
Community-Plattform zu Hormonstörung in Gießen vorgestellt

Community-Plattform zu Hormonstörung in Gießen vorgestellt

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Community-Plattform zu Hormonstörung in Gießen vorgestellt
With Mut and Vision: The Gründerinnen Dr. Vanessa Eghardt (left) and Lisa Schmidt Hoffen, the Association of PCOS Patients, have done their work. Photo: Kovacs © Kovacs

At Gründungsstammtisch in Gießen, Lisa Schmidt and Dr. Vanessa Eghardt with an idea for an internet page. Other people think the diagnosis is so good that it can happen.

Giessen. Hair loss, pain, severe weight gain or serious illness – the symptom of polyzymatic ovarian syndromes (kurz PCOS) can occur. You act like one of the best hormones between 20 and 30 years old and a good idea is your wife. Type 2 diabetes, depression, infertility and cerebral hemorrhage can have long-lasting consequences. It is never possible to start with the computer, it is in the Arztpraxen, a Aufklärung and Unterstützung high manglet.

The team at PCOS Harmony has suffered a loss, a woman who helps, who suffers from PCOS. Beim Gründungsstammtisch in Makerspace Gießen, Lisa Schmidt and Dr. Vanessa Eghardt in their vision for the Health Start-up for. The established Internet site will serve as a general reference point, where those affected can find comfort and relief. Gleichzeitig sollen fundierte and verlässliche Fakten vermittelt zijn. “I am an Internet user who contains false and erroneous information about PCOS,” Schmidt warned. PCOS Harmony takes longer to diagnose, the medical organization and extensive discussions with the doctor are supported for longer. Ernährungspsychologische Course conducted by Angebot ab.

In Praxen nur 7.6 Minuten pro Patient

At 14 years old, Lisa Schmidt hates the first symptom. The official diagnosis is the first thing that happens. »Of my own love, I don’t get the relief that comes with it«, but the Marburgerin. While studying cotrophology, a reexamination may lead your research to the best results, and it is possible that you may end up with PCOS in your undergraduate studies. 2023 continues with the Start-up Weekend Mittelhessen and Dr. Getting to know Vanessa Eghardt. Gemeinsam likes the idea of ​​a new platform for PCOS patients and invests the first place in the »Newcomer« category. Danach powers are serious and entered the first Schritte in Richtung Unternehmensgründung. Gynäkologin Eghardt knows that the hormonal background in many Praxen topics, the next step for delayed treatment is: »I spend 7.6 minutes working on the patient.«

Vanessa Eghardt and Lisa Schmidt are nuns in Gießen while they no longer have a vision of PCOS Harmony, but they receive a lot of tips for old Gründerinnen and Gründer. »Manchmal muss man mit dem labor, was man hat«, Eghardt says. You can install an app on a website if it works efficiently. Potenzielen Unternehmerinnen and Unternehmern rät das Duo, sich unbedingt bei geeigneten Förderprogrammen zu bewerben. Eingeschriebenen Studierenden empfiehlt Schmidt die Gründungszentren der Hochschulen. These can help you make business plans, or whatever contact documents you can use. Of secrets Plänen hält Eghardt wenig. »Meinungen und Unterstützung einzuholen, ist das A en O«, concretet sie. Markerrechte must receive all warnings before they are cleared.

Erster Platz at JLU’s »Idea Slam«

The old Gründerinnen, who are inzwischischen for the psychological psychotherapist Imke Wegner, stand for the Herausforderung, the start-up is not employed in the main management to realize: Schmidt absolviert in parallel in the Master, Eghardt gründet in his own practice. “That PCOS Harmony is no longer a priority,” is one of the gynecologists. There is a different benefit that takes up the existing fraud stipend. Here you arrange the care and law for Aufmerksamkeit and Reichsweite in the Zielgruppe. Zuletzt is about the first Platz and the Publikumspreis about »Idea Slam« from the Justus-Liebig-Universität.

Aktuell PCOS Harmony has been nominated for the Hessen-Ideen-Wetbewerb, won voting financing and coaching in the innovative university projects. Der Mut, else zu sein, mache often den Unterschied, Eghardt summarizes. During the Start-up Weekend, your pitch had a different shape, the positive feedback from the others was complete and abhob. »And all the same, welche Herausforderungen auf euch zukommen: Gebt nicht auf!«