
BB for Ort Sautens: The last day Baumwärter

BB for Ort Sautens: The last day Baumwärter

The OGV Ötztal looks like a platform and a launch kit for all fragments in nature in the garden, on the balcony, in the water house or in the winter garden.

SAUTENS. Es ist Herbstzeit. The best time of the year is the autumn. The fact is that the professional time of the year has started, while the Herbstzeit is probably Erntezeit. Speziell both SchnapsbrennernWhile things are not going well in Sautens, a Pongert would be abgeerntet after the others. Danach would die Früchte eengemeischt and später zu Schnaps gebrannt.

The origins of the Tiroler Schnapsbrenner tradition are in the progress of the Ötztal and the Obst- und Gartenbauverein entstanden. He plays on the life of the entire Oetztal and is also thematically shaped by its emancipation, we are self-sufficient in the higher layers of the garden which becomes more interesting“, erzählt OGV Ötztal-Obmann Thomas Parthder himself a Pongert in the seiner Heimatgemeinde Sautens betreibt.

Thank you very much

Gerade first came in Sauten’s tie Gratitude Festival were celebrated. Neben Orts and Jungbauern anyway Imkern they were always present Schnapsbrenner Sabine and Manni Hackl and die Winzer Barbara and Markus Strigl. With music, music from Essen and a good life, Huangart can experience the realm in the field and the garden.

If you have rights, you have more power so that a garden becomes an Arbeit. Vom Baumschnitt enjoy the vegetation-free season in winter Umstechen des Gartens, das in die Zeit heiß heiß discutiert wird and more more in the Fashion come, über die Garden care I’m summer bis hin zur Ernte.

Photo: OGV Ötztal

Der Obst- und Gartenbauverein (OGV) Ötztal Begleitet seine Mitglieder during the combined garden. Tips and tricks zum Pflanzenschutz im Beet, zur Baumoder Sträucherpflege or the Rezept for „Nuisschmalz“: Durchs Reason kommen die Leute zuammen.
The OGV Ötztal looks like this Platform and landing stage for all fragments of nature in the garden, on the balcony, in the Gewächshaus or in the Winter Garden. At veranstaltungen, wie zB at divers Baumoder Rebschnittkursen find themselves interesting, to be honest.

Experts vom “Green Tyrol“, dem Landesverband, stets met Rat en Tat zur Seite en geben in Vorträgen or Praxisveranstaltungen ihr Know How further. We are concerned about the outcome of the (Garten-)Wissen geht, liegt or die Unterstützung der Volksschule in Oetz auf der Hand. Dare to go into the Frühjahr der OGV Ötztal Pflanzenspende became active.

In June, the Oetzer Volksschüler was able to enjoy new bepflanzen during an edition of the OGV-Ötztal. | Photo: OGV Ötztal

Um Wissen was initially more interested in the fact that the man himself aroused Fachwissen. The Tyrolean Baumwarterkurs In the Klostergarten der Kreuzschwestern in Hall is the fundamental foundation of everything, it was more intensive with the Obstanbau beschäftige wollen. A few years ago the module was completed and ended with the module Baumwärter-Prüfungdie also as Berufsberechtigung vergild. Der Obst- und Gartenbauverein Ötztal hat bereits more Mitglieder in seinen Reihen, diese fundierte Ausbildung genossen haben. „This is the kind of thing the next Baumwärterin or the next Baumwärter in the Ötztal are doing“, dear Part: „It is certain that you want to take out a loan – on the financial nature – in this way. Were interested: Please let us know if you are interested!

It is not that the OGV Ötztal is a meeting place for all generations and garden friends. Vorträge, Curse, Excursionen and many other benefits that come from living in nature in the garden. Who is plötzlich Weinbau in the Ötztal possible? Was power a good thing Schnapsbrenner aus? Who sighed? Tomatoes in the Meinem Garden? In the Upper and Gartenbauverein Ötztal, all Hobbygartlers from Sautens über Oetz, Umhausen, Längenfeld bis Sölden are welcome.

Mitgliederanzahl: 118
Contact: [email protected]
Telephone: 0650/7504111
Obmann: Thomas Parth, Sautens
Obm-Stv.: Agnes Frischmann, Umhausen
Obm-Stv.: Bernhard Fischer, Oetz