
Top Tech deals for investments in October 2024

Top Tech deals for investments in October 2024

Is your new webinar a thing of the past? Mike Seidl, investment expert from the Investor School, has seen the ProPicks Strategy Tech Stars, which has outperformed the S&P 500 by über 1500% over the last 10 years! In addition, the fresh October Picks dieser Strategy on Herz and Kidneys were tried.

If you fall during the webinar, you won’t be stressed! I can watch the entire show in the Aufzeichnung ansehen. Fell Spaß dabei!

The ProPicks World

ProPicks offers a new strategy for all markets, woolen markets and that’s fine for beef 8 Euro in Monat! Kein ends the research longer, but here he comes up to 80 years ago through active companies thanks to expert intelligence. If the subjective part of the Aktienauswahl occurs, the goal is likely.

The topic of the activity is that there is a risk if the compass is left – man can no longer leave his body and get into trouble. Statt auf felsenfeste analyzes and objective critiques op de setzen, sich subjective entscheidungen oft von Emotionen, Vorlieben or Meinungen leiten. But in the Börsenwelt the rationality of the Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Subjectively Urteile mountains that Gefahr, dass Anleger aufgrund von Fehleinschätzungen or der Emotions in unsichere Gewässer segeln and finanzielle Schiffbrüche erleid. It is incomprehensible that the purpose of business is to carry out analysis methods, one of the potential investments that you can make and that you want to see in a certain way.

It can happen here ProPicks Strategy in the overview:

ProPicks - InvestingPro
Quelle: InvestingPro

Zahlen, Zahlen, Zahlen

With 15 choices to make, you can take a look at the Tech Stars strategy in recent years a return of +1860% is achieved – that is +1559% more than the US-Leitindex S&P 500.

Consider the graphics for the performance of the Tech Stars Strategy and:

Tech Stars - ProPicks
Quelle: InvestPro

An investment of 10,000 euros for one year that required 196,000 euros!

Lust druf, zu sehen, was unsere KI für Oktober ausgesucht hat? Dann has found a new ProPicks! Schluss mit endlosem Recherchieren, last us in the Überholspur wechseln! Click here and vergesst nicht, the Rabatt Code “INVESTMENT SCHOOL“Einzugeben.

Was ProPicks’ power so strange?

There is an unreliable ProPicks strategy in perfect harmony with AI technology and human-centric solutions. This synergy is a fact, which can be identified with excessive cutting techniques – a true Geheimwaffe en der Börse!

Our major analyzes of the AI ​​model have produced historical financial data, an action that is not included in the category, but some performance assessments that are sweet. The Datenbank has a financing date for 25 years and more than 50 financing data from Tausenden Unternehmen in verschiedene Sectors. These data estimates are based on the weight analysis of the financing and possibly a price analysis of the Aktien-Performance.

Take a closer look at the financial aspects and factors below:

  • Harmonized Finanzabschlüsse
  • Trading multiples
  • Momentum Indicators
  • Asset Efficiency and Nutzung
  • Rentability trends
  • Debt and Liquidity Analysis
  • Unternehmensaktivitäten
  • Industry data

Der Blick on this factory tower gives a positive price to the action for our ProPicks strategies, which can deliver a profitable display over time.

That’s Best Daran? All investments in the strategies are transparent in the listening version, it was one of the most successful portfolios with full control.

Einzelwerte - Tech stars

Der Weg zur Perfection: Methodik im Überblick

1. Datenerfassung: More than 25 years ago, Tausenden van Unternehmen’s financings were thoroughly organized and sold.

2. Datumaufreitung: Historical data were processed with enhanced written tools. Learning methods were developed and used to improve quality control.

3. AI Model Training: The dynamic AI model is trained on Google (NASDAQ:) Vertex (NASDAQ:) AI platform and continuously activated with new data.

4. Dating analysis: The model is based on the Kennzeichen van Aktien, based on financial knowledge, one of the ProPicks strategies for setting.

5. Backtesting: The strategies became intensive backtesting, a historic achievement that is appreciated.

Zum Monatsende finds a rebalancing for all strategies – a fine adjustment, after the strategies and the new data, will provide an optimal representation of your assets and the best representation of them.

Aber das is not everything. Das A&O is risk management. Jeder, the trading market is one of the tools you can use to clear of course, which is a risky solution for strategies that are a waste in the first place. Zur the risks of risks have made their risk management strategy very good. You can use the beta for your sharp ratio, sort ratio and maximum drawdown strategy. Here in German, the risk management is serious and transparent. Eure Sicherheit is one of the first Stelle.

  • Beta: The beta large company is a strong company or a portfolio in the market on the market (z. B. dem S&P 500) at work. A beta of 1 woman, who has the Action or the Portfolio, is a strong player on the market. A Beta has 1 failure in one of the most noticeable Schwan-kungen, while a Beta has 1 or a small Schwan-kungen-hinweist.
  • Sharp ratio: The sharp ratio is a Risiko-Rendite-Maß, it is likely that a Rendite will be displayed in the display of your Risiko. Je hoher de Sharpe Ratio, desto besser das Verhältnis von Rendite zu Risiko. If you are aware, you reimburse the interest you risk freeing up by getting the volatility of the anlage.
  • Sortino ratio: The sort ratio is a risk-reward mass, just like the sharp ratio. If you don’t know which is best, the sort ratio is now negative as a risk effect. You can see the display in the display of an “unerwünschten” risk (absolutely volatile) and make a difference in the risks in the display of the sharp ratio.
  • Maximum Drawdown: The maximum drawdown lacks the greatest pleasure, an approach from the high position to the lowest position erlitten hat, before he or she erholt hat. It is a great portfolio that is a best time period and a lost cause. A smaller maximum Drawdown said the portfolio would make a bigger profit.

So look at the Ganze in our ProPicks version:

Risikokennzahlen Tech Stars

High profile fragments (FAQ)

1. Who is often used to develop the ProPicks strategy? All the strategies on “The Best of Buffett” simply executed and promoted a restoration of equilibrium. You will be informed within an hour by e-mail and a separate article about the jewelry strategies.

2. What data was used for the analysis? We have more information about 25 years of financial dating and over 50 financial knowledge of the future of different sectors. The Rohdaten come from S&P Global.

3. Warum ist a cumbersome datensatz foutorderlich? A large number of data are adjusted to the weight of the weights, thereby obtaining and multiplying financial knowledge.

4. Is ProPicks an option? Yes, ProPicks is for a wide range of problem solutions. The clear structure and the passage mechanisms are a matter of reinforcement and nutzen, which cannot be carried out at a certain level.

5. What is the function of backtesting at ProPicks? Backtesting at ProPicks is a study on historical data, one in turn, who has the strategy in different market conditions. Die schafft Transparenz und Vertrauen in de Leistung der Strategien.

6. Who became active? The Auswahl of the Aktien is based on an intelligent combination of AI Technology and human-oriented Fachwissen. Historical financial data and performance were carefully analyzed, a comprehensive analysis strategy to identify.

Double profitable

ProPicks is the part of the investment investmentsPro-Angebots ist. If you no longer want to use the ProPicks strategy, you can use one of the key tools and resources that made this journey and the trade show at the highest level.

If we pay 8 euros a month, a whole of Arsenal and important instruments that European investment strategy are used at a new level:

  • ProTips: Complex financial data was collected over time, causing information to become confiscated.
  • Fair Value Assessments: There are more than 15 financial models available in the Sekundenschnelle de wahren Wert een Aktie.
  • Professional screener: Findet de best Aktien nach Euren Erwartungen.
  • Professional portfolios: Insights into the portfolios of Starinvestoren at Buffett & Co.
  • Finanzdaten für Tausende von Aktien: Take your pick and provide one of the unanswered questions about the details of the financial data.

And that’s not all! In Kürze there were more innovative services, which were further improved with InvestingPro.

Click on the Link and also with the Rabatt code “INVESTMENT SCHOOL” 10% discount for the 1st and 2nd year packages. Enjoy your time!

To settle

Hinweis: If you want to know that this is the case, the text is supposed to be one of the following. The previous KI-gestützten Aktienempfehlungen and ProPicks strategies were in Zusammenhang with a service leistung präsentiert. It is not the case that all investments involving risky matters have undergone their own investigation before problems arise.