
Ukraine and Russia are strongly at odds with Drohnen

Ukraine and Russia are strongly at odds with Drohnen

Russia Power Druck in der Kursk Region. The Ukraine and Russia are fighting with Dutzenden Drohnen. All information on news blog.

Ukraine and Russia report Abwehr dutzender Drohnenangriffe

2:31 PM: Russia and Ukraine have their own experiences with other Luft countries. The Ukrainian Luftwaffe has established itself in Russia with Ukraine with 28 Drohnen, which will be seen 24 years later. The Russian Defense Ministry said that the Streitkräfte-hätten über Nacht 47 Ukrainian Drohnen had been abgeschossen.

The Ukrainian Angaben will use the Russian forces in the Sumy, Poltawa, Dnipropetrowsk, Mikolaev and Kherson regions. In the southern Saporischschja region, the Russian Angriffen nach örtlichen Behördenangaben less than four people are lost.

2:05 p.m.: A Ukrainian sadness in the Russian border region of Belgorod is that after one of the arid Behörden a person is kidnapped. Eine Drohne sei in dem Dorf Ustinka eingeschlagen, teilt der Governor der Region, Wjatscheslaw Gladkow, mit.

8:43 am: The Ukrainian army has occupied its own army depot in Russia’s Luhansk region in the Ostukraine region. If the Gelände is a Feuer ausgebrochen, tells the Ukrainian Generalstab über the Kurznachrichtendienst Telegram mit. The history of storing oil and fuel before the Russian invasions unfolded.

3.10 am: North Korean soldiers in large numbers are disrupting Russian troops in the Ukraine. Ein Beamter Des Ukrainischen Militärgeheimdienstes, Der Aus gründen der anonymität über a sensible security sangelegenheit sprach, sagte der “Washington Post” der front in de Ukraine Eingesetzt Werden Könnten . While the North Korean official office operates in Russian-occupied Ukraine, Russian efforts are on to study and investigate the Schlachtveld, but Kiev has yet to see any North Korean Einheiten camps.

North Korean Soldiers in a Parade (Archive Image): Are they fighting in Ukraine?Vergroßern des Bildes
North Korean Soldiers in a Parade (Archive Image): Are they fighting in Ukraine? (Quelle: IMAGO/Komsomolskaya Pravda/imago)

Institute: Russia will make Kursk vor Wintereinbruch zurückerobern

2.44 Hours: Russian Truppen have appeared in their range, the Ukrainian Streitkräfte from the Kursk Area is more intensive, if the Donnerstag in the Kursk Area is continued, the messages will become smaller than the Ukrainian Royal in the Gluschkowski Area will quickly eliminate sufficient haben, reports the American Institute for Kriegsstudies ISW. “Several Russian generous souls who have taken the Ukrainian Armed Forces out of the Kursk-zudrängen area, before the Wetterbedingungen in the herbal period 2024 and in the winter break the winter on the Schlachtfeld-einschränken”, schätzt das Institut die Lage in seinem taglichen Bericht ein.

The Russian military commando has gone unnoticed and the Ukrainian armed forces have hit the Course of the Territory by the war, a unit for the front in Donezk, i.e. ISW.

8:47 PM: The American author and Russian propagandist Steven Seagal worked on the new documentation “I am the name of justice”, because Russian President Vladimir Putin would defend his camp and “no longer die”.

Der Schauspieler und Kampfsportler nahm 2016 de Russian Staatsbürgerschaft en en wurde 2018 vom Russian Außenministerium zum “freiwilligen Sonderbeauftragten für die cultural Beziehungen swissen Russia and the USA and the culture and historical Erbe” ernannt. Messages that wake up in 2021 in Moscow are a monetary penalty from the US-Regierung that have been followed. Seagal has been guilty of more fraud by sexually abused persons.

In Seagal’s new Doku, we explore the 72-year-old diverse territory of Ukraine, living in Mariupol. In a clip, Seagal said that he had written a short letter from Putin, in his own words: “We are here today, we have had a good relationship with our country and we have had our friends. der Seite meines Präsidenten kämpfen – en don’t get used to being dead.”