
Please note that Remscheid responds urgently!

Please note that Remscheid responds urgently!

Vorfall Sperrung der Zufahrt zur Eschbachtalsperre
Date 07.10.2024
Ort Eschbachtalsperre, Serways Hotel Remscheid, Mebusmühle
Ursache Traffic Regulations by Autobahn GmbH

The Zufahrt zur Eschbachtalsperre in Remscheid took care of the time for dissolution: Am 7. October hob the Autobahn GmbH the Anliegerbefreiung for the Zugang zum believ Naherholungsgebiet auf, was fierce protest among the Anwohnern and Spaziergängern auslöste. The city’s central government responds to a new resolution and adopts a resolution, which must take all joint measures, the regulations for the overhaul and the adjustments that are necessary. “Man is still not cured, because the situation was so severe that the situation surrounding the Corona pandemic was so heavy,” said SPD Bezirksbürgermeister Stefan Grote.

If those affected no longer have a spazer, then there is a problem at the Serways Hotel and other local businesses, which have been negatively affected. Trotz der Proteste blieb die Zufahrt für PKWs zunächst perrt; Fußgänger können jedoch weiterhin de Wegänzen. The urban sprawl is no longer under Druck, there is a loss that you can find, one of the beliefs that you can take flight. For additional information on these topics, the active message can be viewed at

Ort des Geschehens