Martinovic’s package, you want to be entitled to compensation. “Niko tight so langam auf,” said Allendorf. Parrondo ergänzte: „Wir wussten vom ersten Tag an, that’s our halves kann. I can be free from my life and my life in the letztenboth games. There is a mixed Sachen, that other niece machen.“ It is a tough task in the offensive and in the defensive.

“Of course, some can learn from Dainis Kristopans. We have two different types of players. “I have only one thing, in which there is a strong sense of well-being,” said Enderleit nach der Partie in Stuttgart. The 27-year history of these powerful programs has been achieved during these last few weeks. “It is a heartfelt wish with a perfect result. We can no longer see our Selbstvertrauen jetties and the many other things that are beige.” Erik Balenciaga, Elvar Örn Jonsson and Darmoul ermöglicht in an etliche Abschlüsse. At 32:21 by David Mandic Enderleit enters the separated pass.

When the MT spends most of its time on the platform, Enderleit will no longer say: “I’m proud of the team. Once you know, one of the Spitze English and has been busy for a long time.” Michael Allendorf’s team in the Cabinet is confident of the path he has taken. (Bjorn Mahr)

Grim: Melsungen's Nikolaj Enderleit.
Grim: Melsungen’s Nikolaj Enderleit. © Tom Weller