
Schweitzer gets a job worth 1,000 euros for long-term losses

Schweitzer gets a job worth 1,000 euros for long-term losses

Seit Tagen is included in the SPD by the Federal Government, which introduces a long-term job bonus, but loses in dispute. Even if the Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Schweitzer can accept the mass.

“The soul is right, people from the long-term carelessness of the people, the support for the future,” said Alexander Schweitzer in the Vorfeld der SPD-Vorstandsklausur in Berlin. If you choose failure, the long run will yield a great qualification or qualification. Often people who are ill are affected or affected by other people. “Here we want to know,” says Schweitzer.

Schweitzer: Prämie ist Zumutung für hart Beitende

A “Hintern-Hoch-Prämie” is intended for all people, the heart, a sister, so the Prime Minister. Hinzu komme: In de vergangen zehn Jahren seien zwar in der Gesamtwirtschaft 15 Prozent mehr Jobs entstanden, aber nur zwei Prozent im verarbeitenden Gewerbe, das voor de Arbeidsmarkt in Deutschland een zentrale Rolle spiele. “The SPD could pursue an industrial policy strategy.”

The Ampel Coalition's plans for financial financing can be criticized.

New Rules for Citizen Money
Criticism of an “Anschubfinanzierung” of 1,000 Euro

Losing 1,000 Euro Prämie for the long term, if you have a working relationship for a year – that Ampel Coalition’s plan does not benefit everyone. From an “Unding”…

The SPD, the Greens and the FDP get the Bundescabinet that wants to lose all the time, which could lose more than 1,000 euros in a socially responsible work environment. Die Regelung soll zum 1. January 2025 in Kraft paper. Unterstützt would be the so-called Anschubfinanzierung of Federal Minister Robert Habeck (Grüne). There is a “working method” and a “pragmatic” approach. If I were to receive 100,000 people from the Arbeitslosigkeit.

Scholz skeptical, Klingbeil and Nahles able

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has a skeptical attitude. SPD Federal Chief Lars Klingbeil issued a false Action and attempted to prevent the Bundestag of the Beschluss from cooperating. This was the former Federal Agency for Labor and the SPD leader Andrea Nahles mentioned here criticized the previous one. “This Prämie brauchen wir nicht, um unseren Job zu machen”, he said in an interview with the “Wirtschaftswoche”. “Was we brauchen, ist, dass die Politik in Ruhe arbeiten lässt.”