
Insolvency Flut in Germany: “Die Politik ist gefragt”

Insolvency Flut in Germany: “Die Politik ist gefragt”

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Auch im Year 2024 hat de Anzahl der Unternehmensinsolvenzen grim Zugenommen. Other people have to register in the letzten competition – and this is what happens, but we will not follow further.

Berlin – Auch weg der Konjunkturflaute gibt is meer Firmenpleiten in Deutschland. The rules for solving problems will be set at 13.7 percent in September, with the Federal Statistical Office in the Freitag (October 11) mediocre. “With the date of June 2024 (+6.3 Prozent), the interest rate is on June 2023 in the summer of 2023.” This anträge only appears in the statistical data after the first separation of the bankruptcy courts. In a number of cases, the number of bankruptcies may fall back to the next three months. “We will continue to enjoy better economics in the German economy,” says Mittelstandsexpert Marc Evers of the German Industry and Trade Chamber (DIHK).

20,000 Unternehmensinsolvenzen 2024: “Here is the political issue”

The administrative reports after the end of the treatment in July 1937 found a solution for the debts and 22.1 percent more than in the past. The advances on the glazing layer are aimed at 3.2 billion euros, and then 3.1 billion euros for the first time.

„The End“: Für zehntausende Betriebe went in de last Monaten wirtschaftlich zu Ende.
„The End“: Für zehntausende Betriebe went in de last Monaten wirtschaftlich zu Ende. © Bernd Weißbrod / dpa

“The DIHK has more than 20,000 insolvents in this year,” said Evers. Politics here is fragmented. The structure of the Hemmnisse has high costs and many Bürokratie has reached the Wirtschaft fest im Griff. “Remember that German volume and the future of bankruptcy have been affected.”

Insolvenzverwalter there are no endings Trend: “Gibt auch Entspannung”

The Berufsverband der Insolvenzverwalter und Sachwalter Deutschlands (VID) sees no end to the trend. Some of the costs may still be greater than the large herausforderungen or branches that motorists compare with their large market sales. “A company is different if the construction sector with the most growth and new ideas thinks according to the wishes of the European Central Bank,” said VID chairwoman Christoph Niering.

Bezogen auf 10,000 Firmen gab es im July insgesamt 5,6 Unternehmensinsolvenzen. The most pleasures are on the Wirtschaftsabschnitt Verkehr and Lagerei mit 10.8 Fällen. Danach follows the Baugewerbe with 8.5 Insolvenzen and the sonstigen wirtschaftlichen Dienstleistungen – etwa Zeitarbeitsfirmen – with 7.9 Fallen as well as the Gastgewerbe with 7.2 Insolvenzen je 10,000 Firmen. Derweil remained at 18 Prozent at 6,690 on an annual basis at the corporate solvency date in July. (reuters, lf)