
Vorverkauf für Viennale startedet –

Vorverkauf für Viennale startedet –

The Vorverkauf was released at 10:00 am. Tickets can be purchased in the Vienna webshop, by telephone and at the presales in horticulture. Large numbers of Andrang Wartenummern will be used.

The warteschlangen see here in the past and years have become, erzählt man in the Viennese print. Der Grund sei, dass immer mehr Menschen ihre Tickets by telephone and for all online purchases. Einige würden is one of the many offers on the market – also in the Warteschlange stand and in parallel via Webshop and Telefon.

Wartenummern für Restkarten kor vorstellungsbeginn

Ausverkaufte Vorstellungen since bei der Viennale keine Seltenheit. For the “big” film you can buy tickets at the kürzester Zeit. A manchmal gibt is not yet a chance of spontaneous: 30 minutes before the start of the jewelry forecast is a war number for other remaining tickets. It will be a task to use an unabashed press and trade association for the free sale.

Not all films are so popular in the Viennese press – and appealed, they will try. However, these tickets often disappear as quickly as expected.

Ticket price who in Vorjahr

I visited Vienna’s 75,000 Kinobesucherinnen and -besucher, while 14,000 were as Gäste at Rahmen events. Because the program is getting smaller, the Rahmen program is a lot smaller. The ticket price you get in advance is 10.50 euros for a regular single ticket.

Krisenfilme and Festival winner

“It’s a great film that addresses these internationals,” says the Viennese director Eva Sangiorgi of the program. If we see the Russian anger against Ukraine’s women with films, the reflection on the post-host conflict started with “A Fidai Film” by Kamal Aljafari. Other work takes place at the level of the environment in the center.

Aber auch die großen Winner of the abgelaufenen Festspielsaison since auf der Viennale present. So it is the Tragikomödie “Anora” by Sean Bakers, winner of the Palme d’Or in Cannes, that he saw. The best Venedig-Löwen winner was “The Room Next Door”, the first English project by Altmeister Pedro Almodóvar. Abschlussfilm is the documentary film “Dahomey” about the colonial Raubkunst by director Mati Diop, at the Berlinale with the Golden Bars from that time.

Festival center in Metro Kinokulturhaus

A regional film is of course in the programme. The film “Mond”, which received the larger jury prize in Locarno, is viewed by the rot-weiß-rote Fraktion von Kurdwin Ayub’s two-item film “Mond”.

The Metro Kinokulturhaus serves as the new festival center. Under the title “Zentralino”, he occupied the 2nd stock of historic buildings in the Innenstadt. Here you will find the moderate Gespräche, Diskussionsrunden and Meisterklassestatt. Abseits of the Kino programs are those of the Viennese Parties – in the Opera Club, in the Praterstraße and in Flex.