
Wave power during the Autobahn-Schranke in Italy – and a wild flight through South Tyrol

Wave power during the Autobahn-Schranke in Italy – and a wild flight through South Tyrol

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Four people drive a black VW Golf through a highway barrier in Italy and start a high-stakes sale with the police through Bolzano.

Bozen – Wild Szenen aus Südtirols Hauptstadt. On Friday (11. October) a visit to a wave of efforts and a VW Golf in Bolzano took place.

Wild Verfolgungsjagd in South Tyrol: VW Golf forces through Autobahnschranke in Italy and shoots through Bozen

In VW: Four previously punished men from the United Kingdom, whose Italian media überinstimulating reports. If you want to leave a motorway in Bozen Nord, the police will continue with the sale. The publications end up on the other pages of Etsch, in front of the Parkhaus Mitte in Mayr-Nusser-Straße.

Schwere Sachbeschädigung an der Brennerautobahn, Verfolgungsjagd durch Bozen: Wild Szenen in South Tyrol. (Symbol image)
Schwere Sachbeschädigung an der Brennerautobahn, Verfolgungsjagd durch Bozen: Wild Szenen in South Tyrol. (Symbolbild) © Manfred Segerer/Dreamstime/Imago

Vom Polizeipräsidenten persönlich: VW-Insassen bekommen Aufenthaltsverbot in Bozen

Laut RaiNews Wurden der Fahrer und de three Insassen wegs schwerer Sachbeschädigung angezeigt. There is talk of a personal police spokesperson for Bozen that will last four years.

It is currently unclear whether the men actually drove during the Schranke and the Brenner Autobahn A22. Auf Nachfrage von IPPEN.MEDIA do not leave the city police of Bozen with the fall before themselves nor in the clearing. Erst am Montag (October 14) was no longer informed.

Italian Police Greift ein: Sechs Streifenwägen follow Randale-Golf in Bozen

If all goes well, chaos will be a fact for a small event in the South Tyrolean Landeshauptstadt. With heavy traffic, parts of the Autobahnpolizei, parts of the city police, they drive the VW Golf through the Ortskern behind it. You will be lost during the fall offenbar nobody.

Those Bozen people currently have their own traffic problems. A lighter tunnel between the Monate isperrt, der South Tyrol-Hauptstadt droht Dauerstau. (tired)