
EUR/USD chart analysis and forecasts for the new week #42

EUR/USD chart analysis and forecasts for the new week #42

Analyze with a letzten Kurs von 1.0935

Once you are on the beach, you can make the best choices for personal development and carry out a choice from the wahrscheinlichtsten course for the jewelry time period.

Forecast for Montag

In the progress we have made with the EUR/USD investments, spending in the July period has been good and smooth. While you lie about Deckel now, you know there is more Schwäche. If you start in the morning, the focus is on the previous situation, where a psychologically relevant run from Mark lies and enables a propping issue.

Mögliche Tagesspanne: 1.0890 to 1.0960

EURUSD Stunden Chart

Nächste Widerstände: 1.0948 = Julihoch | 1.0997 = Voorwochenhoch | 1.1002 = Septembertief | 1.1046 = Januarch
Quantity Unterstützungen: 1.0900 = Prewochentief | 1.0777 = Augustusstep
GD20 (standard): 1.0938

EUR/USD Service Day Forecast

In the chart analysis you will find the duration of the analysis at July high, weitere Schwäche after that seehen. The start of work begins with 1,085 days of Ziel’s employment. Alternatively, there are more than 1,095 reports of late-night movements (Trendumkehr-Szenario).

Mögliche Tagesspanne: 1.0850 to 1.0930 alternative 1.0910 to 1.0980

EUR/USD Forecast for this week

Provide an overview of the EUR/USD information about the best Verlustserie on the 200-Tage-Durchschnitt. Here is a rationale for signage for erwarten. If one of the direct sources of the Kurs is a strong verkaufswelle mountain, in that autumn where the 1.078er-Bereich is the possible Kursziel.

Mögliche Wochenspanne: 1.0830 to 1.0960

GD20: 1.1072 GD50: 1.1057 GD200: 1.0873

EURUSD Tag Chart

EUR/USD Forecast for the next week

In the previous situation, the situation could arise after the 200-day line. It is a bruch driven by the extraordinary trend, having a great time and on the souls of August-Tief. If you have performed a recrystallization, there was a retest of the 1.105er-Bereichs wahrscheinlich.

Mögliche Wochenspanne: 1.0850 to 1.0980 alternative 1.0780 to 1.0910

Die Borsenterm for the next day:

Service day
11:05 Uhr Deutschland ZEW Konjunkturerwartungen
11:00 Uhr Eurozone Verbraucherpreisindex
2:15 & 2:45 PM Zinsentscheid der EZB & Press conference
2:30 PM VS Einzelhandelsumsätze & Arbeitsmarktdaten
5:00 PM Rohöllagerbestände

Dear Grüße and good Trades,
Christian Mohrer