
New Kochbuch by Yotam Ottolenghi: Three “Comfort”-Rezepte for calm Herbsttage

New Kochbuch by Yotam Ottolenghi: Three “Comfort”-Rezepte for calm Herbsttage

Herbs are the Time for Comfort Food. Yotam Ottloenghi presents himself in his new Kochbuch “Comfort” -Rezepte, which is perfect for the tranquility of the Tage.

Comfort Food – the food is focused on the fact that it is a child or alone, it is not that it is good to eat. Kurz: Es sind Mahlzeiten, die our Wärme and Geborgenheit bieten. When the Tage becomes kürzer and the herbal wind and the Fenstern-rüttelt, it is not the case that schöneres warm up the inner warmth and a well-being focused on the essence. Yotam Ottolenghi ensures that no one else can calm this feeling. In the new Kochbuch “Comfort – Rezepte, die du lieben wirst” Helen Goh contains more than 100 broader Rezepte, die nach Zuhause en Geborgenheit. Drei Rezepte is here.

Grüne Bohnen on Toast

Zutaten: 100 ml Olivenöl, 2 small Banana Scallottes (in thin striped slices), 4 Knoblauchzehen (in thin sliced ​​slices), 300 g grüne Bohnen (putzed), 300 g breite Bohnen (putzed and schräg in 2 cm breite striped slices), 100 g Kirsch tomatoes (halbiert), 1 1/2 tsp freshly chopped Oregano, 1/2 chipotle chili flakes, 1 1/2 tbsp Zitronensaft, 1 1/2 tbsp fresh Oregano (grob chopped, plus some Blätter zum Garnieren), 10 g Basil Blätter ( grob in Stücke zupft, plus some Blätter zum Garnieren), 100 g Feta (grob zerkrümelt), 100 g Mascarpone, 4 thick Scheiben helles Sauerteigbrot (toasted), Salz and fresh gemahlener black Pfeffer

Preparation: Put the oil in a large pan with a high edge, for a more suitable Deckel-vorhanden, at a lower temperature. Shallots, Knoblauch, Bohnen and Tomatoes with oregano, Chili flakes, 1 tbsp Zitronensaft, 3/4 tsp Salz and rich Pfeffer in the Pfanne verrühren. Cook for 35-40 minutes until the meat is crispy (and no more than light brown) and the escallops have started to brown and are caramelized. Add fresh oregano, basil and the rest 1/2 tbsp Zitronensaft unterrühren. If the herd places an order, it can be served.

Add the feta with the mascarpone to a small schüssel with a Gabel-zerdrücken. Die Mischung muss nicht glatt wieder – een grob, stückige Konsistenz is absolutely in Ordnung. Beiseitestellen.

The feta-mascarpone mixture is mixed with the breadcrumbs and with a layer of breadcrumbs. The Bohnen with the oil you can use, with oregano and basil leaves, are best and serve.

Orecchiette with caramelized Zwiebeln, Haselnüssen and cozy prigem Salbei

Zutaten: 105 ml Olivenöl, 20 g Salbeiblätter, 2 Zwiebeln (in thin Ringe geschnitten), 250 g Orecchiette (or Casarecce or small Conchiglie), 700 ml zimmertemperiertes Wasser, 1 1/2 tbsp Zitronensaft, 50 g Haselnusskerne (grob hacked), Salz and Schwarzer Pfeffer

Preparation: The oil in a pan with a high edge, for a more suitable deck is available, with a warm temperature. It is true that the salbeiblätter a häufigem Rühren 4 Minuten anbraten, are thin green and cozy sind. A Sieb on a small heat-resistant Schüssel set. The roasted salbeiblätter darin abtropfen lassen. Vom add Öl 2 EL in a small Pfanne beiseitestellen.

The big Pfanne weeds the herd with the rest of the salbei. If all goes well, the Zwiebeln with the mittlerer Hitze unter häufigem Rühren etwa 25 Minuteen braten, if they are golden brown, aber nicht zu dunkel since. Pasta with washer, 1 1/4 TL Salz and 1/2 TL fresh gemahlenem Pfeffer in the Pfanne rühren. Everything is good, then cook for 20 minutes before cooking until the pasta is al dente. With seat protection and comfort, with rich care and protection.

The small Pfanne (with the oil) at a moderate temperature is high, then the haselnüsse is darin for 2-3 Minutes Sanft Braten, until golden brown. Haselnüsse und Öl auf die Pasta gießen, everything with the crispy roasted Salbeiblättern bestreuen and heiß, directly from the Pfanne dishes.

Butternusskürbis with Tamarind and Coconut

Zutaten: 80 ml geschmacksneutrals Öl (oder Kokosöl), 1 TL black Senfsamen, 2 large Zwiebeln (finely würfelt), 5 g Curryblätter, 6 Knoblauchzehen (geschält and zerdrückt), 1 large Jalapeño Chili shot (finely chopped), 1 TL gemahlene Turmeric , 1 TL Scharfes Chili Pulver, TL Paprika Pulver, 1 1/2 TL Gemahlener Coriander, 1 larger Butternut Skürbis (sliced ​​and in etwa 4 cm large Stücke geschnitten), 120 ml Tamarindenkonzentrat (with 250 ml kochend heißem Wasser gemischt), 150 ml Kokosmilch, 25 Cane sugar (Asian Rohrzucker or Muskovadozucker, coarsely chopped), 5 g Korianderblätter (grob hacked), Salz

Preparation: The oil in a pan with a high edge, for a more suitable deck is available, with a warm temperature. First you will find yourself jumping. Then Zwiebeln and Curryblätter hinzufügen and 20-25 Minuten braten – as long as brauchen the Zwiebeln, a wirklich goldbraun zu become -, since always weeder umrühren and the Hitze reduzieren, she falls into the Pfannenboden series. Knoblauch, Chilischote und Gewürze hinzufügen. Everything etwa 2 Minutes mitten, bis es duftet.

Kürbis, Tamarindenwasser and 1 TL Salz hinzufügen. Behutsam verrühren, dann zugedeckt bei schwacher Hitze köcheln welding, bis die Kürbisstücke weich, aber noch nicht zerfallen since. Coconut milk and Jaggery are added. Be careful not to be disturbed. The Ganze starts with cooking for 5-10 minutes, until a few minutes after all the Kürbisstücke has started. With the hacked coriander leaves you can provide the best service and service.
