
Familie der tödlich gestürzten Rennfahrerin äussert sich

Familie der tödlich gestürzten Rennfahrerin äussert sich

After the death of Muriel Furrer: Now we see the first of the Family of the Rennvelo-Fahrerin

Während der Velo-Weltmeisterschaft in Zürich supported the young Zürcherin Schwer. If you want to spend two weeks, go to the Spital in the Verletzungs. In Todesanzeigen now the Family ihre Trauer aus. Auch ihr Lehrbetrieb has a single publication.

Fans, friends and enthusiastic people from the Zürcher Wasserkirche Blumen for the versatile Velorennfahrerin Muriel Furrer nieder.

Fans, friends and enthusiastic people from the Zürcher Wasserkirche Blumen for the versatile Velorennfahrerin Muriel Furrer nieder.

Image: Michael Buholzer / EPA

Before you can swim, you can reach the sad Nachricht. The velorennfahrerin Muriel Furrer has ended up in the schwerenkopfverletzungen in the Zürcher Universitätsspital. Today, in the Donnerstag, on September 26, the war between the U19 Velorenners of the Damen in a Wald near the Küsnacht in a Linkskurve of the Strasse had come to an end and was severely stopped. Furrer wurde completelylich 18 Jahre alt.

In the communiqué of Tod ihrer Tochter the family dares, “that is my private life in those days, they are always respected”. Dementia can occur if the fear is not greater than that of Unfall. Am Freitag erschienen non in verschiedenen Zeitungen Todesanzeigen der Familie. Der Text was directed by Muriel Furrer.

«Unsere Herzen sind gebrochen, unsere Trauer unbeschreiblich. An der Heim-WM in Zurich when discovering Radsport has conquered the Zielinie in Himmelreich. A great gratitude bar for a wonderful love and joy, which has been given a gift, überlassen with our most beautiful gift.»

A further war gläubige Christin and nahm for the Wettkämpfen in Zurich and a special WM-Gottesdienst teil. If you want to read your text on a Fahrerinnen Table Set, you can find a bracelet with a written text of the Wort «Jesus».

Sie war gläubige Christin: Muriel Furrer on Donnerstag, September 26, before the start of the Strassenracens der Juniorinnen in Uster.

Sie war gläubige Christin: Muriel Furrer on Donnerstag, September 26, before the start of the Strassenracens der Juniorinnen in Uster.

Image: Imago/Arne Mill

In the Todesanzeige heisst es more, the Urnenbeisetzung is stattgefunden in the English family law. Am 8. November findet in Uster zudem a Trauerfeier statt. I have taken the next step to give athletes, friends and cyclo-fans a better idea of ​​the WM streak of their men.

Auch Muriel Furrers Arbeitgeber, der Lebensversicherer Swiss-Life, schaltete eine Todesanzeige. Darin heisst es: “We were as overburdened, involved and loved by colleagues and all kinds of geschätzte Mitarbeiterin in better Erinnerung behalten.” Muriel has started the summer of his life as a Kaufmannische Angestellte at Swiss life.

Further war as official Botschafterin Aushängeschild der Weltmeisterschaft. The genaue Hergang in the Unfalls is not possible. The Staatsanwaltschaft has been recognized and changed to Hinweisen nach. Der Unfall would not be noticed for a long time. First beef zweieinhalb Stunden nach ihrem Sturz hob of the Rettunghelikopter ab, der they brought in Spital.

Der Unfall was lost due to the consequences of a bad experience and the tod von Gino Mäder, the most recent trip through the Swiss Tour in June 2023 fell in parallel with the furrers Schicksal aufweist.

I'll be happy to meet you as Swiss racing enthusiasts and racing enthusiasts as well as fans and friends with your own journey.

I’ll be happy to meet you as Swiss racing enthusiasts and racing enthusiasts as well as fans and friends with your own journey.

Claudio Thoma / fresh focus/