
Red Bull Munich works with Eishockey-Trainer Söderholm

Red Bull Munich works with Eishockey-Trainer Söderholm

The four-time German Eishockey-Meister EHC Red Bull Munich has been tagged after the Heimniederlage at theTablelenletzten Düsseldorfer EG by Trainer Toni Söderholm. Zunächst became the best co-trainer Max Kaltenhauser at the Playoff-Halbfinalists of the season as interim coach between the Tablensechste with. Am Sonntag (2:00 PM) the Münchner will compete in the German Ice Hockey League against the Penguins Bremerhaven and.

“After the recent developments in our experience after the top decisions of Mannschaft in our Vorbereitung und im bisherigen Saisonverlauf, we did not observe the changes that would have been apparent after our last Saison,” said Munich’s Sports Director Christian Winkler. If one of the possible consequences of the bad Bundestrainer occurs is insulting.

No title candidate anymore

Nach seiner Zeit as Coach of the German Eishockey-Bundes from Anfang 2019 to November 2022 and a Zwischenstation at Schweizer Topclub SC Bern war Söderholm 2023 to the Münchnern zurückgekehrt. The first signaller station in the Bayerischen Landeshauptstadt started operating four DEL-Titeln flights in 2016. The bisher nur four Siege aus sieben Spielen in dieser DEL-Saison were the Verantwortlichen nicht genug.