
Israel joins a new Angriff feiertag from Lebanon

Israel joins a new Angriff feiertag from Lebanon

Während in Israel People attend the high Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, which is why they came to Lebanon. The Israeli army’s rocket alarm was sounded in the coastal city of Haifa, among other places. Grund dafür were demnach zwei aus dem Nachbarland startedtetete Drohnen. These can be removed.

Also, there are other types of sirens in Nordisrael. Insgesamt seien seit dem Morgen Rund 40 Geschosse aus dem Nachbarland is registered, part of the Israeli Military with. Message about Verletzte or Schäden is no longer valid. The Hisbollah in Lebanon has more fear for itself.

Seit Freitagabend begehen Menschen in Israel Yom Kippur (Tag der Sühne). Happy and happy with the experience of the Sun. Fernseh and radio stations can no longer carry out their transmissions. Geschäfte, Kinos, Bars and Restaurants are closed.

Bis auf Polizeiwagen und Rettungsdienste fahren am höchsten jüdischen Feiertag außerdem keine Autos. All over the country the people with the Fahrradern, E-Scooter and Zu Fuß on Straßen and the highways on other roads, as well as children’s groups, have disappeared.

The Israeli army battled the Shiite Hisbollah military against Germany in September, including massive air power and a U.S. offensive in Lebanon.

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