
Wird Sommarugas Vertrauter Staatssekretär für Migration?

Wird Sommarugas Vertrauter Staatssekretär für Migration?

The Stimmung in the State Secretariat for Migration is long. Ausgerechnet jetzt sucht der Bundesrat a new chef. Der Favorit is high.

The Swiss Asylpolitik was often criticized: Ein Mann from Eritrea.

The Swiss Asylpolitik has received a lot of criticism: Ein Mann from Eritrea.

Adrian Baer / NZZ

It is one of the most challenging courses in the country. Someone may have received a criticism. Von den Medien, von der Politik, von den Leuten auf der Strasse. Man führt fast 2000 Leute, muss in Turnhallen wütende Bürger beschwichtigen und im Parlament unangenehme Fragen answered. The help of an asylum chief or an asylum chief will no longer be needed any time soon.

Kein Wunder, gestaltet sich die nach een nachfolger or een nachfolgerin voor de declining State Secretary for Migration Christine Schraner Burgener schwierig. A Findungskommission hat in de letzten Wochen Gespräche met meer Kandidaten geführt. Manchen has found an Absage, and the new General Secretary of the SP Bundesrats Alain Berset and Lukas Gresch. Other questions that can be asked are the Stelle aber aus.

A question is more of a great experience if you are in the fall and the chance that the new Mr. Asyl will be: Vincenzo Mascioli.

Der Mann brought a lot with it, it was for the Job braucht. There is a Vizedirektor in the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) for a year. No major amt and files are known. As a chef of international foreign trips, it is regularly in Ausland, schliesst Partnerschaften ab and kümmert um die often schwierige Rückkehr von Asylsuchenden in ihre Herkunftsländer.

But Vincenzo Mascioli has a problem: his political profile. There is a referent for the früheren SP-Bundesrat Moritz Leuenberger gearbeitet. Warfare is a personal fight of the SP Bundesraad Simonetta Sommaruga and one of its most important representatives. Wer zu Sommaruga would never want to see a Mascioli.

A vertraut team: the SP-Bundesrätin Simonetta Sommaruga, the Asylchef Mario Gattiker (Mitte) and the Berater Vincenzo Mascioli (left) are the Thiopian Hauptstadt Addis Ababa in 2015.

A vertraut team: the SP-Bundesrätin Simonetta Sommaruga, the Asylchef Mario Gattiker (Mitte) and the Berater Vincenzo Mascioli (left) are the Thiopian Hauptstadt Addis Ababa in 2015.

Dominic Steinmann / Keystone

When the Justizminister is promoted by the government to the SEM in 2017, the criticism is praised: Mascioli will be chosen for their loyalty, not for their professional quality. I think it is a einstigem Lehrer die Führungserfahrung. The SVP Nationalrätin Barbara Steinemann proposed the fragmentation in parliament: «How is the lord of the judicial and political parties one of the relatives of the internal department of the departments involved?»

«Incompetent Anfänger»

It’s Vincenzo Mascioli for a man of civil politics in the Bundeshaus, a rotten Tuch. If you are in a situation of the State Political Commission of National Tariffs, it is true that a asylfragen-kümmert is. The protocol of the sitzung contains the Zeitung vor. It is a fierce statement from the SEM representative with the Mitte-Präsidenten Gerhard Pfister and the SVP National Council Gregor Rutz another.

The Sitzung will be found in the Bundeshaus in April 2024. It is one of the forerunners of the FDP, which is implementing the transition. The idea: Switzerland has accepted asylum seekers in Eritrea into a Transitland in its Homeland.

Mascioli verucht de Mitgliedern der Kommission zu erklären, warum ein Transitabkommen nichts kosten (Eritrea nehme keine Landsleute zurück, egal, sie kämen). Much criticism of the Votum of the Ständerat, the Vorstoss-zugestimmt hat. There would be a debate that “could go a little differently”. If the woman is immune, it may not be obvious that this is a problem. The fact that it is the case that the national interest has fallen “a foundation and a separation” has come to an end.

The Nationalräte empfinden dies attacked as an unannounced Belehrung. They respond promptly. The SVP National Council Gregor Rutz told Mascioli: “If you take a position, it is not that it is good, but it is absolutely impossible. If you make a report, the transit is no longer possible. (… ) Was wollen Sie eigentlich? Is my Botschaft one of the things I have done?»

Then it was said: “If you can no longer listen, you can have a bitter experience. I can’t wait to hear more about it. Provide left and right Vorschläge. If it goes completely well, it may not be in a leadership role. Sagen Sie uns bitte, was funktioniert. If you feel like this is the state of affairs, it is absolutely not possible.”

Rutz is not one of the things in the sitzungszimmer, it is an energetic Mascioli. The central president Gerhard Pfister reports: «I am part of the Eindruck von Herrn Rutz. I think that the Rutz council and I will remain in the migration file longer if that is the case. I discovered that Ihren Versuch, an incompetent Anfänger, was a limitless one. If the world itself is found limitless, a Bundesrat will thus harden.”

It’s a disinterested voice. Auf Anfrage stopped the SVP politician Rutz and a Kritik festival with the blessing. There is a problem, the Mascioli is a new Asylchef trade. ‘Vincenzo Mascioli? Um Himmel’s will. I’m happy, that’s not a good thing.” The sitzungen are generally unreliable. “A few fragments can often yield few answers.” A certain file knowledge must be done with an Amtsdirektor-voraussetzen. And: The asylum chief had a very good photo of the SP Bundesraad Jans, was not with Mascioli politically in the autumn.

Other bourgeois commissioners of the FDP National Council Christian Wasserfallen saw it differently: «Vincenzo Mascioli may have a bad Botschaften-überbringen, but that is not complete. Aber auf mikracht is een sachlichen Eindruck.»

Justice Minister Beat Jans is divorced, but the person is the Bundesrat zur Wahl vorschlägt. Mascioli were a risky law for social democracy. If Jans is a so-called tactier, then the right rat is no longer able to generate the will. With the Wahl von Mascioli würde there fell Angriffsfläche beets.

Mascioli will not be able to make use of it again. If one of the political leaders puts an end to the zukünftige asylum chief or the zukünftige asylum chief in major reform orders.

Wanted: a second “Super Mario”

The criticism of the Swiss Asylpolitik would no longer exist. Linke and Hilfswerk are generally skeptical about the State Secretariat for Migration. View the SEM of the «system», the flüchtlinge is suitable.

Law and civil are the yards of the Beamten who ensure that Ausländer and Wirtschaftsmigrants can make an effort. SVP and FDP quickly provide advice on a cardiac asylum system. Is the SEM-erklärt, die low sei im Moment-spannnter as erwartet? It interests you.

The new chef must let go of this critical criticism – and ask the SEM questions before the beef 1650. Denn these lead under the negative Ruf. Under the fallen labor. In addition to the renewed war, the phase after the beginning of the Ukraine-Krieges fell, as the inner Zeit Zehntausende Ukrainians in the Schweiz War.

A Dolmetscherin, who was in favor of the SEM worker, said: ‘At that time it will soon be time to übersetzen the Tag, auch am Wochenende. Very war for me, you see, who were treated unfairly by people from the Ukraine and refugees from other countries. Irgendwann konnte ich nicht more.» Heute übersetzt de Frau nur noch ab en zu für das SEM.

If it is not even so, part of the Arbeit-leidet dies, with an ominous look, the years in the SEM during the fire. Make sure you can find the Arbeitsbelastung as such. You can no longer wait with the waiters if the befragung lasts three years. Christine Schraner’s deposed state secretary does not pay specific attention to his existence in SEM.

Social democracy has earned Ruf a diplomatic diploma in the state secretariat. I think I have seen the Zeit als Uno-Sondergesandte in Myanmar, heisst es. Was the Spitzendiplomatijn later: the Knochenarbeit an der Front. The skilled Asylchef must have won the Vertrauen der Kantone. A Kommunikator starts under his leadership. A communal settlement must be done and the population is resolved, resulting in a new asylum center being established in his dormitory.

It is a good political gesture, charisma and a clear bottom. Our asylum police would leave a civilian person in the hospital, who does not have any flight in the central center. If the Findungskommission makes a mistake, candidates can agree.

Fast American parliamentarians of the evil Secretary of State Mario Gattiker, who quickly gain insight into the SEM war for a year. As an established lawyer, Obwohler is a Hilfswerk with a link between Umfeld and his colleague from the SP Bundesraad Simonetta Sommaruga, who is in love with his pragmatic art, which is bourgeois for the überzeugen.

Mario Gattiker plays in the Bundesbern with the Super Mario title. Von einem Solchen Ruf ist Vincenzo Mascioli weit ferntfernt. The previous processing of the Vertrauten of Sommaruga is coarse. The Bundesrat will go over the heiklen Entscheid in the next Week Fallen.

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