
Dinopark Teufelsschlucht: Gäste können Hinweise auf Dinos

Dinopark Teufelsschlucht: Gäste können Hinweise auf Dinos

Is it a real dinosaur fossil that has been discovered? The scientists are now scientists and paleontologists. There is a good chance in the Dinosaurier Park near Ernzen in the Eifel.

We were in the Dinosaurierpark Teufelsschlucht in Ernzen läuft, starting in the Verdingenheit. The widest range of dinosaur models in the park, with information tables, can be used to learn more about the animals and about 620 million years of history. This is an Art Free Museum that will take other paths.

Wissenschaft zum Mitmachen heißt the Motto and thus setzt the Park with a new Research project name “Trias Lab” on the Mitarbeit der Guest. It is possible that you can find the Saurier fossil. Wer dabei aber ganze Skelette thinks, lies falsely, explains Paläontologin Lea Numberger-Thuy.

Millimeter-sized fossils

If you are in the Paleo-Lab, there are cabinet building cabinets in the Parks Forschungsstation that have not been used. While you see a square cupboard, lie in the small Gesteinsproben, which reminds you of a large Sandkörner. If you look at the millimeter-sized display on a black surface and see a piece of art, this is the binoculars. Dadurch became the Körner a zehn bis zwanzigfache enlarged.

When you notice a large amount of food, it is so easy to recognize, lose and measure it.

“Das Tolle an dem Material ist, dass alles, was organic ist, dunkel ist and alles was Stein ist hell,” says Lea-Numberger-Thuy. There are no small pins and see the dunklen article coming out of the Gesteinsprobe. “If you have a big question, you can just accept it, let it go and deal with it,” says paleontology.

Is it a real dinosaur fossil that has been discovered? The scientists are now scientists and paleontologists. The Chance Spuren von Dinos is found in the Dinosaurier Park near Ernzen in the Eifel.

The test probe passes under the lupe, penetrating organic anteils. The well-founded microfossils were then listed and the best of the samples could be made.


Gäste können Reste von Urzeit-Tieren

Make sure you get the chance to try out the Dino Parks. Once you find the Earth’s core, it’s a way to finance microfossils. There’s a problem with the rest of the time. This could be a small part of Saurier or Haizähnen, Knochenfragment or Fischschuppen trade. Look at the Nachweise von Dinosauriern. These microfossils are quickly in the hands of Dino-Skelett.

“If you find a Dinosaur, you will find a Dinosaur. If you find different microfossils in the Gesteinsprobes, you can find the animals in different groups of fossils and you can see the collection of animals in millions of years of reconstructions and in addition to a small view in the harmful environmental wharves”.


In the Dinopark in Ernzen (Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm) you will find a museum for your Urzeitforschung in the coming years.

Grabungen für Herbst planted
Dino Park in the Eifel: Auf der Suche nach Echten Sauriern

You can view the models of dinosaurs in the dinosaur park. But schon bare sollen große and small Forscher themselves on fossils such as gehen.

SWR4 RP tomorrow

SWR4 Rhineland-Palatinate

Consider the Tierwelt for 210 million years

The financing of the business financing was then done, cleared and made public on the internet. If the Grundlage serves Studien, there is a good picture of the life that a world of Wirbeltiere offers in the time of the waiters Trias – also for about 210 million years – in South American time.

We will find the first dinosaur in Rhineland-Palatinate. It’s mega.

Dinopark leader Bruno Zwank presented a different, but clear Hoffnung in his project: “I can’t help it if you say that it is the first dinosaur you can find in Rhineland-Palatinate. It is mega.”


Platz 3, Fischsaurier: The Stenopterygius who is as beautiful as a Delfin, war over a Wassersaurier. Gefunden wurde dieses Fossil in Dudelange in Luxembourg. It is the Saurier skeleton in the Dino Park in Ernzen. It is in a display case in Paläo-Labor.

Saurier, Skorpione and Fische
➡️The 7 most exciting fossil foundations in the Trier region

In the region run in Trier and Luxembourg, a dinosaur and other pastimes are discovered, which man can view in museums. Here’s a little Auswahl.

Forschen and Wissen are different

It is interesting to meet and bond with guests, stop Parkleiter and Paleontology for a tolle and what weighty Sache. It is not the case that the Parks can be reichern, without having to serve it, without knowing it. Paläontology Lea-Numberger-Thuy says that it is true that the Begeisterung for my Job and the fascination for Microfossils with the Guest can be shared.

If the children or the years afterwards were, it wasn’t like a world is lost, it’s one of the most fascinating things there is.’

“If you know the dinosaur skeleton, Mikrofossilien knows that it is a rum. When the children or adults see, it was not for a world, it was a little more exciting than tatsächlich. “

Project läuft während der Herbstferien

On October 13, Nachwuchs-Forscher was able to celebrate the Jahren das Ganze. The project starts between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the Research Station of the Paleo-Labs. Registration is not compulsory, registration is free of charge. The Fortschritt and the major projects can regularly be found on the Internet at messages.