
AQWA-Verlust sorts for Stadtwerke-Minus

AQWA-Verlust sorts for Stadtwerke-Minus

Jahresrechnung 2023 with gestures Erlösen in all others Sparten

“It is good that people serve the ‘Daseinsvorsorge’ and that it is a cultural asset, it is gilded. In keinem Bereich Menschen unterschiedlichster Kulturen, verschiedener Herkunft, unterschiedlichen Alters und sozialer Schichten aufeinander, wie es in den Bädern der Fall. The ‘normal business’ that an institution protects the betreibern who city and city works erhebliche in Millionenhöhe, which were born müssen. It is a matter of time, which is won and saved in other Spartans.”
So it is one of the press conferences of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft in the Bäder Baden-Württemberg, which you can also enjoy at the AQWA Bäder and Sauna Park. Dessen Betreiber since the Stadtwerke Walldorf, with the years 2023 of the annual meeting for Kurzem beschäftigt hat. A large mirror that makes the obige Aussage wider: Ohne das AQWA, the city has a positive Unternehmensergebnis of more than 1.1 million euros erwirtschaftet. In the Bäderpark a Delight of more than 3.8 Million Euros is required, which gives the Stadtwerke a Minus of 2.7 Million Euros. It is worth going through the Stadt Walldorf. In 2022, the city works will be worth a minus of $1.2 million, but the AQWA will be worth less than $3.2 million.

The combined AQWA bath and sauna park in 2023 had more than 228,000 visitors and visitors, 10,000 fewer than a year ago. It is all in the Freibad a sharper decline from more than 135,000 to less than 106,000 Badegäste zu vercraften. This is the message from the city council “on the Whitening in the months of July and August zurückzuführen”. Grundsätzlich sees a man “a shinbar due to Corona geändertes Nutzerhalten“, soft drinks in all Bereichen auch bei optimal Witterungsbedingungen “not the Tagesspitzen were better, who dies for the Pandemic of the Fall war”. On the plus side, neither of them produces energy crisis results during the stay in the Hallenbad (from 83,000 to 94,000 guests), sauna (from 19,000 to 26,000) and Salzlounge (from 225 to 2255). Income from the bathing and sauna business has risen to 1.3 million euros. If you enjoy it, you should also enjoy the AQWA Eintrittspreise.

Schwierig was at the Strom and Gasmarkt in 2023. The high costs incurred by the city, the electricity and gas flow of the years start with a grim anzuheben. Thanks to the end of 2022, the first awards ceremonies of the major trading markets, which have had the opportunity to receive an energy award in prospect at the beginning of the second quarters of 2023. The fresh knowledge that the view of the city has prevented great progress in Walldorf and “our strong commitment to future growth” has been achieved. In the Umland, most German reactions are possible, soft drinks that the Stadtwerke use for up to a year at Strom rund zehn Prozent and beim Gas knapp fünf Prozent der Kunden lost haben. In Walldorf concerns the market in both Segments nor über 80 Prozent.

With the help of all the Sparten (including bathing) from the current organization of the services and scaffolding, the construction of the construction work took place between 36.7 and 49.6 million kletterten. It is likely that the costs for personal use and for all material raised in German may also include the summaries and their consequences if they are used in the future. A Konzessionsabgaben für Electricity, Gas and Wasser führten de Stadtwerke 737.000 Euro en de Stadt, etwas mehr as 2023, aber ungefähr im Mittel der Vergangen en zehn Year. With new Darlehen at the Stadt in Höhe of 16.7 Millions and a Tilgung of two Millions, the file is a Darlehen to Jahresende 2023 for 42.8 Millions Euro.

Katrin Siebold went into the Stellungnahme of the CDU faction on the “Preiskapriolen” of the Energy Sector one, a Krise, which the Stadtwerken never started using before. If the electricity and gas are “Federne welden”, the “Dominanz in an umkämpften market segment” is achieved. Grundsätzlich sees the man after the Stadtwerke no longer as Versorgungsunternehmen, impressed by everything as “wesentlichen Baustein for the Energiewende”, so Katrin Siebold.

“Those energy policy turbo lenses are self-sustaining,” said Petra Wahl (SPD) fest. There is a high AQWA satisfaction during the Wetteren and a change in usage conditions is stipulated. “It’s important, that’s how children learn swimming,” he said. With the features of the Bäderparkt-Verlusts slates, the Stadtwerke is “a bedeutenden Beitrag”.

If the energy sector carries out the city’s operations in its entirety, while AQWA manages the day of enjoyment, Dr. Günter Willinger for the FDP Bilanz. It was a feast for the eyes of the party with the issues that would reach their part of life, it became “politically so woolly”. Willinger said with Blick on the young Baumaßnahmen in the Freibadbereich: “Besonderen who make an investment”, a sanierungsstau, which others often find in the country, does not occur in Walldorf.

As a “weight” for the knowledge in Walldorf, Nele Böhm (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) bezeichnete the energy prices in the second half of the time. With Blick on the power of AQWA it is German: “A cost-decker Eintritt wäre for the meisten Citizens and Citizens not möglich.” At maßnahmen in the Energiewende the city work design is neither “viel Luft nach oben” and in Sachen Wind energy no longer lasts from Bürgerentscheiden in others Kommunen bremsen lassen.

Zustimmen zu all Beschlussvorschlägen konnte auch Mihriban Gönenç (Zusammen für Walldorf).

The basis of the Befangenheit more Aufsichtsräte was zunächst under the Vorsitz of the First Beigeordneten Otto Steinmann über the Entlastung of the Aufsichtsrats abgestimmt, which was a hellish erteilt. Danach konnte Mayor Matthias Renschler, de opsichtsratsvorsitzender, wieder de Vorsitz übernehmen and de komplette Gemeinderat beschloss einstimmig de Vortrag des Jahresfehlbetrags auf new Rechnung.

Das AQWA ben Abend

Text and photo: Stadt Walldorf

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