
A new opportunity for young film makers

A new opportunity for young film makers

Der Verein Liberas aps hat zammen mit der Stiftung Campania Welfare I am Parco San Laise die in Bagnoli Masterclass FacciAmoCinema ins Leben geufen, een Ausbildungs- und Berufsweg, der von Meister Pino Sondelli Gelitet und von der Präsidentin Maria Grazia Siciliano controlled and coordinated. There is a young person who is interested in the Kino’s interest.

A personalizable study path that illuminates the Schüler understanding, a comprehensive and constructive approach to learning the various methods and basic techniques of the interpretive phase in the film world. The Studium is a text, the Studium of the Figures, the Einsatz of the Sprache: the Körpers and the Stimme. When the studies are concerned with simplifying and expanding the quality of education, then the technical and creative turmoil of the schüler is possible, which your excessive representation bereichern and erweitern mag, unerlässlich sind.

Pino Sondelli was sister with the Dozentinnen Chiara Macor and Daniela Mancini the young Schauspielern an intensive psychophysical Vorbereitung and the Study Project with the Realization of a Kurz films von higher Professionalität abschließen. Konkret wird dieser Kurzfilm, zmindest teilweise, in den Campi Flegrei Gedreht, one of the great offers of the Premio Corto Flegreo, the international film festival of Campi Flegrei, teilzunehmen, what a platform for young people in search of art.

The information

For registration: 388 3613264

Email: [email protected]